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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    Yeah that does make sense but simply it could just be that each individual set of symbols (1 or 2) points to a specific galaxy, and they get assigned as gates are made there. Our local cluster contains over 30 galaxies so maybe there's a symbol for each of them on the gate, but certainly there are more than 38 clusters, and some clusters could contain more galaxies than that, and also there's no point in the gate system being able to point to a place where there is no gate, so basically you could just stick a gate in a new galaxy and then update the gate system and request an area code, once all the single symbol area codes are taken up then you start getting 2 symbol ones.

    Also theres no reason to assume that you cant go further and have 10/ 11 symbol address when you've used up all the 2 symbol codes, just becasue there are nine chevrons doestn make it the maximum number of symbols, remember it's only the top chevron that actually locks on the others just light up so maybe if you keep dialing they keep registering until you dial the POO.

    Actually writing this has made me realise something, during the early days when the experiments on the stargate where being carried out why were they trying only seven symbol adresses, when there are nine chevrons on the gate, that is a mild oddity.


      I just noticed something...

      Watch any of the supergate episodes, and look at how the Supergate "dials in"... Each and every one of the links that make up the gate light up separately, not just 7 or 8 etc. I'm definitely thinking that it's something to do with distance/power, perhaps the Ori home galaxy is simply _SO_ far away that a full 9 chevrons are required to dial the gate using conventional sized gate systems, which would explain why a supergate would require dialling across its entire circumfrance to establish a wormhole...


        The Ori Don't Just Dial Supergates, They Have to dial small Gates in Order to deliver the supergates, and not all the chevrons light up on the small gate when they do.

        Besides the fact that anything on the gate lights up at all before the wormwhole is established is ridiculous, and riddled with wholes:

        Sometimes each chevron will light up in turn before the gate opens, which is silly because this takes even longer that actuall tavel through the gate seems to take.

        Sometimes the gate will start to spin when there's an incoming wormhole locking on to specific symbols, this is stupid, if the gate is dialing the adress of the invcoming wormhole then it would have to wait until a gate had locked on to it, wich means no wormhole until both gates are locked, though normally we see the wormhole open as soon as the last symbol is dialed (at the dialing end). and sometimes it shows both gates Dialing simaltaneously, this can't be the case unles it happens across the universe on everygate that has the same first symbol (that can't be the case).

        and Sometimes the chevrons light up all at once and a wormhole opens after a small delay, this is the most sensible one, not just opening straight away, there'd need to be a small warning, so the gate can be cleared because it would be quite silly to just sundenly shoot an unstable vortex in to your face.

        Anyway, my point is the fact that they all light up isn't a clue to anything and it can't realy be an indication of where the wormhole is coming from, becaue it can't really know that untill it's there, it's simply a warning to say: "get clear cos im about to open"


          in addition to above, has anyone noticed that on Pegasus orbiting gates, all the chevrons light up? Those aren't 9 symbol addresses being dialed, so that disproves the theory that only chevrons being used light up.
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            no offense guys but ithink the 9th chevron is time travel. first 6 to select a certain place in space, 7th for start point of origin, 8th for galaxy, and 9th for time. the time aspect is the problem everyone is thinkin wrongly about. i am not sure but i think that the ancients used the 38 symbols to calculate time. another thing is that in oreder for this theory of mine to work, it use the chevrons more than once.

            so the 9th will use 10 of the symbols for 1387days each, the 10th will use 8 for each 38 years, 11th will use 8 for every 308 years, 12th will use 8 for every 1824 years, 13th will use 4 for every 7296, 14th will use 38 for every 46582 years, the 15 wil use 38 for every 1770116, and the last 16th chevron will use 19 for evey 67264408.this means that the stargate could potentially go back in time 1278023752 years back in time.

            P.S. i think that the ancients appeared at 1790247031 years bc.
            so the ancients have achevied time travel in around 512223279 years.
            but all of this information is all speculation .


              maybe the stargate looked crap with only 8 so the ancients added a 9th too make it look cool.


