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Stargate Rewatch: Atlantis Season Three Nominations

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  • Darren
    Here's your official ballot! Vote now until August 31 at GateWorld.


    Vote for one per category. (All fields are required.)

    Best Episode (Atlantis Season Three)
    • Sateda
    • Common Ground
    • The Return, Part 2
    • Tao of Rodney
    • Sunday

    Best Sheppard Moment
    • Hanging onto the hull of a Wraith hive ship in his F-302, Sheppard debates whether or not to trust Michael to help him rescue his friends and stop the hive. ("No Man's Land")
    • John risks his own life when he breaks quarantine to support an ailing Elizabeth Weir, encouraging her to fight the nanites taking over her body. ("The Real World")
    • Sheppard is captured by Commander Kolya, who uses a Wraith to slowly drain the life out of him -- until the two prisoners form an alliance and escape. ("Common Ground")

    Best McKay Moment
    • McKay works alongside his estranged sister Jeannie in an attempt to save two realities, and tries to reconnect with her. ("McKay and Mrs. Miller")
    • An Ancient device turns McKay into a highly advanced human, vastly increasingly his intelligence and giving him superhuman abilities. ("Tao of Rodney")
    • Facing death after being altered by an Ancient device, Rodney spends his final hours attempting to ascend -- and showing his friends what they mean to him. ("Tao of Rodney")

    Best Teyla Moment
    • With Atlantis under Ancient control and her friends returning to Earth, Teyla says farewell -- telling Sheppard that their paths will cross again. ("The Return, Part 1")
    • When the team finds a Wraith Queen inside a facility at the ocean's floor, Teyla tries to telepathically access her mind -- only to be taken over by the powerful Queen. ("Submersion")
    • Teyla uses her telepathic ability to trick a Wraith Queen into thinking she has control over Teyla, stopping her ship's self-destruct and luring the Queen into a trap. ("Submersion")

    Best Ronon Moment
    • Captured and handed over to the Wraith, Ronon is returned to the ruins of his homeworld and made a Runner once again. ("Sateda")
    • Trapped on Sateda as a Runner again, Ronon challenges the Wraith commander orchestrating his hunt to come down off the hive and fight him personally. ("Sateda")
    • Ronon says goodbye to his friends in Atlantis after the Ancients return and take over the city -- refusing to leave the galaxy until every last Wraith is dead. ("The Return, Part 1")

    Best Weir Moment
    • Infected with Replicator nanites threatening to kill her, Elizabeth dreams that she is back on Earth -- a fragile psychiatric patient who dreamed up Atlantis and the Stargate. ("The Real World")
    • With help from her friends, Elizabeth fights against a nanite-induced hallucination of another life and makes her way back to her real life on on Atlantis. ("The Real World")
    • When Sheppard is captured and tortured by Kolya, Dr. Weir refuses to back down while negotiating his release. ("Common Ground")

    Best Beckett Moment
    • After his retro-virus successfully turns a Wraith crew into humans, Beckett does everything he can to help them survive on a new planet -- soon realizing that the Wraith haven't entirely lost their memories. ("Misbegotten")
    • Dr. Beckett fights to save Elizabeth Weir when she is infected by Replicator nanites, coming up with a brilliant plan to distract the nanites and give her mind a fighting chance. ("The Real World")
    • Carson acts against orders to save a patient, putting his own life on the line to surgically remove an explosive tumor -- and is killed in the line of duty when it detonates. ("Sunday")

    Best Team Moment
    • Having relocated back to Earth, the members of the former Atlantis expedition reunite for dinner to talk about old times. ("The Return, Part 1")
    • Defying orders and reuniting in the Pegasus Galaxy, Sheppard and his team rescue Woolsey and General O'Neill from the Asuran Replicators and retake Atlantis. ("The Return, Part 2")
    • Under attack from the Asurans, the Atlantis team works together to escape the enemy weapon satellite and fly the city off the surface of Lantea. ("First Strike")

    Best Alien Race (Season Three)
    • The Asurans ("Progeny")
    • The Ancients ("The Return, Part 1")
    • Herick's race ("The Ark")

