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Ok, Explain!

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    Ok, Explain!

    Fairly new article, explain!!! * read the last line *

    April 13, 2005
    Thousands of Missiles Fired by both Russian and United States Military Forces over Earths Arctic Regions as Large Cosmic Blasts Continue Hitting Planet

    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers

    Strange reports have reached us today from our Arctic Regions describing thousands of missile launches from both Russian and American military forces, and from both land based and aircraft launched these missiles that are being directed out of the earth’s atmosphere into the outer space regions of our planets atmosphere.

    From various news services however there is being reported that Russia and the United States are conducting Missile Defense Wargames, and as we can read as reported by the Moscow Times News Service in their article titled "Russia, U.S. Launch Joint Missile Defence Wargames", and which says, "Russia and the United States have begun joint missile defence wargames aimed at protecting vital installations in a third country in the course of future international operations, a Russian Defence Ministry release said Monday. The wargames will last until April 23.

    According to the Russian Defence Ministry, the 4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry in Moscow is hosting the joint theater-wide ballistic missile defence (BMD) command-post exercise (CPX)."

    The strangeness to these missile launches is further compounded by the reporting of these events as being a part of defense wargame between Russia and the United States, and of which no one has had any prior knowledge of. Neither was there any announcement to the Russian peoples by the Defense Ministry prior to these launches, only afterwards when reports began to be received from these Arctic Regions has the Defense Ministry issued these reports of wargames.

    These reports are also coming at a time that the earth’s atmosphere is continuing to be bombarded by unknown cosmic blasts, and Western scientists are beginning to agree with our Russian scientists as to the seriousness of these blasts, and as we can read as reported by the BBC News Service in their article titled "Ray burst is extinction suspect", and which says, "A gamma ray burst could have caused the Ordovician extinction, killing 60% of marine invertebrates at a time when life was largely confined to the sea. These cosmic blasts are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. The scientists think a 10-second burst near Earth could deplete up to half of the planet's ozone layer."

    I had previously stated in my March 3ed report, titled "Earth's Magnetic Field and Ozone Layer Nearing Total Collapse as Massive Unknown Energy Surges Continue Hitting Planet", that:

    “To such an extent of damage to our planet being caused by these mysterious energy blasts, even the earth’s protective layer of ozone is being effected, and as I had previously reported in my report of January 4, 2005, and titled, “Western World Sleeps as Global Cataclysms Approach”, and had said, “Where in past times ozone layer depletion was rightly ascribed to cosmic rays (gamma rays), Western scientists have with their reworked mathematics created a whole new methodology that blames these depletions on CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons), and which even first term Russian school child would laugh about if this were not so serious an event.”

    But to these lies of the earths ozone layer being destroyed by any work of human beings even these Western scientists could longer deny, and as we can read from this report from the American scientific website, LiveScience, in their article titled, "Sun's Temper Blamed for Arctic Ozone Loss", and which says;

    "A dramatic thinning of Earth's protective ozone layer above the Arctic last year was the result of intense upper-level winds and an extra dose of space weather, scientists said Tuesday. Ozone, which screens out some of the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation, declined by up to 60 percent in the stratosphere over high northern latitudes in the spring of 2004. Officials issued a health warning earlier this year for residents of the far North.

    In a new study, scientists conclude that an intense round of solar storms around Halloween in 2003 was at the root of the problem. Charged particles from the storms triggered chemical reactions that increased the formation of extra nitrogen in the upper stratosphere, some 20 miles up. Nitrogen levels climbed to their highest in at least two decades."

    But not to the blaming of the sun are these events to be placed, but to their rightful cause, these continuing series of energy blasts hitting our world. From the studies conducted in Russia in 2000, many Russian scientists believe that a major failure of the earth’s magnetic field and ozone layer in its entirety could occur too.

    Even the prestigious National Geographic organization has realized this, and as reported in an article of theirs titled, "Earth's Magnetic Field Is Fading", they have said, "Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say. If the trend continues, the field may collapse altogether and then reverse. Compasses would point south instead of north."

