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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    Originally posted by Owen Macri
    this might be like another thread but i wanted to hear some thoughts about it
    It would make Jack into an upstanding, underhanded politician....did that blow your mind? I think that's the reaction we mere humans would have if we ever found out what it actually did.


      I would have to say its just to go a farther distance. The SGC probably cant activate it though because think of the power drain that the 8th symbol took just to activate a wormhole to Atlantis. The 9th would take even more but the distance would be huge!


        don't mean to burst a few bubbles...

        The ninth chevron is doubtfully there as an extra distance exponent...with 30 chevrons, it's highly unlikely the ancients populated 30 galaxies. In order to connect to a stargate, one must be built there first. That means you have to travel via ship. Many of the closest galaxies are hundreds of lightyears away, meaning, traveling at the speed of light, it'd take you well over your life span to get there, even for ancients...

        It'd also seem rather redundant to have ANOTHER distance modifier in a series, not in reality.

        I've also heard theories about it creating a debugging warmhole, one connected to nothing. This is impossible, as a warmhole is virtually two interconnected black holes... If you created an unconnected warmhole, you'd pretty much kill yourself...

        it's unlikely it's used to force an update, as we've seen it done via a DHD in Avenger 2.0...

        Time travel and Dimension travel are out of the question, as there are an infinite amount of each, and it would be impossible to distinguish each individual one with jus tone extra symbol.

        My theories are it is to establish in incoming warmhole or force dial a remote stargate.

        Possibly maybe make your target stargate self destruct...what a weapon THAT could be...

        for now, I'm sticking with's there because it looks pretty

        It's also possible it is used to dial all stargates simultaneously... This was done in the episode in which they defeated the repli's, but I don't think Ba'al mentioned how he did it to SG-1...


          don't mean to burst a few bubbles...

          The ninth chevron is doubtfully there as an extra distance exponent...with 30 chevrons, it's highly unlikely the ancients populated 30 galaxies. In order to connect to a stargate, one must be built there first. That means you have to travel via ship. Many of the closest galaxies are hundreds of lightyears away, meaning, traveling at the speed of light, it'd take you well over your life span to get there, even for ancients...

          It'd also seem rather redundant to have ANOTHER distance modifier in a series, not in reality.

          I've also heard theories about it creating a debugging warmhole, one connected to nothing. This is impossible, as a warmhole is virtually two interconnected black holes... If you created an unconnected warmhole, you'd pretty much kill yourself...

          it's unlikely it's used to force an update, as we've seen it done via a DHD in Avenger 2.0...

          Time travel and Dimension travel are out of the question, as there are an infinite amount of each, and it would be impossible to distinguish each individual one with jus tone extra symbol.

          My theories are it is to establish in incoming warmhole or force dial a remote stargate.

          Possibly maybe make your target stargate self destruct...what a weapon THAT could be...

          for now, I'm sticking with's there because it looks pretty

          It's also possible it is used to dial all stargates simultaneously... This was done in the episode in which they defeated the repli's, but I don't think Ba'al mentioned how he did it to SG-1...


            The ninth chevron is for calling tech support.
            Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


              What is the 9th chevron am i missing something? I dont have time to read al 41 pages but someone on the first page said that the 9th chevron has never been mentioned in stargate history so what the hell are you guys talking about?


                omg as i suppose youve missed lot of thing-you have you ever seen a whole stargate? it contains 9 chevron-6 to mark the place,7th for point of origin,8th for overcome the long distance but we dont know what the 9th chevron really does...
                On leti,on tak krasne leti!


                  well this is one long winded topic lol.

                  Honestly it's there for future reference by the ancients.
                  I'd have to assume since symbols 1-8 are used for directions it would make sense 9 would also.. just like dialing 1-###-###-#### is north american but other country's use a different starting number


                    Originally posted by takagari
                    well this is one long winded topic lol.

                    Honestly it's there for future reference by the ancients.
                    I'd have to assume since symbols 1-8 are used for directions it would make sense 9 would also.. just like dialing 1-###-###-#### is north american but other country's use a different starting number
                    You want a long thread? check out last one to reply wins. something like 3,300 pages and 65,000 posts
                    WTFOwned-nice. you think if we called we'd get someone in India "named" Steve?


                      Well we all know from season 9 of sg-1 that the ancients which were thought to be from this galaxy were actually from another galaxy. What if the the ninth chevron is the point of orgin for the ancients true glaxay. Just a idea.


                        I think we'd get a recording that says "The number you have dialed has ascended"
                        Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                          How about someone e-mail sci fi and ask.


                            Originally posted by Pogo01
                            How about someone e-mail MGM and ask.
                            Fixed ^
                            Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                              Another galaxy? AGH! Look, 8th Chevron dials another galaxy, not ONE other galaxy, up to 39 other galaxies! The hypothesis that the 9th Chevron dials the Ancient's original galaxy is redundant, the EIGHTH chevron could EASILY do that.

                              As for multiverses... I refer you to the second link in my signiture, which contains an indepth analysis of the theory.

                              "Five Rounds Rapid"



                                The ninth chevron takes you into the mysterious 3rd dimension...

                                (see Simpsons & Family Guy)


