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Got time? Who Knows ALL things STARGATE??

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    Got time? Who Knows ALL things STARGATE??

    Hi guys & gals...

    I'm a complete newbie to GATEWORLD and loving it , Im really getting into fully bringing out my "geeky" SCI-FI side

    Anyhoo....has anyone heard of any "other" stargate type things like this one below for example. Im sure some of you guys have read, seen or otherwise got hold of this type of stuff...Wondering what your thoughts on it were.....

    I know this sort of thing can be pretty trashy...but what the hey..

    Cheers all,
    Last edited by HorusRa7777; 26 July 2005, 08:41 AM. Reason: Crap Title!!!(I'll get used to this stuff!!)

    welcome to the boards... really quick, we all know alot of things about stargate and ya probably dont need to have the HELP in your title...scared me, thought we had a newbie drowning

    anyway i looked at that link you gave us... no i had never seen anything like looks alot like the original movie of stargate they put out though...
    "A general is only as good as the people he commands."


      Welcome aboard!



        In answer to your question, there are a few books & accompanying material like that - it's not my cup of tea, but if you like watching lectures on DVD that don't actually relate to our Stargate universe, then good for you. But I'd recommend caution when buying anything that isn't authorized by MGM. As long as you're aware of what you're buying, then go ahead:

        This talk is William Henry's first Egypt lecture. He tells the story of Napoleon's search for the secrets of enlightenment in Egypt and reveals the secrets of the Blue Lotus, the primary symbol of ancient Egypt. The pharaohs were masters of light. Their secrets are those controlled by the Illuminati and other secret cabals. William shows how the ancient Egyptians connected with the Field of the Blessed through stargates and wormholes. From Blue Apples to Blue Lotus explores how the Egyptian mystery schools teachings were "cut and pasted" into the Christian tradition. Included is an important discussion of the miracle of turning water into wine as representative of activating our light energy bodies.
        This two-hour lecture is one of William Henry's best. Its premise is that mankind did not originally worship the gods. As in Egypt, they worked for them or work-shipped them. The duty of man was to bring pure food to the gods. In order for the food to be pure those serving it had to be pure themselves, in other words a lower order of gods. William explains that the `work' humanity did for the gods was the Great Work, alchemy. This lecture brings to light new information about alchemy, the human spirit and stargates that is certain to change your view about religion and our relationship with the gods. Includes on-site footage of temple depictions of the gods of Egypt and their technology.
        This third video in the Stargate Discovery series features the discoveries of investigative mythologist William Henry's exploration of the temples of Egypt. Included in this talk is never before published images from Denderah and Abydos presented by William with a unique stargate twist. This talk takes you into the temples as never before.
        Could a mystic Islamic dance reveal the secret of transforming the human body? William Henry taped such a dance and he brings it to you with a 40-minute lecture/commentary. See the Egyptian whirling dervish (meaning "doorway") present what may be the ultimate secret of the gods in this religious dance. This DVD comes with a 100-page booklet of William Henry's latest research on Egypt as well as thoughts and reflections from this May 2004 tour of Egypt. This is not to be missed!
        I seriously doubt Mr. Henry (not a Doctor, eh? Even Daniel Jackson could manange that! ) hasn't heard of Stargate SG-1, though. And I bet he didn't think "Hey, they stole my idea!" - if you know what I mean. But if you want to buy Stargate stuff, go for the SG-1/Atlantis DVDs. I see in America you can get a season box set for under $40 - that's under $2 an hour, compared to over $7 an hour for Mr. Henry's *ahem* gripping entertainment.


          Thanks Hywel !!

          Ive been watching SG since it first started on SKY but never been much of an internet user how did i get by without websites like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



            hey, if you love stargate you'll love this forum!.....which reminds me......i havn't checked for updates!....bye!

            Heru'ur is a God, he will rise and take revenge

