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Sen'il Worship/Discussion

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    Originally posted by Tiret
    Why should your praise be wanted if it is not sincere? If it does not flow from a deep-seated recognition of your own unworthiness, as compared to the unfathomable glory of Sen’il, for what cause should she accept it? You merely offer her empty words to save your own skin! Ptah!

    If you should meet your death when she in her illustriousness rises to power, then it will be for one of only two reasons. You will either have died because you are a pitiful infidel undeserving of life, in which case you’ll be swept away as a plague upon the earth as it is cleansed…or you will die as her faithful and loyal servant, having fallen nobly in the advancing of her cause, in which case your death would be a compliment to your life rather than a reflection of your shame. There is no other option; you are either for the goddess or against her.

    I would be only too glad to offer my life as the ultimate sacrifice to Sen’il. I would suggest that you consider which side you are on, before the time comes that you will have to bear out the fruit and consequence of your choice.

    In utmost sincerity,
    As always, Tiret, you speak with and astuteness which far exceeds that of the average Tau'ri. I am sure that you will prove most useful to me when this planet finally falls.


      Originally posted by jckfan55
      Yay! Sen'il has a wonderful way with words. I do wonder how she manages to write the column without a host, though. (jckfan says, staying far away from the brig herself)
      Are you so easily misled by a mere picture? Or do you heed the ridiculous insinuations of the delusional creature who plagues this thread, seeking my attention? Learn how to think beyond the obvious, or at the very least, learn how to think.


        Originally posted by Sen'il
        As always, Tiret, you speak with and astuteness which far exceeds that of the average Tau'ri. I am sure that you will prove most useful to me when this planet finally falls.
        I am glad that I give you pleasure, great Lord Sen'il.

        Any task from my goddess I would savor as the highest joy of my existence. I shall be awaiting and ready, at your disposal, O Insidious One.

        ~ Tiret


          Originally posted by David
          Oh don't let the picture fool you. She has a host. I'll be sure to let her know that some folks have thought she's merely in her symbiotic form. Not so! Maybe it will influence the next column. I would be so lucky to sway her.
          Loyal David, take care that you do not overstep your bounds. I am a goddess! I am influenced by none, least of all a lowly mortal such as you.

          However, since part of my job includes pointing out the mistakes of others and clarifying silly misapprehensions, I may consider making several revisions to my next column. It will, I hope, spare me the tedium of having to make any future explanations about my appearance.


            My apologies for thinking that I would be able to persuade perfection. I emplore your forgiveness.


              Originally posted by Sen'il
              If I determine that your life is of any value, I may refrain from killing you, but the number of appendages you will be allowed to keep depends upon your performance. Losing a few fingers might teach you a great deal about humility and still allow you to serve me.
              Gotcha. In that case you have my undying devotion, oh Great and Beautiful One. Only tell me what needs to be done and consider the task completed. Such is my devotion to you, Sen'il, who's beauty and intelligence threaten to outshine the brightes sun in all the systems.


              *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

              "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


                Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
                Gotcha. In that case you have my undying devotion, oh Great and Beautiful One. Only tell me what needs to be done and consider the task completed. Such is my devotion to you, Sen'il, who's beauty and intelligence threaten to outshine the brightes sun in all the systems.


                I most certainly have reworded that last sentence, unless it was your intention to hopefully try, but ultimately fail, at having the great honor at being killed by Sen'il whose power and greatness knows no bounds. For example you could have said, Such is my unwavering devotion to you, Sen'il, who's beauty and intelligence outshines the brightest star in all the universe. Threaten was not a good word to use in that instance when referring to one who words cannot describe.
                To you Great Sen'il, I would offer you coffers of gifts but nothing that I could give to you would be able to properly express your worth. But know this, I will serve you in the times to come. You have gained a powerful ally, er servent if you prefer that, one who will gladly serve you in reforming Earth, er the universe to your liking. *Bows* All hail Sen'il, all hail Sen'il.


                  Darling Sen'il

                  Normally when you're being this conceited I would let Goldie or Sassy do the typing however they're too busy rolling in laughter ... curiously this behaviour started when I asked them just who your current host is?

                  So Sen'il who is your host?