    Best Individual Villain
    • Oberoth ("Progeny")
    • Acastus Kolya ("Common Ground")
    • Michael ("Vengence")

    Coolest Ancient Technology
    • Satellite game ("The Game")
    • Ascension machine ("Tao of Rodney")
    • City stardrive ("First Strike")

    Coolest Alien Technology
    • Anti-Replicator guns ("The Return, Part 2")
    • The Ark ("The Ark")
    • Asuran satellite weapon ("First Strike")

    Best SG-1 Crossover
    • Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O'Neill ("The Real World")
    • Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O'Neill ("The Return, Part 1")
    • Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O'Neill ("The Return, Part 2")
    • Robert Picardo as Richard Woolsey ("The Return, Part 2")

    Best Guest Star
    • Kavan Smith as Major Lorne ("No Man's Land")
    • Robert Davi as Acactus Koyla ("Common Ground")
    • Christopher Heyerdahl as Todd ("Common Ground")
    • Kate Hewlett as Jeannie Miller ("McKay and Mrs. Miller")
    • Michael Beach as Abraham Ellis ("First Strike")

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  • Darren
    Thanks for your nominations, everyone! Stay tuned to GateWorld this week for the official SGA Season Three ballot.

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  • hermantheowl
    Best Episode (Season Three): "The Return, Part 2"

    Best Shepherd Moment: Risking his life to try to save Weir from the nanites in "The Real World"

    Best McKay Moment: Trying to ascend in "The Dao of Rodney"

    Best Teyla Moment: Seeing the "ghosts" (which are really mesages from the whale-like creatures) in "Echoes

    Best Ronon Moment: Fighting the Wraith in "Sateda"

    Best Weir Moment: Fighting the illusion to get back to reality in "The Real World"

    Best Becket Moment: Trying to save Weir in "The Real World"

    Best Team Moment: Saving Atlantis in "The Return, Part 2"

    Best Alien Race: The Asurans

    Best Individual Villain: Kolya in "Common Ground"

    Coolest Ancient Techology: The "game" room in "The Game"

    Coolest Alien Technology: The Ark in "The Ark"

    Best SG-1 Crossover: Richard Dean Anderson as O'Neill in "The Return, Part Two"

    Best Guest Star: Christopher Heyerdahl as "Todd" in "Common Ground"
    Last edited by hermantheowl; 16 August 2012, 06:40 PM. Reason: forgot best Weir moment

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  • JoeRocks
    Best Sheppard Moment - Flying the ark (The Ark)
    Best McKay Moment - Becoming a super hero (Tao of Rodney)
    Best Teyla Moment - saying goodbye to Sheppard (The Return Pt 1)
    Best Ronon Moment - Being really really angry and killing lots of Wraith (Sateda)
    Best Weir Moment - we're not there yet (Common Ground)
    Best Beckett Moment - The fishing trip (Sunday)
    Best Team Moment - Watching Sheppard being tortured (Common Ground)
    Best Alien Race - Genii (Common Ground)
    Best Individual Villain - Kolya (Common Ground)
    Coolest Ancient Technology - Ascension Machine (Tao of Rodney)
    Coolest Alien Technology - Video link (Common Ground)
    Best SG-1 Crossover - The Return Part 2
    Best Guest Star Richard Dean Anderson - The Return part 2

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  • blueray
    you might need a certain about of posts to vote in a poll.

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  • Nyssa
    Hi All! I'm new to the thread and wanted to vote for my favorite shows but I don't know how. It says I'm not allowed to vote. Help please! Thanks!

