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What do you expect from an episode of Stargate?

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    I actually like the fact that some eps are more dark and thought-provoking, while others are largely action based. Then I like the occasional humourous one like 'Window of Oportunity' as well.

    I think Stargate SG1 and Atlantis both have a good balance of all of the above, which is why I watch it.

    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


      Originally posted by tashgate
      Going back to the way they did it in the earlier seasons would be great for me - the team goes offworld, meets a new culture/race, there's some conflict, some action, some adventure, some good character developement, maybe a gratuitous buttshot of the guys (or two), some more danger, some homor, a revelation, a resolution and something that leaves us wanting to see the people we were introduced to one more time as the gang comes home.
      Don't forget we need more plunging neckline for the ladies of Stargate.

      I was a little upset they didn't try to do more off-world episodes this season. I'd also like to see more inhuman races or at least a human race with an extra set of ears.
      "Throughout history the detection of design has been a rather intuitive business. As is said of pornography, we couldn’t define it, but we knew it when we saw it."
      -Michael Behe: Professor of Biochemistry-
      Teal'C: O'Neill, Narim said for the device to work we have to hold hands.
      Jack (long pause):......I know.


        Originally posted by qasimjavid
        it should go back to what I call 'classic stargate' i.e. like season 1+2 instead of having crap like 'citizen joe' and 'avatar'
        Yep. Definitely.
        TEAM SG1 LIVES


          Originally posted by Raicho
          Should each episode of Stargate focus on expanding the different aspects of other alien cultures or should they focus on telling a short story involving already known characters?

          I know we can all agree that the cliche` way-of-things is not the best way to go, but what do you think should go into an episode to make it fan-friggin-tastic?

          I like it when they do episodes that give details on certain alien socities. For instance when they revealed that the Tollan don't use currency or that the Serrakin society seems corporate-based.

          I would have liked them to expand a little on the Goauld. Like showing us where they manafacture their nifty weaponry and vehicles or maybe introducing new types of vehicles/weapons.
          Well, one thing for sure, I don't wanna see any King Arthur/Avalon/Camelot/Merlin stuff. That is just too stupid for words, IMO.

          I would like to see some tie-ups to loose ends. I'd like closure on some long-standing issues:

          - Furlings
          - Alliance of the Four Races
          - Foothold aliens
          - Re'tu
          - Serrakin
          - Crystal Skull dudes/Dr. Ballard
          - the builders of the "Grace" ship
          - Nem's people, the Oannes
          - Origins of the Goa'uld (e.g., how they evolved from their watery world)
          - How and when and why the gates were first built
          - Origins of the Ancients (Earth or elsewhere)

          Things like that, to me, are important. What happened to the Tollans and Aschen are things that could be explored, but frankly, I don't much care. Also, I think following up on certain characters would be wasteful (of time and energy). People like Cassie and Young Jack are interesting, but are they worth a whole episode? No. I agree with qasimjavid in that Avatar and other Earth-based episodes are departures from the old and successful Stargate formula. I'd like to see more off-world episodes focusing on the aforementioned, linking everything together, rather than focus on weird plot divergences or applying closure to old characters who have no meaning anymore. Young Jack and Cassie are not important characters in the Stargate universe. I'm sorry, but they really aren't important. Sam could simply say "Cassie is doing fine at MIT or Harvard" and that would be sufficient to tie up that loose end, but you'd need much more to tie up the Foothold aliens, the Grace aliens, etc.

          Personally, I think it would be cool, in some way, if there was some sort of linkage to everything. Daniel could connect the dots toward the end of the series and just like the number 42 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the mysteries of life are solved and everything makes perfect sense. It won't happen, but it would be cool.


            The early seasons were definitely best. Im just watching S7 at the moment (im slow, i know), and the Episode with "the link" seemed such a nice change, it was far more like the early seasons. The fact that it was such a shock proves fairly effectively that it's changed quite a bit! Also Lifeboat, which I thought was amazing, was more like the early formula of things.
            Sig by SamJackShipLover, thank you!!

            "The Titanic lies in 13,000 feet of water on a gently sloping alpinelike countryside overlooking a small canyon below. Its bow faces north and the ship sits upright on the bottom. There is no light at this great depth and little life can be found. It is a quiet and peaceful and fitting place for the remains of this greatest of sea tradgedies to rest. May it forever remain that way and may God bless these found souls." - Robert D. Ballard, 1985.

