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which planet/race would you choose?

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    which planet/race would you choose?

    in my opinion.. i choose earth and as a human.. seriously.. even if other races have such advanced technology i can never choose a race and planet that doesn't seem to be able to do much.. like what would the asgards and other advance race do in their spare time.. for us.. we have freedom to play sports, computers, freedom to choose many different careers.. in north america.. can any of you live without hockey or basketball.. i mean sure it be fun beaming around places, and flying a ship around.. however though like the asgards they don't beam or fly ships for fun.. its only to be used when needed... what about you guys?

    Choose to Live on? Choose to be a part of? Choose to Be born to?

    yeah freedom and all that is Cool and Nice, But I have to admit I wouldn't mind having a happy flashy spaceship of my own to go flitting about the galaxy in. or heck..Just give me a ha'tak and let me park it in my back yard. if the neighbors complain I'll bomb them with it.


      You do have a point. All the called advanced races do is work, they don't understand relaxation and entertainment. Even the ancients were that way.
      Religion and science are the same both explain Gods work.


        exactly.. i wouldn't want to work everyday of my life.. i would want to watch shows like stargate hahaha.. go out to drink with friends


          Not at all...they never did tell us which advanced race the Go'auld stole the device that they used as a opium den in the episode "the Light". Somebody out there knew how to get all happy and relax.


            Just because we tend to see the more advanced races working all the time doesn´t mean that they actually work all the time. Perhaps when they aren´t hanging out with sg-1 they like to kick back and go party


              Originally posted by Wyrminarrd
              Just because we tend to see the more advanced races working all the time doesn´t mean that they actually work all the time. Perhaps when they aren´t hanging out with sg-1 they like to kick back and go party
              The Goa'uld look like a race that was steeped in decadence for so long, they were driven to conquest by sheer boredom.

              The Nox seem to have a pretty idyllic life, except for the hair.

              The Asgard really know how to party, as evidenced by the Asgards Gone Wild! video series.

              But the Ascended should have the most fun...
              I mean, they worked so long and hard to achieve enlightenment.
              They can't be so uptight that they don't mess with people...even just a little.

              Oh, c'mon! Just a little harmless fun.

              1.) Find the most overbearing person...someone who really deserves to be messed with....then speak directly to him so that only he can hear you.

              2.) Say something cryptic and nonsensical to get his imagination going.
              "Only those that do not speak truth can show you the true path. Listen to
              their lies so you may walk upon the path of truth."

              3.) Sing the lyrics to some heavy metal songs during his normal sleeping hours.

              4.) Try to engage him in lively debate in front of other people.

              5.) Sit on the hood of his car and wave to him when he drives.

              Let'em really know you're there!

              Technically, you're not breaking the rules, you're just being social. If he suffers a nervous breakdown or severe life-threatening injuries, it's not your fault he wasn't enlightened enough to cope.
              Last edited by Deputy-Assistant-Second-Prime; 06 August 2005, 07:04 PM.


                Personally I would choose to be Ascended, that way you could live out your life as a human then when you get to old and decrepit you could ascend and everything old is new again. Sure beats being dead and buried or cremated
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  The Land of the Light looks preety cool

                  if i was to choose any advanced race to be part of it but be the Hebridans there just like us only abit more advanced.
                  Daniel: Their whole world is in flames - and we're offering them gasoline. How does that help?
                  Teal'c: We are in fact offering water.
                  Jack O'Neill: Thank you.
                  Daniel: I was speaking metaphorically.
                  Jack O'Neill: Well stop it. It's not fair to Teal'c.


                    thats what i would choose aswell.
                    i just love to give and recieve GREENS

