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Alien Weapondry!?

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    Alien Weapondry!?

    Are the Tau'ri the ONLY ones in the the stargate galaxys with the idea to put a scope on their weapons. Or do all the other races just leave it up to soldier accuracy wich, for staff weapons seems to be the first shot hit and the rest just explode around on the ground.

    Now, why don't the Tau'ri just stick a scope on a Zat or staff weapon, so, more accuracy, or would that be insulting the pride of the Jaffa who use the weapons?

    Now Wraith stunners, why no scopes on them? They seem to have the same problems the Jaffa do long range shooting wise, can't hit a moving target for squat.
    Of all the other races in the Galaxy, Just the tau'ri with scopes, even the Tollan didn't have scopes.

    Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.

    But that is how we beat everybody. We have scopes. They don't. If they had scopes then they can shoot us. Now we don't want that.

    Very good analogy.
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      I think the Jaffa in paticular don't have scopes because there Goa'uld masters don't want to be the target of a sniper. Maybe thats why the most skilled Jaffa (like Teal'c) are kept close to there system Lord masters so they can be watched closely and take out foes with targeting accuracy.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        You´d think that it would be the obvious thing to have on your weapons but I´ve very rarely seen sci-fi shows make a lot of sense when it comes to combat.

        Heck, when watching the last star wars movie all I could think during the wookie planet battle was "Why the heck is everyone standing in massed ranks in the open on a beach with the enemy bearing down on them? Hasn´t anyone ever invented artillery in this universe far, far away?"

        With the Jaffa weapons it´s been established that they were designed purely for intimidation and invoking fear in the slaves. The other aliens have no excuse


          Originally posted by Wyrminarrd
          Heck, when watching the last star wars movie all I could think during the wookie planet battle was "Why the heck is everyone standing in massed ranks in the open on a beach with the enemy bearing down on them? Hasn´t anyone ever invented artillery in this universe far, far away?"
          Really? I was thinking: "Why build a barricade if you're just going to jump in front of it when the enemy get close?"

          As far as the Goa'uld go, I agree with The Fifth Race: scopes are used for sharpshooters and sharpshooters take out enemy commanders; the last thing that the Goa'uld want to do is involve themselves in the battle while there are any Jaffa left to die for them.
          Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
          - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


            I think if we were talking about real aliens with the technology in the show then they would have invented something better, scopes, smart ammo and weapons that can't be used by everyone.
            In the stargate universe they just want some cannonfodder, you'll notice all the enemy weapons look very pretty when firing, explosions and colourful lights, none of which is much use if you are using stealth.
            The only bit that bugs me is that when SG members use enemy weapons they suddenly can't miss, maybe its because the jaffa line up in front of them and they can't possiby miss or the enemy training is useless.


              Originally posted by Perriman33
              I think if we were talking about real aliens with the technology in the show then they would have invented something better, scopes, smart ammo and weapons that can't be used by everyone.
              In the stargate universe they just want some cannonfodder, you'll notice all the enemy weapons look very pretty when firing, explosions and colourful lights, none of which is much use if you are using stealth.
              The only bit that bugs me is that when SG members use enemy weapons they suddenly can't miss, maybe its because the jaffa line up in front of them and they can't possiby miss or the enemy training is useless.
              I think that this is a good point. How much research has been performed on earth recently to manufacture weapons that only respond to an authorized user.

              Why not make staff weapons and zats that only respond if the user is Jaffa? It would certainly cut down on those pesky rebellions where the oppressed people steal the weapons of their Jaffa guards and turn them on their masters.


                Originally posted by LiquidBlue
                I think that this is a good point. How much research has been performed on earth recently to manufacture weapons that only respond to an authorized user.

                Why not make staff weapons and zats that only respond if the user is Jaffa? It would certainly cut down on those pesky rebellions where the oppressed people steal the weapons of their Jaffa guards and turn them on their masters.
                That would make a lot of sense, nothing worse then being shot with your own weapon!