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  • Chelle DB
    Best Episode: Sunday
    Best Sheppard Moment: Sheppard working with a Wraith (Common Ground)
    Best McKay Moment: McKay working with Jeannie (McKay & Mrs. Miller)
    Best Teyla Moment: Linking telepathically to the wraith Queen (Submersion)
    Best Ronon Moment:
    Best Weir Moment: Being infected with nanites (The Real World)
    Best Beckett Moment: Saving a life which ultimately claims his own. (Sunday)
    Best Team Moment: Rescuing Woolsey and O'Neill (The Return, Part 2)
    Best Alien Race:
    Best Individual Villain: Todd (Common Ground)
    Coolest Ancient Technology:
    Coolest Alien Technology:
    Best SG-1 Crossover: Richard Dean Anderson (The Return, Part 2)
    Best Guest Star: Kate Hewlett as Jeannie Miller (McKay & Mrs. Miller)

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  • blueray
    best Episode (Season Three): the return pt 2
    Best Sheppard Moment: working with todd to escape (common ground)
    Best McKay Moment: curing ronon's scars (tao of rodney)
    Best Teyla Moment: saying goodbye (return pt 1)
    Best Ronon Moment: saying goodbye (return pt 1)
    Best Weir Moment: telling sheppard and mckay off (the game)
    Best Beckett Moment: saving that guys life, even if it caused his (sunday)
    Best Team Moment: eating dinner on earth together (the return pt 1)
    Best Alien Race: replicators (the return pt 1,2)
    Best Individual Villain: kolya (common ground)
    Coolest Ancient Technology: the satellite game (the game)
    Coolest Alien Technology:
    Best SG-1 Crossover: RDA (the return pt 2)
    Best Guest Star: Kate Hewlett (mckay and miss miller)

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  • robcsi90
    Best Episode (Season Three): First Strike

    Best Sheppard Moment: Breaking the quarantine and risking his life to save Elisabeth (The real world)

    Best McKay Moment: When he thinks he is going to die, so he works as fast as he can (Tao of Rodney)

    Best Teyla Moment: Farewell in The Return part I.

    Best Ronon Moment: Farewell in The Return part I.

    Best Weir Moment: Escaping the nanites illusion (The real world)

    Best Beckett Moment: His death after he saved a life (Sunday)

    Best Team Moment: Escaping the replicator satellite (First strike)

    Best Alien Race: I do not know if they have a name but they were the guys in that moonbase, hiding from the Wraith in a modified beam technology (The ark)

    Best Individual Villain: Niam (Progeny)

    Coolest Ancient Technology: The machine what gave McKay mind-reading ability and was built to help people to ascend (Tao of Rodney)

    Coolest Alien Technology: Asuran Satellite (First Strike)

    Best SG-1 crossover: Robert Picardo as Woolsey (The return part 2)

    Best Guest Star: Michael Beach as Ellis (First strike)

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  • Badhron
    Best Sheppard Moment: Sheppard allies with a wraith to escape from Kolya. (Common Ground)
    Best McKay Moment: While using a wraith computer he compares their operating system to DOS. (No Man's Land)
    Best Teyla Moment: Mentally Linking with the wraith queen. (Submersion)
    Best Ronon Moment: When he hits Beckett after at the end of Sateda.
    Best Weir Moment: Negotiating with Kolya (Common Ground)
    Best Beckett Moment: Beckett operates on a patient with a explosive tumour. (Sunday)
    Best Team Moment: Taking back atlantis from the Replicators. (The Return)
    Best Alien Race: Asurans
    Best Individual Villain: Wraith leader from "Sateda."
    Coolest Ancient Technology: The satellite network used in "The Game"
    Coolest Alien Technology: Horizon
    Best SG-1 Crossover: Richard Dean Anderson (The Return)
    Best Guest Star: Kate Hewlett as Jeannie Miller (McKay & Mrs. Miller)