    Even today reports have reached us from the Southern Hemisphere Regions of our planet that once again strange fog sightings are once again occurring, and as we can read in this report from New Zealand’s NZPA News Service in their article titled "Fog closes Wellington, Christchurch airports", and which says, "Fog closed Christchurch and Wellington airports yesterday disrupting the plans of thousands of travellers. In a replay of disruptions in February and March, the fog rolled into Wellington airport shortly after 4pm, duty manager Park Erueti said. Conditions had previously been clear and sunny. "It just came in within 10 minutes...I can't even see the other side of the runway." Persistent fog closed the airport for five consecutive days in February. The situation was repeated in March, when fog disrupted flights for six days in a week, interrupting the travel plans of more than 40,000 people."

    To all atmospheric scientists it is known well that the visible signs of these large cosmic blasts are these large and mysterious appearances of these large fog banks, and as reported to the International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE) by the Polish scientific team of Marek Kubicki, Stanisaw Michnowski, Stanisaw Warzecha, and as reported in their research paper titled "Long term variations of some atmospheric electricity, aerosol, and extra terrestrial elements at Swider Observatory, Poland", and which says:

    "The very high correlation between long term variations of atmospheric electricity elements and corresponding changes of cosmic ray and solar activity changes show on of extra terrestrial influences on the lower atmosphere."

    Today the missiles of both Russia and the United States continue to be fired in the Arctic Regions. Today the world is still being hit with unknown energy surges of great power. Today the world’s weather systems remain in chaos. Whatever the final outcome of these events will be, it is well known that our tomorrows will no longer be like our yesterdays.

    © April 13, 2005, EU and US all rights reserved.

    [Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]

    Um - seeing as my eyes glazed over most of the former but popped at the latter - I would say I'm not surprised at all. I was learning about how the polar ice caps are melting because "The White Man's" genius technology has burned away the ozone layer - allowing for the sun to beam upon the great glaciers and melt them. (oh, by the way, Venice is sinking)

    I get the gist that basically, due to "The White Man's" technology we're all doomed. I'm suspicious they wouldn't want anyone else commenting or asking questions but hey - that's the US gov for you.

    Very interesting article.

    It's all in God's hands.


      Pfft, its just a cover story to hide the attack on earth by Anubis


        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        Pfft, its just a cover story to hide the attack on earth by Anubis
        That's what I say


          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
          Pfft, its just a cover story to hide the attack on earth by Anubis
          Most defintly.


            Originally posted by Osiris-RA
            I was learning about how the polar ice caps are melting because "The White Man's" genius technology has burned away the ozone layer - allowing for the sun to beam upon the great glaciers and melt them. (oh, by the way, Venice is sinking)
            Get your facts straight... the hole in the ozone layer allows harmful radiation to penetrate to the earth's surface, true, but the net energy is negligible. Moreover, the "hole" is healing thanks to a ban on CFC last century.

            The melting of the ice caps is attributed to global warming due to CO2 production by the burning of fossil fuels. Different cause. Different genius.

            Moreover, reputable scientists haven't yet been convinced that the whole thing isn't a paleoeffect. Look it up. It'll help you on your next rant.

            As a scientist and statistician myself, I tend to find the models that are being used (not experiments, mind you, MODELS) to have unacceptably high elements of guesswork in them. Nevertheless, the basic chemistry of C02 as a greenhouse gas can no more be denied than the CFC destroying elements of ozone can. The problem is likely real.. but the exact amount of global warming that can be attributed to global warming can't be ascertained to any degree as of yet. Anybody who tells you otherwise is engaging in political science.... not environmental science.


              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
              Pfft, its just a cover story to hide the attack on earth by Anubis
              yup yup
              'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                Originally posted by Darth Buddha
                Get your facts straight... the hole in the ozone layer allows harmful radiation to penetrate to the earth's surface, true, but the net energy is negligible. Moreover, the "hole" is healing thanks to a ban on CFC last century.

                The melting of the ice caps is attributed to global warming due to CO2 production by the burning of fossil fuels. Different cause. Different genius.

                Moreover, reputable scientists haven't yet been convinced that the whole thing isn't a paleoeffect. Look it up. It'll help you on your next rant.