                  Dr Lam

                  Gen. Landry

                  Sgt. Siler

                  or could it be your new stalker ?

                  yes that evil bit of sentient satin has returned !!!

                  DARK CAPER (see SassyGate)

                  what a lovely couple they'll make - I'm sure Sen'il will look great in black satin!

                  David have someone check Sen'il's cell for pieces of shiny black fabric !

                  And then collect and burn them and grind up the ashes ... darn it there always seems to be one tiny piece that survives!

                  So would any other of Sen'il 's fans like to suggest who they think her current host is?

                  Doubt they'll last long tho ...I think Daniel is looking for Sen'il to dehost her!

                  Someone mailed him the photos of Vala and Sen'il supergluing the donkey ears to his head!

                  Keep the science in SciFi!


                    Originally posted by Oranos

                    I most certainly have reworded that last sentence, unless it was your intention to hopefully try, but ultimately fail, at having the great honor at being killed by Sen'il whose power and greatness knows no bounds.
                    Right, right, oops. I'm new to the whole "worshipping scene." It will never happen again.

                    My humbles apoplgies to Sen'il, who's beauty and gloriousness I could never hope to comprehend or convey with mere words and my simple, mortal brain.

                    All hail!

                    *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

                    "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


                      Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
                      Right, right, oops. I'm new to the whole "worshipping scene." It will never happen again.

                      My humbles apoplgies to Sen'il, who's beauty and gloriousness I could never hope to comprehend or convey with mere words and my simple, mortal brain.

                      All hail!
                      At least you seem to be improving though it not my decision in the end.


                        Xmas Greetings!

                        We wish you a Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year

                        Greetings to the Magnificence that is Sen'il
                        Also to her league of fans soem of whom may also appreciate the antics of Sassy and Goldie. They're currently not capable of typing - more on that soon. As their beloved scribe I wish to remind Sen'il and her fans and any S&G fans lurking that Xmas designs and greetings are available on my website Neith's Place on the home page and in the Gallery section.


                        Goldie is currently incoherent and swimming thru a pile of tinsel making noises that suggest she's probably had one too many fish stock and champagne slurpies. Sassy is either sleeping or joining in a conga line of dachshunds across the Great Hall of Schloss Van T**k*ls***n. JoNaHeXed is off delivering Xmas presents.

                        Me I'm going to the library and then the bank and then I'm buying icecream for Xmas day since the temperature forecast suggests desert is going to be pavlova and fruit and not mince pies or plum pudding!

                        By the way David if you're reading I believe someone may have given Sen'il an surplus burrowing machine for xmas - you might want to warn the relevant staff members at SGC?

                        Keep the science in SciFi!


                          Many thanks to those individuals who did bother to visit the xmas greetings page even if you didnt bother to respond with xmas greetigns - unsubtle hint - christmas as a season extends to epiphany ?
                          Write? Post? Email the lowly scribe?

                          David I believe I know why Sen'il didnt turn in a December column - I dont know what excuse she gave you but apparently and she will probably deny this she and Goldie have been off visiting various xmas parties across the multiverse.

                          neither of them or my other staff members were sober enuff to do a report until yesterday - sample dialogue from the goullawk staff member - too manesh parsnips ! which I think means too many parties?

                          Sen'il and Goldie gatecrashed the Villians United / Injustice Society party!

                          I have this wonderful photo I can only describe to you (dont want to attract attention from those copyright lawyers) of Wilson Slade going troppo/ bonkers/ berserk cos some smart alec gave his precious rosie a full set of nightwing "inspirational" action figures.

                          DC fans may now snicker

                          and a shot from the BoP Xmas parrty of "Zindilla" cornering a certain Russian under the mistletoe!

                          I also have a photo of Sen'il kissing Lex Luthor in exchange for an autographed poster! Goddess only knows what both of them were drinking!
                          or where Sen'il got the Gouald sized I LUV LEX T-shirt?

                          And there's a photo of Sen'il and Godlie and Sassy at the L.....y Meadows party with "Rawf" and the Lima Bean crossed with a Batrachid. They're chasing Sen'il Goldie and Sassy while holding sprigs of Mistletoe!

                          This lowly scribe however STILL didnt get a replicator for Xmas or a laptop since no one bid on her ebay sales grumble sob sob sob so she's off to check the sales for possible bargains!