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  • Puddle_Jumper38
    Best Sheppard Moment
    Shortly after meeting Richard Woolsey for the first time, Sheppard goes to Weir for her permission to 'knock this Woolsey guy in the head'. (Misbegotten)
    Best McKay Moment
    McKay tries to fix his relationship with his sister after she is brought to Atlantis. (Tao of Rodney)
    Best Teyla Moment
    Teyla uses her mental ability to link with wraith to fool a wraith queen, allowing the teams plan to work to shut down a wraith cruisers self destruct. (Submersion)
    Best Ronon Moment
    Trapped on Sateda as a runner again, Ronon challenges the wraith who made him a runner to come down off the hive and fight him. (Sateda)
    Best Weir Moment
    With the aid of Sheppard, Weir is able to see through the hallucination induced by nanites and fight their attack on her mind and body. (The Real World)
    Best Beckett Moment
    Knowing the risk of an explosion, Beckett locks the expedition out of the level his patient is on so he can perform an operation, saving the patient but at a high cost. (Sunday)
    Best Team Moment
    The team return to Atlantis against direct orders, devising a plan to save the city from the replicators and winning their home back against the odds. (The Return pt 2)
    Best Alien Race
    The Wraith (No Man's Land)
    Best Individual Villain
    Acustus Kolya (Common Ground)
    Coolest Ancient Technology
    Orian (No Man's Land)
    Coolest Alien Technology
    Anti-Replicator Guns (The Return pt 2)
    Best SG-1 Crossover (based on one specific Season Three episode)
    Richard Dean Anderson (The Return pt 1)
    Best Guest Star (based on one specific Season Three episode)
    Kate Hewlett (McKay and Mrs Miller)

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  • Krisz
    Best Episode (Season Three)
    The Return (Pt 2)

    Best Sheppard Moment
    Defiant in the face of capture and torture by Koyla using a Wraith as an ingenious instrument of torture to suck Sheppard’s life in increments, he forms an alliance with the Wraith, engineering their escape by mutual co-operation. (Common Ground)

    Best McKay Moment
    Facing death after being infused with the knowledge and abilities of the Ancients he reaches the state of mind to achieve ascension, even if for a moment. (Tao of Rodney)

    Best Teyla Moment
    Playing the mind games with the Wraith Queen they find in an Ancient underwater laboratory. (Submersion)

    Best Ronon Moment
    Fighting for his life when the Wraith capture and throw him back on his destroyed home world as a ‘Runner’ to be hunted once again. (Sateda)

    Best Weir Moment
    Facing two different realities, which is real? The recovery after a nervous breakdown due to stressful international negotiations, or a place called Atlantis where mankind wanders out amongst the Stars? (The Real World)

    Best Beckett Moment
    Without a thought for his safety he continues his efforts to save lives and pays the ultimate price. The farewell conversation on the pier in McKay’s mind showed what made Beckett such a caring, considerate member of the team and good friend, even to Mckay. (Sunday)

    Best Team Moment
    WEIR (over comms): May I have your attention? As you all know, we have found ourselves in a spot of trouble. The reality is that no matter where we try to hide on this planet, the Replicator satellite will be able to track us. Therefore, Doctor McKay and Colonel Sheppard have come up with a rather ingenious way for us to escape the satellite’s range altogether. In the next few hours, we will fire the city’s stardrive and head into space. Atlantis is leaving this planet.

    All on Atlantis working together to achieve what seemed impossible. Dragging an asteroid to block the satellite's destructive beam to give some more time to get the stardrive working was an amazing feat. (First Strike)

    Best Alien Race
    Asurans (Progeny)

    Best Individual Villain
    Koyla (Common Ground)

    Coolest Ancient Technology
    The real time planetary observation/interaction technology. (The Game)

    Coolest Alien Technology
    Asuran Satellite (First Strike)

    Best SG-1 Crossover (based on one specific Season Three episode)
    Richard Dean Anderson/Jack O’Neill (The Return- pt 2)

    Best Guest Star (based on one specific Season Three episode
    Kate Hewlett (McKay and Mrs Miller)
    Last edited by Krisz; 06 August 2012, 02:32 PM.

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  • YceQueen
    Best Episode (Season Three)

    Best Sheppard Moment
    Sheppard teams with up with Todd the Wraith to escape Kolya and his men. ("Common Ground")

    Best McKay Moment
    When the ancient device that McKay believes is giving him superpowers really is a device that is supposes to help the ancient ascend he realize that he isn’t going to make it, he spends the time he have left trying to show his friends what they means to him (Tao of Rodney)

    Best Teyla Moment
    Teyla uses his special abilities to trick a Wraith Queen into thinking the Queen's got full control over Teyla, but instead, Sheppard and McKay surprise and kill her. (Submersion)

    Best Ronon Moment
    Back on his homeplanet, Ronon fights all the Wraith send to kill him, and then summons the Commander to come down and fight him as well. ("Sateda")