                As a scientist and statistician myself, I tend to find the models that are being used (not experiments, mind you, MODELS) to have unacceptably high elements of guesswork in them. Nevertheless, the basic chemistry of C02 as a greenhouse gas can no more be denied than the CFC destroying elements of ozone can. The problem is likely real.. but the exact amount of global warming that can be attributed to global warming can't be ascertained to any degree as of yet. Anybody who tells you otherwise is engaging in political science.... not environmental science.
                I think Buddha has something there... I just read an article very recently that stated that a strong current theory about glacial and polar melting is simply due to planetary cycles (mostly) and not so much about global warming. These cycles are nearly a century or more in length, making it difficult to observe in the short term (thus leaving ourselves open to false speculations). They have found evidence that the glaciers and icecaps have melted before, as a result of planetary eco-cycles and simply grew back when the cycle returned to 'normal' (as we think of it).

                As to why the U.S. and Russia are shooting a bunch of missiles... Maybe they ARE shooting at Aliens... Or they could simply be doing exactly what they said. I'm not really biased in either direction. However, since this is a stargate forum... Anubis ATTACKS!!!
                The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

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                  I'm confused. Are we under attack or something?
                  I didn't really get it, were the US and Russians firing missiles towards open space, like on a mothership or something?
                  Whatever the government says, I don't believe it. It's a cover-up.

                  "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
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                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                    Pfft, its just a cover story to hide the attack on earth by Anubis
                    Thank god!! i thought i was the only one thinking that........!!!

                    The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                      Originally posted by DarthBuddha
                      Get your facts straight... the hole in the ozone layer allows harmful radiation to penetrate to the earth's surface, true, but the net energy is negligible. Moreover, the "hole" is healing thanks to a ban on CFC last century.

                      The melting of the ice caps is attributed to global warming due to CO2 production by the burning of fossil fuels. Different cause. Different genius.

                      Moreover, reputable scientists haven't yet been convinced that the whole thing isn't a paleoeffect. Look it up. It'll help you on your next rant.

                      As a scientist and statistician myself, I tend to find the models that are being used (not experiments, mind you, MODELS) to have unacceptably high elements of guesswork in them. Nevertheless, the basic chemistry of C02 as a greenhouse gas can no more be denied than the CFC destroying elements of ozone can. The problem is likely real.. but the exact amount of global warming that can be attributed to global warming can't be ascertained to any degree as of yet. Anybody who tells you otherwise is engaging in political science.... not environmental science.
                      Political Science - Environmental Science - there's a difference? The same people are behind both. Whatever the cause for these greenhouses gases and abnormal solar radiation amounts - you know man's kind is behind it. It'd be easy enough to say "I wish people would stop driving cars" or "I wish smoke stacks would stop existing." But they're not going to. People like me would be told to shut and get our facts straight in some science book. It's not anybodys fault - that's just how it is.

                      Originally posted by DarthBuddha
                      The melting of the ice caps is attributed to global warming due to CO2 production by the burning of fossil fuels. Different cause. Different genius.
                      Different cause, Same genius.

                      I wonder - if you know anything about it - would you know how come it seems to take such a short time to procure some new substance or device for tactical military purposes but when it comes to the environment, it's all in the future or years, decades from ever coming into action. I've asked this question before but people usually pull the Hybrid technology card. I believe (call me a conspiracy theorist if you want) that technology that could actually be useful is being held back deliberately. I believe it is because, after all, there is so much profit to be made of the fossil fuel business and if people were theoretically actually able to power a vehicle by simply pouring say, water, into their car tank - big oil and others would go bankrupt and be rendered useless. In your scientific opinion, what would you say about that? And would Hydrogen based vehicle engineering be possible? (call me uninformed. )
                      TEAM SG1 LIVES


                        Notice how their is 2 sides to this thread, the people who think its a cover-up and the scientists debate


                          Originally posted by Osiris-RA
                          Political Science - Environmental Science - there's a difference? The same people are behind both. Whatever the cause for these greenhouses gases and abnormal solar radiation amounts - you know man's kind is behind it. It'd be easy enough to say "I wish people would stop driving cars" or "I wish smoke stacks would stop existing." But they're not going to. People like me would be told to shut and get our facts straight in some science book. It's not anybodys fault - that's just how it is.
                          That's just wonderful.

