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Ask Martin Gero - Spoilers for SGA (S1, S2)

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    Hello again!
    Thankyou for answering my last volley of questions. If you're in the mood, here's a few more...

    1) In Season 2 of SGA, will we be seeing more Ancient technology of war, e.g. warships, fighters, personal weapons? It seems that the team have found lots of defencive or passive technology (McKay's personal shield, the stasis chambers, biosensors, etc) and I'd be happy to see the team using Ancient guns to beat the stuffing out of the Wraith.

    2) How will the leadership of the Atlantis expedition be changed by Sheppard's promotion and the arrival of Colonel Caldwell (I hope that's the right spelling/name)?

    3) What is McKay's 'position' within the Atlantis expedition? (Chief Scientific Officer? Coffee Inspector? Royal Pain in the...whatever word the Goa'uld use for neck/rear end?)

    4) Are there any more super-cities, similar to Atlantis, out there in the Pegasus Galaxy (or the Milky Way, for that matter)? After all, spoilers about SG1's Season 9 indicate the inclusion of Arthurian mythology, and places like Avalon (*cough* S9 three-parter! *cough*) and Camelot could posssibly be references to more super-cities.

    5) Will the Orii and their Priors make an appearence on SGA?

    6) Will the Wraith make an appearence on SG1?

    7) At the beginning of a season of SGA or SG1 (I apologise for the questions to do with SG1, but they are Atlantis-realted, so please bear with me), do the writers and producers have an idea of the story arc that will happen, and then get the writers to conform to that? Or do you just kinda make it up as you go? For example, did you know from the beginning of Atlantis Season 1 that the city would be besieged, that we'd pee off the Genii and they'd attack us, and that Teyla would be revelaed as part Wraith (or something along those lines)?

    Thankyou again if you read this far.

    Yours in innoculation,
    The White Knight


      Originally posted by MartinGero
      Yes, we will see some female Wraith this season. Most notably in an episode called "Intinct".
      Awesome -- thanks, Martin! Is this "Intinct," or "Instinct?"



        Okay first of all, do the costumes (uniforms) play any part in what you write? Or is that all part of a separate department?

        That isn't quite what I wanted to ask, but for some reason what I think and what I write don't match...
        I don't need no stinkin' sig...and yet I made one anyway...


          Hi Martin, fan from Puerto Rico

          How many seasons do you think Atlantis will last?
          For how many seasons do the contract of the actors last?


            sorry if this has been answered. but.

            Will Aiden Ford, remain a ugly half-wraith-ish super-ford for the whole seasion!?! i can't stand to think of that boy ugly forever!




              How does The Siege part II go I want to know!!!!


                I would like to thank you Martin for answering all of our questions. It really sounds like Season 2 is going to be exciting. We all wish that Season 2 has already started.

                Has the recent dicision not to put Aiden Ford back as a regular a sign to tell us that noone on the show is safe? I guess what I mean is this to show us that Atlantis is going to stick around for a long time and for us not to get to safe with the characters?
                Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


                  Originally posted by MartinGero
                  There is a crossover episode (of sorts) in the works…right now it’s slated to shoot as the 13th episode of season 2…I don’t want to say more, because nothing has been locked down yet. We’re all very excited about it, and if your signature is any indication, you'll be very excited too, Agent Dark.

                  Judging by Agent Dark's signature, I'm guessing Carter will be making an appearance in this crossover episode. Any chance that a certain archeologist, who's been really wanting to get to Atlantis will be making the crossover with her?

                  Will this episode have any tie-ins to what is happening at the SGC? It looks like the 12th episode of SG-1 The Fourth Horseman, part 2. So, wondering if what happens in that particular episode leads them to contact Atlantis?

                  Although, your "of sorts" comment has me wondering what kind of crossover this is (i.e. is it real or is it ... something else)

                  Any chance of Vala appearing in Atlantis?

                  Thanks for answering,



                    Thanks for answering the questions (you have my brain running marathons here coming up with things).

                    Some more questions:

                    1. Why are there so few officers on Atlantis, you'd think that they'd have sent more. Ford's status as John's 2IC would indicate that he's the next highest in rank, so how come no Captains or anything? Was it just a way to let Ford be 2IC, or is there another reason?

                    2. Whilst I'm aware this may be purely a costume department thing, I'm not sure if the writters had any say in it so I'll ask anyway. In Defiant One Rodney's uniform suddenly changes from the civilian beige uniform to the military grey uniform. Why? Is it some way to show that he's changed? After all, it's in the same episode that some one (Gaul) comments on Rodney changing.

                    3. We've only really seen John interacting within his normal circle, his team, Elizabeth and Bates. Do we see him interact with others, such as Carson and Radek this season? If so, is it purely professional, or does it also reach into a friendship aspect?
                    Last edited by neth_dugan; 22 April 2005, 06:47 PM.
                    "The Earth isn't my home...I am a Time Lord, I walk in eternity" - The Doctor (4th)


                      Dear Mr Gero,

                      i would just like to know if there is any intention to bring other alien species into the Atlantis universe that have never been encountered before in season 2, or anytime in the future?


                        Thanks for answering my previous question... sorta.

                        Do you have a character that you find most easiest to write for in terms of dialogue and action?



                          omg this topic is like a massive gold mine........

                          Well anyway i have a few questions

                          1. Will there be Any Gouald wepoans like Zats, staffs, etc in Atlantis

                          2. Where are all the Ancient wepoans, You can't fight a war with words...


                            Originally posted by MartinGero
                            Been saving those up for a while now, have you? I’ll let Joe handle the SG-1 questions. As for the Atlantis ones, here are my brief answers:

                            I have been saving up questions for a whille i've just been adding them on as ive gotten them anyway i have four questions absed on the Puddle Jumpers

                            1) How many PJ's are there total at the begining of the Season 1?

                            2) How many PJ's have been destroyed or damaged and not yet repaired in Season 1?

                            3) How many puddle Jumpers are we going to expect to lose in Season 2 this including the one that we all belive to be losing in the first ep?

                            4) I never noticed intill people started to mention how the Writters being you enjoy blowing up ships and its starting to be noticed that it is no different for the PJ's that we can;'t even make new ones to replace is there going to be an episode to solve this problem of losing PJ's in Season 2?

                            Originally posted by MartinGero

                            7. The planet designation for the Childhood’s End planet is M7G 677 (which is a bit of an Easter egg…it stands for Martin 7(as in July) Gero, 677. My birthday: July 6th, 1977)
                            And another about the whole coding thing for planets

                            5) Is that how they've done it with every planet cause thats a very interesting way of doing it.

                            And a question about a possible begining for the Siege Part 3

                            6) are we gonna have a begining like we had in Rising where we see the Ancients in the city? If we are is it going to be showing the Ancients under siege by the Wraith?
                            Last edited by Anubis[MYTH]; 23 April 2005, 06:18 PM.


                              hi jus some few questions

                              1. will there possibly be a wraith and replicator encounter?
                              2. in atlantis.. is it possible that it has a ware house that makes the drones? cause i can't figure out how else the ancients in the past made their weapons..
                              3. is there a bigger size ancient ship class? puddle jumpers are quite puny but cool still but still puny.
                              4. biggest question i have.. will we ever see atlantis fly this season?


                                Dear Martin....

                                Here's a blatant question for do "I" go about becomming a writer for Stargate? I know that begging will be involved...but...aside from that...?

                                Never let a promising career get in the way of a good practical joke.

