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Stargate Spin-off's: Pitch Your Ideas

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    How about one where people from Earth travel to another galaxy to find the Ancients, and get stuck there! And there could be some kind of enemy that the Ancients fought with as well!

    I know, its kind of stupid, but I'm just thinking off the top of my head.

    Tonight I'm finally going to sit down and watch my Atlantis tapes. I've been taping the show since it started screening here in Oz, but I've never watched it yet. I hope it's good! *crosses fingers*


      everyone who keeps talkin about he future like 50 years, it has already been done "stargate infinity," but i argee i would want to see how the show Stargate Universe will be in 50 years, or even 25 years?, is teal'c around? teal'c is already 100 plus, maybe he can live around 100 years, is SG1 still alive?, who runs the SGC?, is cassie around? is haily around? is jack president? i blieve a lot of people have these same questions n would like to see them answer, maybe a spin off would be the answer, maybe the show can take a season off, like daniel did, i mean RDA only main excuse is his daughter, i mean she'll be a teenage eventully and wont want to be around her dad anyways, a spin off with RDA would be nice


        The adventures of Jolin(Comtraya!)man.


          Or the Series Worm Hole Extreme 2.0. With all the same people things and a cook who wan't to be left alone with the new guy in charge of security.


            A series involving my main gal Ayiana exploring the galaxy. Course she'd some how have to be resurrected, but it's all good



              Stargate: Awakening

              A documentary style/interview/reality TV-style/show that documents the revelation of the stargate to the world. It would follow the lives of people realizing the world they live in is very different from what they've always thought.

              There would be interviews, some with flashbacks talking to regular people about what they were doing when the stargate was revealed, how they feel about it, how they think it should progress and how it has affected their life and beliefs.

              It would show people on talk shows who are angry with the little grey men for experimenting on them and distrust the Asgard and question our alliance with them.

              There'd be the conspiracy nutjobs who are overjoyed... they were right all along.

              There could be clips of protests against the pace at which the govt is declassifying some of the information. There'd be interviews with people who've worked in the program.

              It would follow the US govt's public relations department as they try to handle the way the public views the program.

              I think I would watch something like that.

              "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


                maybe as an episode.......not a spin-off
                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                Stargate : Genesis |
                Original Starship DesignThread
                Sanctuary for all |
                11000! green me


                  I'd like a spin-off based in the future, with a new enemy and situations. It'd be nice to see new technologies pitted against new enemies!
                  Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                    what about a serie thats based about 150 years in the future where earth is now in contact with basicly everyone and they refer back our sg-1 as historic figures, but obviously daniel would still be there cos hed of ascended, we all know its true.
                    the story is basicly trying to retake all of what the anceints used to have ,am i obsessed or what!
                    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                    Stargate : Genesis |
                    Original Starship DesignThread
                    Sanctuary for all |
                    11000! green me


                      Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard
                      I'd like a ship based one, a ship with a stargate of course. since we now have ships we can start exploring planets without gates!
                      No offence but its call Star Trek
                      I'm from Iowa, United States


                        Originally posted by Osiris-RA

                        "Did you hear that?"

                        *Skittering sounds*

                        *An eye opens within the blackness.*

                        *A replicator chip falls to the ground.*

                        *A hand picks it up.*

                        "what is it?"

                        "I dunno --"

                        *replicator skittering loudens*

                        "Oh my GOD!"

                        CUT TO:

                        GIZA EGYPT - 2010

                        *Several men and a large crowd of Egyptians stand at the brink of a river.*

                        "What do you think?"

                        *It's Daniel. He looks around - confused.*

                        "This is amazing ... yes sir..."

                        PULL BACK to reveal ... The nile river -- now an ocean. At the center - a StarGate.

                        "what is it?"

                        "It's ... the StarGate."

                        *As Heavy African Drums pound --*

                        Alien feet --

                        -- Water pouring from within the StarGate --

                        -- weeds crawling up some sort of military facility --

                        An angry Daniel altercating Maybourne --

                        "You do NOT have the power to decide who lives or dies, they do! They always did!!"

                        -- Jack. He's looking different -- he's younger -- he's considering us -- his hair is wet, his eyes glassy. He waves his hand and we're --

                        SMASH CUT --

                        AUSTRALIA -- 2030

                        *A dirt bike zooms across the desert.*

                        *Carter steps out - she's in leather - biker girl.*

                        "Why did you call me here?"

                        *She's talking to -- Maybourne. He looks worried --*

                        "Colonel - we have a situation."

                        CUT TO: BLACK

                        As as water drips queerly controlled over the screen, it formes itself into the title:

                        coming soon....

                        I....don't get it.


                          We must have a spin off with Aris Boch.

                          I dunno.

                          I like pie.


                            I just now started wondering this, if it's already been thought of and deduced, well excuuuuse me for stumbling on it so late. :

                            They found Ayiana in the ice and snow - we know she must be some kind of Ancient.

                            Then in Atlantis, they find a holographic recording (or whatever that was) with her and some other Ancient guy in it. Has Aiyana somehow been cryogenically preserved by the dying Ancients and if so - are there more preserved beneath the earths surface?
                            TEAM SG1 LIVES