                          However, if you go off blaming man for the melting of the poles via OZONE, you are undermining those who actually bother to get things straight enough to at least use the right underlying cause.

                          Personally, I hate the eco-wingnuts who discredit the science as a whole by crying chicken little. Almost as much as I hate the corporate sponsored scientists who claim there is NOTHIGN to worry about. This situation is probably more like the ozone situation than most people suspect: the underlying science that YES it will warm things up is sound. There are again the folks who claim society will be destroyed in short order as a result, and again the folks who are claiming we don't need to do anything and the costs of changing are prohibitive.

                          In other words, you've got the same poltical angles muddying up the underlying science. The world isn't going to end. We are going to have to do something about it eventually, and we can probably see the effects starting to kick in now... but will pay a greater price later just as with the hole in the ozone layer.

                          Different cause, Same genius.
                          Well, from an outsider, I guess it would be all political science. For myself, I've been in enough different scientific endeavors to realize that there really IS some good basic science in each case... that doesn't get attention from the media or from the politicians until after the fact.

                          I wonder - if you know anything about it - would you know how come it seems to take such a short time to procure some new substance or device for tactical military purposes but when it comes to the environment, it's all in the future or years, decades from ever coming into action. I've asked this question before but people usually pull the Hybrid technology card. I believe (call me a conspiracy theorist if you want) that technology that could actually be useful is being held back deliberately. I believe it is because, after all, there is so much profit to be made of the fossil fuel business and if people were theoretically actually able to power a vehicle by simply pouring say, water, into their car tank - big oil and others would go bankrupt and be rendered useless. In your scientific opinion, what would you say about that? And would Hydrogen based vehicle engineering be possible? (call me uninformed. )

                          I think the efforts toward hybrid vehicles are a pittance. If we seriously mandated the sale and/or provided tax incentives to produce them, we'd have far more on the road. Period. There is no political will. We could have them if it were a priority, but it isn't.

                          As to the hydrogen technology... that's a bit dicier. Hydrogen explodes in a way that gasoline doesn't . Safe hydrogen technology isn't here yet. The idea that politicians would decide that it IS the future based on current evidence is more a matter of politics that are good for them than science that is good for the environment.


                            Originally posted by Darth Buddha
                            That's just wonderful.

                            However, if you go off blaming man for the melting of the poles via OZONE, you are undermining those who actually bother to get things straight enough to at least use the right underlying cause.
                            True - true. But you gotta admit - those types in comparison would be fewer.

                            Personally, I hate the eco-wingnuts who discredit the science as a whole by crying chicken little. Almost as much as I hate the corporate sponsored scientists who claim there is NOTHIGN to worry about. This situation is probably more like the ozone situation than most people suspect: the underlying science that YES it will warm things up is sound. There are again the folks who claim society will be destroyed in short order as a result, and again the folks who are claiming we don't need to do anything and the costs of changing are prohibitive.

                            In other words, you've got the same poltical angles muddying up the underlying science. The world isn't going to end. We are going to have to do something about it eventually, and we can probably see the effects starting to kick in now... but will pay a greater price later just as with the hole in the ozone layer.
                            So safe = money which they don't want to spend. I think money is the main thing impeding us from really scooting along the ground here. They pay for all the other stuff but I guess why would you want to pay for something that doesn't bring in quite as many funds as that other stuff? They'll still make money - just not as much as they used to.


                            I think the efforts toward hybrid vehicles are a pittance. If we seriously mandated the sale and/or provided tax incentives to produce them, we'd have far more on the road. Period. There is no political will. We could have them if it were a priority, but it isn't.
                            That's sad that it's not a proirity.

                            As to the hydrogen technology... that's a bit dicier. Hydrogen explodes in a way that gasoline doesn't . Safe hydrogen technology isn't here yet. The idea that politicians would decide that it IS the future based on current evidence is more a matter of politics that are good for them than science that is good for the environment.
                            What can we say? Onward to the future!

                            I keep thinking back to the 50ies and 70ies and 80ies when all those futuristic movies were out based in the year 2000 and 2010 and 2031, etc. What they imagine the 'future' would or could be. Now we're finally here - the new millineum - nothing seems to have changed really. Maybe 3000 will be better.
                            TEAM SG1 LIVES

