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Sen'il Worship/Discussion

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    The Cascadian Department of Ecology has arrested Ba'al for bringing an illegal foreign species of animal (the Goa'uld) into our nation. We have put all of them to sleep. Do not come to Seattle, either, Sen'il, or we will arrest you too.
    Support Cascadia!

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      Oh Puget dear do warn the Ecology Dept to be very careful if while searching Ba'al's estate they find any talking dachshunds or wierd lil' dragonoids that look like a very small pleiosaur crossed with a gouald and a seal? Goldie bites and spits purple stuff!

      If anyone else has seen them please feel free to report any sightings here or to Sassy Gate!

      I think they may have been in England - why ?

      I was reading that report about the missing Dalek prop that disappeared and returned and I swear on holy relics that BEFORE I ever saw that report Sassy and Goldie were claiming they had an interesting adventure invovling the last D***K!

      Yes BEFORE !!!

      P.S. I trust Ba'al was released on bail - we need him to keep season nine interesting!
      Keep the science in SciFi!


        If Ba'al has not been released I have another Goa'uld to release! Although it would be an excellent way to gain his favour.
        This is an appeal by evil in distress, please click here to help Bastet defeat her enemies - Stargate online wargame


          A Lil' Gift for Sen'il and Gateworld fen - a portrait sketch of Goldie made just after she had her skin bleached for Migaloo!

          Here's the link - I refuse to shrink this any further
          but its still grr a couple of k over the limits for attachements!

          i'm working on a somewhat stylized depiction of the other character!

          would sen'il like a portrait done?

          Keep the science in SciFi!


            Very pretty, neith!
            It must be a Thursday.

            I've never been able to get the hang of Thursdays.

            Roll up your pantlegs- you're in JoePa's house now! Congratulations Nittany Lions on an Orange Bowl Victory!


              Thank You Scandrea!

              but shush we dont want Goldie to hear -

              fortunately she's not around - I think she's off getting copies done to send to friends and enemies!

              Its "airbrushing" done in PSP over a felt tip marker pen drawing.

              I dont have a light tablet / pen yet?
              Keep the science in SciFi!


                by the way getting back to he original topic for this thread

                whee and how is sen'il

                i see she still hasnt updated her column

                surely by now she's gotten over the shock of goldie showing her those holiday snaps of lord ba'al and a special friend?

                Keep the science in SciFi!


                  I am through with your delays and excuses, David. My column has not put in an appearance, as you promised it would. You were warned what would happen if you failed me.


                    I yield to your anger, but as you are all-knowingly aware, our Webmaster moving residences is beyond my control, Goddess. You know who I pray to in the late hours of the night. Have faith in me, as I do in you


                      David- I know where there are a couple of caves you can hide out in until the column is up. Let me know if you need directions.
                      It must be a Thursday.

                      I've never been able to get the hang of Thursdays.

                      Roll up your pantlegs- you're in JoePa's house now! Congratulations Nittany Lions on an Orange Bowl Victory!


                        Thanks Scandrea, but our goddess sen'il will find me wherever I hide. I have made my case


                          Originally posted by David
                          I yield to your anger, but as you are all-knowingly aware, our Webmaster moving residences is beyond my control, Goddess. You know who I pray to in the late hours of the night. Have faith in me, as I do in you
                          Your Webmaster lacks the slave power to have the moving done for him. How unfortunate. And now his misfortune comes to bear against me and my loyal worshippers. I am not pleased by this development.

                          I know, gentle David, that you have done everything possible to assuage this situation. You have, as always, given me your best and I do indeed hear those nightly prayers, but the patience of a goddess is not infinite. My adoring public deserves to hear all that I have to say.

                          I will continue to wait, for now, but my leniency will not last much longer. I trust that you know what to do.


                            To Sen'il and David -

                            David you should be worried - I beleive Sen'il may have finally escaped SGC!

                            Last week's card and other games night was called off and a despondent Goldie was going to have me type a missing persons notice for this slot!

                            Apparently the two of them have developed this great strategy to beat the the tech sergeants while playing poker and and monopoly !

                            The sashimi platter order has been cancelled and Sen'il has / had disappeared.

                            Sen'il you can pop in and say hello to Cousin Goldie!

                            What did she smuggle into SGC for you?

                            An Asgard teleporter? A quantum tunneling device?

                            I understand police were called to a certain individual's Seattle estate after a demented mad woman claiming to be a goddess showed up at the gates ... she escaped custody and is probably heading for David's place!

                            David ? You there David? MMM maybe he's popped out to the warehouse discount store to fortify his residence?

                            Say if you want a less volatile columnist I have this team of a Sentient Dachsie and a Goullawk who would be glad to take over ... until Sen'il calms down!?

                            Poor David

                            You there David?
                            Keep the science in SciFi!


                              Once again my supplicants must wait upon the whims of those who mismanage GateWorld. Perhaps it is time I demonstrated my displeasure in a way that is more likely to capture your fleeting attention.


                                Sen'il Calm Down

                                You can not

                                a) blow up large parts of Seattle cos Ba'al was dating a certain Major

                                b) blow up David's new residence and drag him off to a net cafe to finish typing your column

                                c) hack into the delphi server and reprogram it to generate a search robot to find Ba'al

                                You really have to learn to drink chocolate !

                                David has she reached your place yet?

                                I have been unable to find out who she's wearing as a host?

                                She may be the little old lady across the street or the post person?
                                Keep the science in SciFi!