                But then again the Goa´uld seemed to pay little attention to small details. Plus to make the weapon theft proff it would have required them being able to believe that people would rise up against them.


                  The Jaffa never faced an enemy with accurate weapons like humans have before. To them, fighting with the staff weapons and zats was good enough and the playing field was pretty much level before we showed up. Besides, their battle tactics often involve a large number of troops advancing together and they just carpet bomb the whole area. The fighting style is not unlike the army tactics from the musket age when hugh formation of men marched together and fired all together. Individually their not all that accurate but together they can do some real damage.


                    Originally posted by LiquidBlue
                    I think that this is a good point. How much research has been performed on earth recently to manufacture weapons that only respond to an authorized user.

                    Why not make staff weapons and zats that only respond if the user is Jaffa? It would certainly cut down on those pesky rebellions where the oppressed people steal the weapons of their Jaffa guards and turn them on their masters.
                    Well at least Andromeda thought of that. A high guard force lance could be programmed to a certain person(s), and it zapped anyone else who touched it.


                      Originally posted by SP90
                      The Jaffa never faced an enemy with accurate weapons like humans have before. To them, fighting with the staff weapons and zats was good enough and the playing field was pretty much level before we showed up. Besides, their battle tactics often involve a large number of troops advancing together and they just carpet bomb the whole area. The fighting style is not unlike the army tactics from the musket age when hugh formation of men marched together and fired all together. Individually their not all that accurate but together they can do some real damage.
                      As I was thinking. Jaffa style: big armry of men all blasting away. Human style: as few people as needed all making kill shots.
                      This is my sugnature!
                      Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


                        Originally posted by LiquidBlue
                        I think that this is a good point. How much research has been performed on earth recently to manufacture weapons that only respond to an authorized user.

                        Why not make staff weapons and zats that only respond if the user is Jaffa? It would certainly cut down on those pesky rebellions where the oppressed people steal the weapons of their Jaffa guards and turn them on their masters.

                        I can tell you from a law enforcement standpoint... the united states has done test with trying to implament biometrics into police officers sidearms so that the weapon would only work for the licensed operator but there where to many glitchs with the system and the biometric system was to heavy and bulky on the weapon.

                        we had to issue a test group for them in my county and it failed terrabley. the weapons would still fire without any scan... officers where juggling there weapons trying to get there finger on the biometric meter. and they all complained about the weight.

                        soo as far as I am aware there is no real fusable option for persional identification to autherize weapons to Specific users.

                        See Jaffa are Crazy! (pic of a Tia food place in the US of A )


                          And another thing.. for military application biometric scanning or authorized users only weapons are terrable ideas.. especially in the Military... weapons malfunctions accure more often than the shows show you.. from jams, dirt getting in barrel, over heating, water in mussel, weapon getting damaged from falling on it or from enemy fire.. it happens alot. if everyone has biometric on there weapons and there weapon will only respond to them ... there will be terrable and deadly applications for other members of there team if they need to use that weapon.

                          See Jaffa are Crazy! (pic of a Tia food place in the US of A )


                            Originally posted by tony
                            ... there will be terrable and deadly applications for other members of there team if they need to use that weapon.
                            Yes, and I've seen sg-1 share wepons, like once Jack gave Teal'c his side arm because Teal'c's staff wepon will not work (Thor's Hammer)
                            This is my sugnature!
                            Spelled wrong so no one steals it!


                              I think the main problem isn't the weapons themselves at all, in the hands of someone with a little skill, staff weapons or zats can be used with pretty good accuracy on a regular basis. The likes of Teal'c, Bra'tac or Jack can use them rather skillfully.
                              The main problem as I see it, is that most Jaffa are generally just rubbish. You could be standing still right in front of them, and they'd still miss! Of course this can only be a good thing for SG1 - it means they don't tend to die too often

                              Perhaps the Goa'uld should have spent less time in front of the mirror perfecting their evil glares and working on their arrogance, and more time getting their Jaffa out doing some target practice...

                              Signature courtesy of the wonderful Mazzmatazz

