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blasphemous take on christian mythology

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    blasphemous take on christian mythology

    ive started listening to the bible on tape, and i cant help but see a lot of stargate in it... lol... its blasphemous i know, but here are some interesting thoughts that came up...

    God made man and all other living things from the ground. genetic engineering?

    tree of knowledge- some sort of data base?

    and when it said that God created the earth and it was barren until he put stuff on it- couldn't help but think of anubis when he said he was going to remake the world according to his 'grand design' ><

    o and in the beginning, it says that God created man according to "our" likeness. who is "our"?

    and it says that the children of god (referring to angels) saw that men had women, and they took them as they pleased, and their offspring were nephalim, giants among men. harcesis comes to mind...

    ok those are far fetched but here are more convincing bits-

    people lived for like a thousand years? o_O ??? itd be possible if people were on a different planet... a year could be a lot less. there are people having kids when they are like 150 years old. if one of our years is about a then of their years, this could be possible- people having kids when theyre about 15. and they lived to like 1000, so thatd be a 100 of our years. and it says that God decided that people should live to be up to 120 only AFTER noah- after the great flood. flood? water? stargate's watery even horizon??? lol... thats the connection i saw... God could have just moved people through a stargate, or wiped out all the sinners with the weapon on dakara or something like it. lol.

    i dunno i was just reading the bible and in my own little world it gave more validity to stargate... lol what do you guys think

    Ooooooooooooh, boy... That is a bit of a streach don't you think?
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

    Live life for what you have and those you love.


      Dozens of movies and TV shows draw "inspiration" from the Christian bible.

      The Schwarzenegger movie "End of Days" is a prime example. Dracula 2000 uses the whole Judas concept as the explaination for Dracula. Buffy the Vampire Slayer drew on biblical rituals often.

      Stargate, Star Wars, Battle Star Galactica all in some form or another use aspects of modern day religions to some degree.


        Our refers to the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. This topic has been discussed many times and only makes tempers flare.


          Um, I'm not quite sure how you leapt there, but, whatever.

          However, that is a leap I would expect from a SciFi type writer. Could be interesting.

          I am a practicing Christian, so I tend not to equate the bible to anything, but rather hold it up alone.

          However, it's an interesting theroy. *Bunnies hop*

          Ok, enough from me. Hehe. Let's get a librals POV!


            and I thought I took scifi seriously...

            Many movies/series are inspired by the Bible. I know the Matrix has a lot of Bible in it and so does Lord of the Rings.

            Servatis a periculum. Servatis a maleficum.


              ^yup, scifi is FULL of biblical references and inspirations... i did a paper in an english class about the mythology in star wars and LOTR has definite biblical allegories...

              but, um, as for the original post, i'm just friggin lost...


                My two cents:

                Maybe the Producers got the idea of ascended beings from Jesus Christ perhaps (I'm a mormon, which is a christian, so Im not trying to be blasphemous.) I have thought about it to, infact, alot of people thought that todays religion did come from extra-terrestrials PRE-stargate. So I think that Stargate got its ideas all from the theory that Aliens played the roles of Gods to influence our development.

                If you think about it, all the UFO sightings have been happening alot throughtout history, maybe religions WERE placed here, such as Islam (Mohammed's vision of Gabriel (or is it Michael?)), Judaism (Moses or God, I dont really know of a figure head), Christianity (Jesus christ), by aliens and they have been checking up on us periodically.

                I personally believe that Jesus Christ is our Elder Brother and the Begotten Son of God. But what I talked about above is speculation, just something to let your brain gnaw on.


                  Let's all face it, the Bible has been around for a long time and literally hundreds of manuscripts have been influenced by it. Our own spoken word has been largely influenced: names, ie Joshua, Caleb, Noah, Adam, etc. As well as idioms: ie "he is a Judas", "David and Goliath", etc. Because of its age, the Bible has influenced all literature in some form or another.

