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which is more advanced the achen or the hebredens/serakkens?

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    Creepiest!!!.... They're Freakin' Vulcan with superiority issues!!!


      Originally posted by Ra'akedg
      Creepiest!!!.... They're Freakin' Vulcan with superiority issues!!!
      By creepiest I meant their methods....population control/sterility through the guise of medical innnoculations??? Most enemies encountered in the SG1 world have/use technology that really is total sci-fi. The Aschen, on the other hand, utilise a method that really could be happening to us now for all we know, and it is for that reason that I find them the creepiest.


        yeah, I know, I was agreeing with you.... I think I wasn't clear enough... sorry


          Originally posted by Ra'akedg
          yeah, I know, I was agreeing with you.... I think I wasn't clear enough... sorry
          No, I'm sorry....I'm tired...getting old, brain doesn't function so well at this time of night.


            1. Tollan
            2. Hebridians
            3. Aschen- but most definitely the creepiest


              Plus the Aschen fight dirty, they hit below the belt, going right for the nads.


                i think the tollan are more advanced they have better more refined tecchnology and since they were not a war like race they idid come a long way on earth after the second world war we saw a ton of new technology that was the a result of it the saying is war is good for the economey just not good for ordinary civilians who get blown up.
                the aschen specialise in bio-warfare and so are probably not that much advanced than earth their teleportation technology was impressive and so was their ships but we have ships that rival them, the teleportation devices i thought were a little bit odd for a race thet did't seem really advanced but we dont know enough about them to assue to much.
                the serrakhebs are much like earth ships probably acquired through the stargate or when the serrakins overthrew the goa'uld on the hebbradian planet the ships are much like ours slow and bulky/clumsy goa'uld ships can enter hyperspace with little effort it would seem.
                For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                  Aschen cant be the most advanced seeing as how they have the small problem of a black hole and if you read the story on Gateworld news about the lost Aschen episode they lose millions because of the black hole (Obviously not smart enough to make it jump to another gate!)

                  1. Tollan
                  2. Hebridians
                  3. Aschen


                    Though personally I'm unsure about the Aschen and the Tollan I certainly think the Hebridians are the least advanced of the three. Though they may have freed a planet from the Goa'uld, we've seen planets where people with little more than sticks and rocks were able to overthrow the Goa'uld and then bury their gate. So I really don't think this is such an accomplishment.

                    The Aschen never tried to explore the galaxy and the Tollan didn't seem to have much interest either so naturally they wouldn't have spent a lot of time creating advanced ships. This also explains why the Aschen would never have put a lot of effort into learning the Stargates (which they didn't even know if they could travel further than where they already could go).

                    Of course it is basically impossible to get an accurate ranking of Stargate technologies. Where would you put the Tau'ri for example? They have some of the most advanced ships but are still using mostly technology which significantly predates the most basic of interstellar travel. Still, I do think the Hebridians must be the third.


                      I think it goes


