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Win Stargate Atlantis on Blu-ray and an autographed script!

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    My favorite thing about Stargate: Atlantis was the friendship that developed between Sheppard and McKay over the five years. They started out not getting along that well but by the time you get to The Shrine it really is quite touching to see how much they care about each other. For me, they were the Kirk and Spock of Stargate, albeit with a lot more humor. Even the little moments like when they would be racing remote control toy cars through Atlantis showed how much they had bonded over the five years.


      I loved anything Ancient in the Stargate franchise, and Atlantis was the bee's knees (the ori story arc was pretty cool, but just couldn't compare with the tech the Atlantis Expedition found in Pegasus).


        My favorite episodes were the time travel ones. I especially liked the 2 part episode where John Sheppard was sent 10,000 years into the future.


          My favorite memory of SGA is from season 1...when Dr. McKay find the Atlantean personal shield (Hide and Seek).

          First, there was all the ways to "test" it. The look on Shepard's face when he bragged about shooting Rodney is priceless. Then the look on McKay's face when he got punched and they guy didn't even pause or hold back "You didn't have to swing so hard. And notice that he didn't even hesitate!" *LOL*

          Second, was when Mckay realizes he can't eat or drink and later faints and he's like "I passed out from... manly hunger."

          Then there is when the entity starts killing people & Weir suggests that McKay do the Life-risking deed & the shield falls off. First thing he does is go get a drink. And then Weirs reaction to it falling off "I had a feeling." *L*

          And then the finale when McKay steps up and goes for it. After the entity goes through the Gate, they find that that he passed-out to save him some dignity since he was so brave.McKay fainted, but Shepard says Sheppard: "You must have passed out" and McKay replies "Oh. Well, thanks for saying the other thing."

          Yup, definitely my favorite


            After just finishing a complete re-watch of the entire series I have to say my favorite thing about Atlantis is the wonderful characters both good & bad. The wrath were great bad guys & yet not just one dimensional. Same for our heroes. I miss those great characters. If I win I will pass my non-blu ray set on to another fan or future fan of the series.


              One thing that I loved in the Atlantis series was the scene where McKay and Sheppard were racing their remote controlled cars down a supposedly deserted hallway.


                Only one thing?

                I liked how the writers were never afraid to think big.
                1 Wraith Hive ship? How about 12?
                Can't escape the mega-laser burning out the shields? Fly the city to another planet!
                Unknown aliens breach the city and steal special guest star and formerly ascended being Daniel Jackson? Surprise! They're bad Asguard (bAsguard)!

                Despite the epic space battles, and amazing plot twists, the characters were able to not take themselves too seriously (I'm thinking of the Kirk references specifically).
                "For truth hath better deeds than words to grace it..."


                  My favorite thing about the series was the humor and of course the military aspect of the show.


                    MY favorite episode is probablt a tie between Duet and McKay & Mrs Miller. They are both amazingly hilarious episodes and herd to compare. Duet had McKay and Lt. Cadmen share a body which was an absolute riot. But in McKay and Mrs. Miller McKay's sister comes to help revealing Rodney's full name: Meredith Rodney McKay. So I think my favorite element of Atlantis is the humor that was often times over the top (as pointed out by my 2 favorite episodes).

                    Tyler Kelson
                    Bothell, Wa
                    Cast I've met: Richard Dean Anderson , Amanda Tapping , Michael Shanks , Christopher Judge , Lexa Doig, Alexis Cruz, Michael Rooker, Sean Patrick Flanery, Paul McGillion , Jason Momoa , Jewel Staite


                      Awesome show, excellent cast, memorable characters, hopefully I'll be able to win this prize. As John Sheppard once said, "plan 'D' works every time."


                        LOVE Atlantis!

                        For some reason, I laugh every single time they bring up McKay's allergy to Lemons... haha, LOVE it.


                          I loved Dr. McKay and how throughout the stargate series during and after Atlantis he would show up in the other shows. I think one of the greatest moments was that final crash down to earth and landing in San fransico was an awesome scene. However I think my favorite moment was the initial discovery of the wraith (and the awakening of them) that led to them saving the day but also providing a lot of animosity towards them because they woke up the wraith.

                          However I loved how the wraith were a new and different enemy, much different than the Ori or the Go'uld.

                          Love the show and a lifelong fan.


                            Joe Flanigan. He and the other cast members had such great rapport with each other, and some great lines that my daughter and I pretty much communicate with much to the confusion of our non-fan friends.


                              The thing that I love most about Stargate Atlantis is/was watching it for the first time with my 6 year old twin son and daughter. We rented the dvds from Netflix a couple of years ago and devoured the series. Seeing their reactions of wonder and excitement only made the viewing experience that much more magical for me. It was also fun to hear there different takes on the shows' characters. My son named John obviously loved Shepard becuase of the namesake but his favorite was Ronan. He viewed Momoa's character almost as a superhero of the Pegasus galaxy. My daughter naturally gravitated to the female characters. She loved Teyla because she was tough but sweet, Dr. Weir because she was smart, and as a Sam Carter fan she was thrilled to see her join the team in season 4. She also loved Rodney's humor. Atlantis and the SG universe has been and continues to be such an inspirational and fun part of my relationship with my children. I cannot count the number of times I have taken them to school in the morning and they ask to listen to either the SG-1 or Atlantis theme and pretend that going to school is a mission through the gate. I remember vividly going to see the Star Wars trilogy with my dad and now I have an even bigger (better?) saga to share with my children. I hope and pray that the current franchise hiatus is very brief (My son keeps reminding me that it was only 4 years from the end of Enterprise to the premiere of Trek '09). In the meantime it would help ease the pain of waiting to be able to watch Atlantis for the first time in pristine high def. Thank you GateWorld for your labor of love. We can't wait for the ReWatch!!


                                My favorite Atlantis moment has to be Rodney losing his mind in The Shrine. Hewlett just progresses so awesomely through it and it's believable the whole way.

                                Also, I want to win this because that final draft of the script was made on my birthday! Fingers crossed!