    Best Weir Moment
    After being infected with nanites, Weir is trapped inside an hallucination, in which she is a mental patient who made up Atlantis. ("The Real World")

    Best Beckett Moment
    When a patient is discovered to have a tumor inside his body that could explode any minute, Beckett rejects all orders and succesfully performs surgey on the patient, only to be killed himself in the explosion. ("Sunday")

    Best Team Moment
    The team comes back together and travels to Atlantis to take back their city and get rid of the Replicators. ("The Return, pt 2")

    Best Alien Race
    The Asurans ("Progeny")

    Best Individual Villain
    Michael ("Vengeance")

    Coolest Ancient Technology
    Orion ("No Man's Land")

    Coolest Alien Technology
    Asurans Satellite ("First Strike")

    Best SG-1 Crossover (based on one specific Season Three episode)
    Richard Dean Anderson ("The Return, pt 2")

    Best Guest Star (based on one specific Season Three episode)
    Kavan Smith ("No Man's Land")

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  • ThreeFriesShortOfaHappyMeal
    Best Episode (Season Three) Common Ground, The Return, First Strike, Sunday, Progeny (tough season)

    Best Sheppard Moment - Pretty much the whole of Common Ground

    Best McKay Moment - The whole of Tao of Rodney
    Best Teyla Moment -

    Best Ronon Moment - All of Sateda

    Best Weir Moment - The way she deals with the replicators throughout the season. Shes so hot this year. It really stinks she leaves.

    Best Beckett Moment - Carson goes out with a bang. - Sunday (AGain, it stinks he leaves)

    Best Team Moment - Everyone does their part in The Return Part 2.

    Best Alien Race - The Ancients - The Return Part 1

    Best Individual Villain - Oberoth - Progeny

    Coolest Ancient Technology - The star drive (First Strike)

    Coolest Alien Technology - The Ark

    Best SG-1 Crossover - Dooooiii Richard Dean Anderson - The Return

    Best Guest Star - Christopher Heyerdahl as Todd (Common Ground), David Ogden Stiers as Oberoth (Progeny)

    I still dont understand why Torri Higginson and Paul McGillion left the show. wah
    Last edited by ThreeFriesShortOfaHappyMeal; 02 August 2012, 10:54 AM.

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  • Brie
    Best Episode (Season Three)

    Best Sheppard Moment
    Breaking quarantine and therefore risking his own life to save Dr. Weir when she is infected by nanites (The Real World)

    Best McKay Moment
    When the ancient device that McKay believes is giving him superpowers really is a device that is supposes to help the ancient ascend he realize that he isn’t going to make it, he spends the time he have left trying to show his friends what they means to him (Tao of Rodney)

    Best Teyla Moment
    When she realize that the wraith queen is too strong for her to control Teyla chooses to use it against her and tricks her into believing in their plan to fix the hive ship to save themselves and in doing that the wraith queen leaves the drilling platform and Sheppard and McKay can kill her (Submersion)

    Best Ronon Moment
    When Teyla falls ill after their encounter with Lanteas whales he stayed by her bedside and tried to make her feel better (Echoes)

    Best Weir Moment
    Refusing to back down while trying to negotiate Sheppard’s release while he is captured and tortured by Kolya (Common Ground)

    Best Beckett Moment
    When they successfully managed to use the retro-virus and turned a bunch of wraith into humans Beckett does everything he can to help them survive on a new planet, however when they start to remember who they he have to come to terms with the fact that he the retro-virus isn’t going to do what he hoped.(Misbegotten)

    Best Team Moment
    The whole team work together to save Atlantis, along with O’Neill and Woolsey from the replicators (The Return part 2)

    Best Alien Race
    The retro-virus affected wraith (Misbegotten)

    Best Individual Villain
    Acustus Kolya (Common Ground)

    Coolest Ancient Technology
    Under water drilling station (Submersion)

    Coolest Alien Technology
    Ascension machine (Tao of Rodney)

    Best SG-1 Crossover (based on one specific Season Three episode)
    Richard Dean Anderson (The Real World)

    Best Guest Star (based on one specific Season Three episode)
    Robert Davi (Common Ground)

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