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how long do ancients live?

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    how long do ancients live?

    i read somewere that they like about 500 years or more but does anyone know how old they get for real?

    Mckay: Size doesnt matter

    Sheppard:thats a myth

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    Originally posted by True!Ancient
    i read somewere that they like about 500 years or more but does anyone know how old they get for real?
    as far as i can remember, it was never mentioned in thw show. as an ascended being they can obviously live forever as they no longer have bodies etc. but as mortals, i have no idea!

    The center of Khlysty surrounds me


      Originally posted by True!Ancient
      i read somewere that they like about 500 years or more but does anyone know how old they get for real?
      I don't think it has ever actually been said... However, considering that they had the technology to animate non-living tissue... I'd guess they could live for a very long time if they chose. The Goa'uld Sarcophagus was based on Ancient technology, and the Ancients themselves had considerable healing powers. It is possible that the Ancients could live for a very long time, and in prime condition.

      I really wish people would stop mentioning ascension everytime the Ancients are spoken of. Not every Ancient ascended... just some of them. Most died like normal human beings... (whatever that means...) Anyways, yes an Ascended being is essentially Immortal; there is no body to age and die, so...

      So... We know Ancients had healing powers (a mental/biological ability), had incredibly powerful healing devices (sometimes a little too powerful... zombies), had machines capable of manipulating DNA in real-time, and God only knows what else. They were far more advanced than the Asgard, so it is concievable that they could clone new bodies for themselves many times in the same way as the Asgard. Perhaps they could live for many thousands of years, until they finally tired of our plane of existence... and then simply ascended (sort of out of boredom... ) after they felt they had done all that was worth doing in a physical existence and were ready for something new.

      But... in the end... until someone says so... we just don't know.

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        Longer than us is fair to say, but how much and did their culture allow the use of technology to prolong life are questions we need answers to.
        I imagine we may found out more about that next season when we meet one or more actual ancients, or atleast learn a lot more about them...check season 9 spoilers for more information


          well there will be episode about the ancients past i believe so it might be said in that time. BUt if you remeber the ancients built that device that helps heal you injuries (Evolution season 7) and that was extremely powefull so i would imagine there quite long.
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            It would be pretty neat if one of the SG teams ran into a still living non ascended ancient. Then they could just ask these things. (not counting frozen girl, she died too quick!)


              they must live millions of years becouse look at the start of SGA were it shows you atlantis leaving shows you the woman from frozen talkin to that guy and that was millions of years ago and they found her in antarctica millions of years later and she was still alive so how old does that make her?

              Mckay: Size doesnt matter

              Sheppard:thats a myth

              I like farris wheels,college football and a good cup of tea.


                They haven't said anything about the Ancients' lifespan on the show. Basically any answer anyone comes up with will be speculation, at least until they tell us on the show. It is pretty odd that they haven't covered this on the show, since they made sure to let us know the lifespan of the Goa'uld and such...
                Zelazny, FBI~Undercover Division


                  Ofcourse the Goa'uld have been central characters since the beginning of stargate. The Ancients were background characters for so long and have more recently come to the front, but they are still very mysterious to us.


                    But they ARE rather central characters for the Atlantis series... You'd think we'd be finding out on SG: Atlantis how long their lives are pretty soon. Although it HAS only been one season so far.
                    Zelazny, FBI~Undercover Division

