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Feature Requests for

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    Originally posted by Teal'c
    I don't know if David's up to the challange of doing hacks! (Reverse psychology )
    It takes a hack to do a hack. Which means he's perfectly suited. Of course, the REAL question is, would he WANT to? Chances are, much as he loves me, he wouldn't wanna go through all that tedious work just for me alone.

    Maybe we should start a poll to find out how many others would like an "ignore thread" feature...


      Hey, I may write for the Omnipedia, but pigs will fly the day I learn how to format it.

      I.E. I am a basic, BASIC HTML man right now. If anyone among us could hack, I'd turn to Darren every time <nudge-nudge>


        Originally posted by David
        If anyone among us could hack, I'd turn to Darren every time <nudge-nudge>
        I don't think Darren approves of my wascally ways, my holier than thou attitude and my obstreperous obsession with "that cursed food server".

        *sniffle* Oh woe is I...


          Ooh, good word usage


            Originally posted by David
            Hey, I may write for the Omnipedia, but pigs will fly the day I learn how to format it.
            If I fling Ugly Pig across the room, does that count?

            Hmm... maybe if I had a catapult...

            Meanwhile I'll keep looking small and cute and pitiful and hope someone falls for- I mean, feels sorry for me and gives me what I want.


              I have a feature request for

              What about a Wallpaper section?
              "I'm thinking of nice turkey sandwich..."


                Something that I think would be quite cool is a little graph on your public profile showing your post rate over time.
                [email protected]

                I pledge allegiance to the underworld
                One nation under dog
                There of which I stand alone
                A face in the crowd
                Unsung, against the mold
                Without a doubt
                Singled out
                The only way I know


                  uh...stargate...crossword puzzles?!?!?!?!

                  hey now, its an idea!!

                  no wait..i have a better one, post cards! on they have postcards and i used to send one to ppl every day *but alas, they dont have any new* so like. a small amount of postcards with funny sayings on them regularly switched out...that would make anyone wearing pants *and not wearing pants* happy

                  Daniel: No Jonas, I will NOT play pass the mustard with you.
                  Jonas: What about pass the mayo?
                  Daniel: ...okay, but dont tell Jack.


                    Postcards would be nifty.

                    Wallpapers would, too, but it'd be hard to put limits on that sort of thing. I mean, how would you organize it? Team, character, ep, equipment? Do you allow shippy ones? Do you have some way of letting people just upload them, or would they have to go through a screening process first to make sure they were PG and not detrimental to a character/actor? If you allow ship, you almost HAVE to allow slash (after all, it's another form of ship). How do you draw regs for that? If you say "no ship" then how do you justify THAT? It's one of those ideas that sounds really great... until you sit down to work out the logistics. Still, some basic wallpapers might be nice.


                      You can't think that hard into it Shadow. "All backgrounds are the expression of the creator, and do not express any opinions whatsoever of the Gateworld team. We cannot be held responsible for any offending material, although we will try to screen it."

                      There, done!
                      Dark Helmet: So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
                      Dark Helmet: No, it's not what you think. It's much, much worse!

                      Col. Sandurz: Prepare for light speed.
                      Dark Helmet: No, no, light speed is too slow.
                      Col. Sandurz: Light speed too slow?
                      Dark Helmet: Yes, we'll have to go right to...Ludicrous speed!
                      Col. Sandurz:Ludicrous speed! Sir, we've never gone that fast before. I don't think the ship can take it.
                      Dark Helmet: What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz...CHICKEN?!


                        You still need to figure out how to categorize them all. I mean, if you just have this big chaotic mishmash of stuff it'll be very easy for people to overlook things they might like. And if folks are only interested in, say, Daniel desktops, they aren't gonna want to slog through everything else to try and sort out the Daniel ones.

                        And how DO you screen it? Beforehand or just cross your fingers and pray and just have someone skim through it once in a while?

                        Dunno. Still sounds problematic to me.


                          Originally posted by David
                          Hey, I may write for the Omnipedia, but pigs will fly the day I learn how to format it.
                          Oh really?
                          Sounds like a dare to me!

                          Weeell? What's it gonna be?
                          Last edited by Ugly Pig; 08 September 2004, 12:59 PM.
                          Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                            You still need to figure out how to categorize them all. I mean, if you just have this big chaotic mishmash of stuff it'll be very easy for people to overlook things they might like. And if folks are only interested in, say, Daniel desktops, they aren't gonna want to slog through everything else to try and sort out the Daniel ones.

                            And how DO you screen it? Beforehand or just cross your fingers and pray and just have someone skim through it once in a while?

                            Dunno. Still sounds problematic to me.
                            True, it will be a big hassle. Perhaps catorgizing it like: Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c, SGC personal, Tok'ra, Goa'uld, Allies (sub: Tollan, Asgard), Enemies (sub: Aschen, Reps), Locations, Combo (multiple themes).

                            You could do a block upload; i.e. have people submit their work, then upload a qualified selection at the end of every month or every other week. Don't forget that you could code a script to search. There are a couple out there, and it would be that hard to do it (heck, I could even code something like that!)
                            Dark Helmet: So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
                            Dark Helmet: No, it's not what you think. It's much, much worse!

                            Col. Sandurz: Prepare for light speed.
                            Dark Helmet: No, no, light speed is too slow.
                            Col. Sandurz: Light speed too slow?
                            Dark Helmet: Yes, we'll have to go right to...Ludicrous speed!
                            Col. Sandurz:Ludicrous speed! Sir, we've never gone that fast before. I don't think the ship can take it.
                            Dark Helmet: What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz...CHICKEN?!


                              Originally posted by Ugly Pig
                              Oh really?
                              Sounds like a dare to me!

                              Weeell? What's it gonna be?

                              OK. I am extremely impressed.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                                I won't give up Luke and I won't do anything that goes against my fundamental beliefs, but everything else is up for grabs.

                                Seriously... I would really really like to be able to ignore threads. There are some which are a constant, low-grade source of aggravation for me and not having to look at the bloody things every time I'm here might even make me a more pleasant person.

                                I did say might...
                                I looked into it, and I'm afraid there is no hack for ignoring threads, sorry.

