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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    the 9th chevron does not matter, because wrestling is more realistic than Stargate...

    ...or somethin
    You know what I think?
    It don't really matter what I think.


      Ok, I NEED to ask.

      Does ANYONE actually read other peoples' posts in this thread, I mean Rivalen had the best idea I've heard in a long time, possibly THE explanation, and yet there's been no discussion of it!

      "Five Rounds Rapid"



        Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett
        Ok, I NEED to ask.

        Does ANYONE actually read other peoples' posts in this thread, I mean Rivalen had the best idea I've heard in a long time, possibly THE explanation, and yet there's been no discussion of it!
        "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
        Mark Twain

        Daniel Jackson and Sam Carter are the kinds of nerds I want to be.


          It's such a reasonable and believable explanation that I'm stunned into awed silence by it's sheer brilliance.


            i think that is one of the best ideas in this whole thread from rivaln thats great we need more posters like you and welcome to gateworld even tho im kinda new two

            thanks to and leelakin for the pretty sig.


              It's been stated a lot of times that the earth gate does a manual dial, well more of an automated manual dial because we don't have a DHD. If Revalen's theory was true, wouldn't the central chevron at the top be the only working chevron when we dial out?

              if all 7 points must go through that central chevron and lock during a manual dial then the same should be true for Earth? Time after time we've seen each symbol lock into place in it's appropriate chevron rather than the central locking and a differnet chevron lighting up.

              So one chevron wouldn't be used as a feed, but all would because each chevron would store it's own glyph because each chevron locks when we dial, including the top chevron. Even if the central chevron was used for manual dial only, then even when a gate is being activated, on or offworld, we are seeing each of the 7 visible chevrons being used, each for it's own glyph. That to me makes it a true chevron because if the central was only or manual dialing then it shouldn't be lighting up when the final point of an address off world because one of the hidden two chevrons should be used instead.


              I think i repeated the same point in there, so it may be a bit confusing.
              Last edited by SaberBlade; 19 September 2006, 03:07 PM.



                more then one gate on a planet?
                just thinking of an ip address uve got your numbers eg
                and then u got your port numbers leading to other programs eg

                could it be that the ninth chev is used for alternit gates on the same planet?


                  Originally posted by aussie
                  more then one gate on a planet?
                  just thinking of an ip address uve got your numbers eg
                  and then u got your port numbers leading to other programs eg

                  could it be that the ninth chev is used for alternit gates on the same planet?
                  That's what I have been thinking, maybe what we have been calling the 8th cheveron is really the 9th. What the 8th cheveron really does is a gate selector if there are more than one gate in the same planet or Solar System.


                    takes you to a kleenex supply planet


                      teal'c...u do realise that working out the number of worlds is not as simple as just doing 37 x 38...its much more complicated. haha...u must understand this.


                        Walter: Chevron 9 locked....

                        *from the stargate*
                        IBM voice: Help desk.


                        ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

                        (Shameless advertising ftw)


                          Originally posted by Prometheus2508
                          don't mean to burst a few bubbles...

                          The ninth chevron is doubtfully there as an extra distance exponent...with 30 chevrons, it's highly unlikely the ancients populated 30 galaxies. In order to connect to a stargate, one must be built there first. That means you have to travel via ship. Many of the closest galaxies are hundreds of lightyears away, meaning, traveling at the speed of light, it'd take you well over your life span to get there, even for ancients...
                          Neither do i... Galaxies are a lot further away than hundreds of light years away and more to that the ships in the Stargate series go a lot faster than the speed of light.

                          Maybe the ninth chevron connects to a higher plane of existance and when you step through it you automatically become an ascended being.


                            Originally posted by full.infinity

                            iirc the antarctic gate was brought/built there by the ancients. Ra brought the egypt gate to earth not knowing the antarctic gate was there.


                              Mods, please don't merge this with the numerous 9th Chevron threads, because I want to discuss a specific idea.

                              Chevrons 1-6 dial the destination while Chevron 7 locks in the point of origin. When dialing another galaxy an eight chevron locks in, though technically the eight chevron to lock is the point of origin.

                              Whut does Chevron 9 do? I had the idea that a Chevron 9 would either allow two-way travel or instantaneous travel where looking through the Stargate would be like looking out your front door. The later idea would include two-way travel but there'd be no event horizon once the wormhole is formed. You could literally see whut's on the other side and walk through the gate as if you were walking out your front door with your front yard representing an alien world.

                              Do you think either idea is likely?


                                well i have always thought it could be a way for you to assend don't know it would work but hey you never know the ancients might have put it there for those who understand the techonogly but are not advanced enough to assend yet idk just a thought