                Originally posted by stargatexpert View Post
                no offense guys but ithink the 9th chevron is time travel. first 6 to select a certain place in space, 7th for start point of origin, 8th for galaxy, and 9th for time. the time aspect is the problem everyone is thinkin wrongly about. i am not sure but i think that the ancients used the 38 symbols to calculate time. another thing is that in oreder for this theory of mine to work, it use the chevrons more than once.

                so the 9th will use 10 of the symbols for 1387days each, the 10th will use 8 for each 38 years, 11th will use 8 for every 308 years, 12th will use 8 for every 1824 years, 13th will use 4 for every 7296, 14th will use 38 for every 46582 years, the 15 wil use 38 for every 1770116, and the last 16th chevron will use 19 for evey 67264408.this means that the stargate could potentially go back in time 1278023752 years back in time.

                P.S. i think that the ancients appeared at 1790247031 years bc.
                so the ancients have achevied time travel in around 512223279 years.
                but all of this information is all speculation .
                No offense, but you are definately wrong, for a start the ancients tried to make time travel work long after the gate was built and couldn't only the guy that made the time travelling puddle jumper ever got it to work and they banned himk from ever using it so that makes it seem unlikely.

                on top of that WTF are you talking about anyway? you think that suddenly we are going to have 16 symboll addresses? that's a bit of a leap from 9 dontcha think?, and your theory seems to be based on nothing but......well no, just nothing, I mean WHAT! (10 of the symbols for 1387 days each!) what did you just pick random numbers?! that has no basis in anything logical at all why only 10 symbols, Why not be able to use all the symbols, HUH?!

                Stargate expert indeed!! the one thing that proves to me that you havn't really even thought about it properly and that I am not just missing your point because you are some sort of genius is that you seem to think that you can keep dialing symbols after you've dialled the point of origin, that's stupid the point of origin will always be the last symbol dialled,that's how the gate knows you have finished.


                  Maybe the ninth one is a spare in case one of the others gets damaged or wont work properly? Just a thought



                    I've gotta agree with fred here. IIRC the Ancients didn't support time travel at all. Remember how they reacted when they found out about Janus' time machine? I highly doubt they would incorporate such technology into all of the gates. I would be extremely dissapointed if it were time travel, this isn't Doctor Who. And addresses beyond 9 symbols just seems kinda silly. Not trying to bash on your idea here. I still support the idea that it adds an extra distance calculation and dials another galaxy cluster.

                    And Chaapaai, lol that's an idea I haven't heard before, but if it were true that would just tell us the writers are extremely lazy.
                    Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                    Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                    Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                    Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                    --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                      lol, lazy writers is true anyway i think, there are so many wholes. a spare doesn't exactly make sense though since only the top chevron does the locking the others just light up to show a symbol has been selected, so i would guess that even if the light is broke the data for the dialled symbols would't actually be stored in the chevron anyway, the gates could probably be reprogrammed to accept a hell of a lot of symbols but I doubt they currently can (that would have caused a hell of a lot of trouble for the earthlings doing the initial studies on the gate)


                        Now that we have the *Unending spoilers*
                        entire asgard database
                        , $10 says there's something in there about that 9th cheveron
                        Last edited by kiwigater; 27 June 2007, 06:17 PM.
                        SG-1 Rocks!!



                          Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell:
                          The hard part of this team is not risking your own life, it's watching your friends take chances with theirs.


                            Probably the reason in the show Stargate Universe begins.


                              Asgard Database Entry about the 9th Chevron: "This article is a stub about an object on the Stargate. Help improve the Asgard database by adding information! In other words: What the frack does this thing do?!"


                                Originally posted by Mach1 View Post
                                Now that we have the entire asgard database, $10 says there's something in there about that 9th cheveron

                                I hope so