                          OOOH and Sassy and Goldie and Sen'il also visited the SGC party.

                          For some reason they refuse to show me the photos from that?

                          Which probably means Vala chased Daniel around the table and out into the corridor and into his office and then ...

                          All they say is that everyone had a great time and that Spam got to "date" - several times !

                          However I did get one present I may share with you.

                          Those of you who have chosen to visit Sassy Gate will know Sassy and Goldie like to do strange and terrible things to a certain set of pros?!

                          They have me this video that purports to show the PRos being kidnapped and sent on a terrible journey thru time and space chased by various entities.

                          I liked the one of what the Chthulu Mythos Monsters were doing!

                          Having just read the AT interview now I know why the girls did this?

                          I think maybe the girls have decided to misbehave until the pros stop upsetting AT keeping her guessing what will happen next year?

                          So David you might want to tell your interviewer to tell AT the girls are still on her side and strange and terrible events will continue to occur.

                          Meanwhile I will try to persuade the girls to return the hopefully chastised pros to their computers!

                          So what is Sen'il claiming she did for Xmas?

                          We hope her fans and our few had a good time!

                          I'm off to buy bread and milk and other mundane non fannish items!

                          AAARGH NO MAJOR BOOK SALES advertised oh well I should be looking for cheap printer cartridges anyway !

                          And you David while the "benevolent" one was off romping with Sassy and Goldie how was your Xmas?

                          Neith with post xmas blues

                          exiting in a dexterous direction!
                          Keep the science in SciFi!


                            I cannot speak for others, but I myself grow impatient with these frivolous holidays that pay no reverence to our beloved goddess. O Sen'il, when your day arrives, when you reclaim the earth in all your glory, I shall look forward to celebrating for once a real holiday, dedicated solely to you. From thence onward, each year the Tau'ri will remember the day in which you delivered us, and I for one will make joy-filled carols, recalling the time when the proud leaders of this planet fell before your greatness's blessed feet, and begged and pleaded for undeserved mercy. That will be a great day, one truly worthy of rememberance. Until then, while I am required to give lip-service to these empty holidays, in my heart I will be honoring the one who truly deserves our praise. No man in a red suit can compare to the immortal gem that is our goddess! For me, the new year means new hope that the coming of Sen'il will happen soon, and my only resolution can be to serve her with a greater zeal than ever before!


                              Tiret dont waste bandwidth - I dotn think Sen'il ready to make an appearance yet - still sleeping off all those Seasonal Parties !

                              I dont know what they're been consuming but Goldie is still crosseyed and slithering instead of flumping !

                              Very annoying I still havnt finished the latest reports since unlike their conscientious scribe / editor my reporting staff havnt tidied up their notes!

                              I dont drink for various reasons more than about half a glass of wine at the most however unfortunately Goldie has been known to literally wallow in punch bowls!

                              Hopefully David and I can finish our scribal duties as soon as they recover!

                              What is Sen'il's official excuse this time?
                              Keep the science in SciFi!


                                Originally posted by Tiret
                                I cannot speak for others, but I myself grow impatient with these frivolous holidays that pay no reverence to our beloved goddess. O Sen'il, when your day arrives, when you reclaim the earth in all your glory, I shall look forward to celebrating for once a real holiday, dedicated solely to you. From thence onward, each year the Tau'ri will remember the day in which you delivered us, and I for one will make joy-filled carols, recalling the time when the proud leaders of this planet fell before your greatness's blessed feet, and begged and pleaded for undeserved mercy. That will be a great day, one truly worthy of rememberance. Until then, while I am required to give lip-service to these empty holidays, in my heart I will be honoring the one who truly deserves our praise. No man in a red suit can compare to the immortal gem that is our goddess! For me, the new year means new hope that the coming of Sen'il will happen soon, and my only resolution can be to serve her with a greater zeal than ever before!
                                Well put. These other holidays show no worth to Sen'il; that being unacceptable. Us receiving presents from some nobody, hah, we should be bestowing gifts upon that which is wonder itself. The honor of that is much more rewarding. One can only hope that all this nonsense will end so that our time can be spent worshipping, and devoting all our time to Sen'il.