                  I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.
                  -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers


                    Originally posted by major_flaming_toaster
                    Let's all face it, the Bible has been around for a long time and literally hundreds of manuscripts have been influenced by it. Our own spoken word has been largely influenced: names, ie Joshua, Caleb, Noah, Adam, etc. As well as idioms: ie "he is a Judas", "David and Goliath", etc. Because of its age, the Bible has influenced all literature in some form or another.
                    Absolutely. The Bible draws on age-old fundamental myths (e.g. Utnapishtim of Sumerian myth=Noah of the Bible) and tropes, retells them in its own context, and adds new ones. These stories and the lessons they teach are embeded in our culture at the deepest levels, and have been for over a thousand years (we're talking about Western culture here). In this family of cultures, language, nationality, ethnicity are largely unimportant in relation to the degree of penetration the Bible has achieved. That modern stories draw on this wealth of ideas, whether consciously or not, is completely unsurprising to me.

                    English-language peoples in particular have another level of Biblical influence that the vast majority are not aware of. The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, translated in the early sixteen hundreds, shaped and guided English literature for the next three centuries. I'm not talking about stories and ideas, now, I'm talking about the way they're told--the literary conventions, the style, the tone. That one translation shaped the way the English language developed, because writers from Milton to Tennyson copied is style and tone, consciously or unconsciously. Although we've largely gotten away from that style lately--it had a large effect on the way things developed.
                    My LiveJournal.

                    If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
                    -Frank A. Clark

                    An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
                    -Michel de Saint-Pierre

                    Now, there's this about cynicism. It's the universe's most supine moral position. Real comfortable. If nothing can be done, then you're not some kind of **** for not doing it, and you can lie there and stink to yourself in perfect peace.
                    -Lois McMaster Bujold, "The Borders of Infinity"


                      they have the bible on tape? interesting.........


                        its actually an apple music file on my ipod...


                          Originally posted by thespyofcharles
                          its actually an apple music file on my ipod...
                          LOL i just had a mental image of the new commercial for the ipod, instead of "Vertigo" by U2 they have the bible playing! lol


                            A lot of ideas come from Bible beginnings, the story of Hercules is actually from a Bible reference in Genesis when the angels came down and had children with the daughters of men...................................the Nephilim

                            Even the Gou'ld in Stargate come from Eygptian belief, in fact throught out several books in the Bible including 1 Samuel they speak of the Philisteins worshiping the god of Baal. Sound familiar.................................


                              Originally posted by thespyofcharles
                              ive started listening to the bible on tape, and i cant help but see a lot of stargate in it... lol... its blasphemous i know, but here are some interesting thoughts that came up...

                              God made man and all other living things from the ground. genetic engineering?

                              tree of knowledge- some sort of data base?

                              and when it said that God created the earth and it was barren until he put stuff on it- couldn't help but think of anubis when he said he was going to remake the world according to his 'grand design' ><

                              o and in the beginning, it says that God created man according to "our" likeness. who is "our"?

                              and it says that the children of god (referring to angels) saw that men had women, and they took them as they pleased, and their offspring were nephalim, giants among men. harcesis comes to mind...

                              ok those are far fetched but here are more convincing bits-

                              people lived for like a thousand years? o_O ??? itd be possible if people were on a different planet... a year could be a lot less. there are people having kids when they are like 150 years old. if one of our years is about a then of their years, this could be possible- people having kids when theyre about 15. and they lived to like 1000, so thatd be a 100 of our years. and it says that God decided that people should live to be up to 120 only AFTER noah- after the great flood. flood? water? stargate's watery even horizon??? lol... thats the connection i saw... God could have just moved people through a stargate, or wiped out all the sinners with the weapon on dakara or something like it. lol.

                              i dunno i was just reading the bible and in my own little world it gave more validity to stargate... lol what do you guys think

                              The bible can be interpeted many ways depending on the person doing that interpetation thus, people can read into it this way. Im not going to get into it deeper than that.

