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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    Maybe there are some holes I can plug.

    First regarding ancient not needing more than one gate in a solar system. Well we have seen in Atlantis "Defiant One" that
    a puddle jumper takes 15 hours to get from one planet to another
    this clearly shows some inefficiency in ship travel and if the two planets have frequent travelers in between them, gate travel will be great.
    As regarding the we can't dial the nine chevron until we dialed the eight chevron part. There may be a possible way (we haven't discovered yet) to encode the chevron responsible for selecting the specific gate without encoding the "extra distance calculation" chevron.

    I also like to say that there is a high chance that the producers have not thought of the use of the ninth chevron either. When they do, what they'll do is to come up with some explanation and well it can actually be used for anything.
    Lt.Col. pilot_f302
    Comd(Ftr Wg), Phoenix


      it seems like the ancients started to study ascension long after they built the gate network and THREADS
      if there was a way to ascend completly using the gate anubis would have done that instead of tricking oma desala then he could have just kept on ascending whenever the ancients cast him down
      also it seems like the ancients were still studying ascention in atlantis, but the gates already had nine chevrons.


        you are forgeting that the ancients didnt just have puddle jumpers they also had larger ships, i have another reason and i wil type it as soon as i get back.


          ok the way it works is the stargates six symbols wich represent six points in space can vary in size (the larger tha points the greater are specified the smaller the points the more specific the area is) for the stargates to work more than once a day the points have to by large enough to encompass the whole planet and for the stargate to work more than one day a year the points have to be large enough to encompas the circumfrance of the planet orbit and then they would HAVE to encompass as far in as the sun (because the sun is the center of the orbit and is the most center point of the roatation,if you had a stargate on a planet farther out in the solar system then the are covered would be larger than if the gate were on a planet farther in, say that you had a gate on both planets, then you would have a large spherical area and a smaller spherical area (spherical because in three demensional space) when you dial the gate closer to the sun the gate searches that area for a stargate (first it will search the most outer limits of the spherical area because that would be the orbit of the planet) if no gate is found than the dialing gate wont activate because the only causes for the gate not being there are A) the gate has been burried or destroyed or not accesible or B) the planets orbit is deriorating and you wouldnt want to go there anyways because you would be pulled into the star along with the planet, say you want to dial the gate farther out in the solar system, the gate will scan the outermost area for a stargate if a stargate is found it will lock on and open if none is found it wont open because the gate has either become inacsesible or the planets orbit is deteriorating, or someone took the gate. anyways my point is that if there were more than one gate in any given solar system (except a binary system with planets orbiting both stars, then only a single gate could be used) anyways the ancients didn't put more than one gate in a sytem because most of the planets that they put gates on they teraformed and seeded with life so they expanded there territory by putting a gate in each system even though they werent realy expanding there territory they were expanding the places that they could go. if you have control of one planet in a system you basicaly have control of all of the planets as long as you are capable of interstellar travel, if you had two races, both interstellar travel capable and they both secured planets in the same system, that is kind of stupid because i gaurantee you if those two people are enemies that one of them will be completly wiped off of that planet within one of thier years, think about it. my original point is that you can dial more than one stargate in a solar system without any problems the ninth chevron is not needed


            maybe anubis didnt know abou that function of the gate,evne if he did he couldnt activate it cos of the power req.; also the ascended to use the gates - oma gated out of the SGC loads of times.
            the 9th cheveron might be domant until they asign a function, the rote a programs, loaded it in to the gate and then used it to ascend.
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              i'm not really sure that you realise that there is no evidence backing that up. ascension is they become elitened enough to be able to rid themselves of there physical bodies and live as pure energy, if you could just go through the gate to ascend than there would be no enlitenment in that, also the timeline dosnt add up the gate network was built long before the ancients knew how to ascend or even thought of the idea


                well right now the second distance calculation is the most plausible theory


                  it would follow the pattern of the gate but it would make a better story if they came up with a better idea


                    Originally posted by Major_Griff
                    If ancients could open a wormhole w/o a stargate on the other side, they why build more than one?
                    they might have found out how to open a wormhole w/o a stargate on the other side after they had built the stargates


                      for future races and civilisations


                        Originally posted by Owen Macri
                        actually the device O'Neill built was needed to sustain the wormhole as well it takes a lot of power to establish it but if you think about it it would take even more power to keep it running, besides if it worked that way then atlantis would be able to dial home
                        Once established, the Asgard DHDs could provide the power to maintain the wormhole. Although the power usually comes from source, we know that the receiving Gate can be drawn on in emergencies.
                        Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                        - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                          i think that you are saying that if the device O'Neill built wasn't powerful enough to keep the gate open, than the asgards power source (the dhds would need an alternate source of power) could keep the gate open, and that is true, but in the episode what happend was the gate shut down after O'Neill went through and then they tried to dial again, but siler called up and said the thing was dead, so this leads you to asume that the device O'Neill built also sustained the wormhole.


                            Originally posted by Mr Prophet
                            If you were activating a hyperdrive, why would you use any chevrons? Even if the 'jumper had some sort of emergency self-gating protocol to create a transient wormhole to jump back to a Gate, why would that involve chevrons? The chevrons are on the Gate.
                            earth uses the gate symbols to navigate there seen in full circle
                            Last edited by TheGreatLordGeorge; 09 April 2005, 09:12 AM.


                              Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorgerheaus
                              earth uses the gate chevrons to navigate there seen in full circle
                              Actually, it uses the Gate symbols. The chevrons are the things that actually go ker-chunk.
                              Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                              - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                                With the inputs of the glyphs being contellations, which doesn't make sense since at different places in the galaxy, constellations would be different... but regardless, the ninth chevron could not be used to pin point anything more specific than another gate because it chooses an area and the present gate homes in on the other gate.

                                So here are other possiblities?? In list form!
                                1. Ninth chevron can be used to open a gate between two worlds Meaning make it open both ways, permenantly perhaps? It would opening a gate between two communities without having to dial all the time and works two way. It isn't used because requires a lot of power. Or more simply, reverse opens the gate meaning opens the gate for the other end for the otherside to travel through.
                                2. Another dimension, something like the dimensional mirror (I don't remember if it was Ancient in design)... but this would be awkward again considering the inputs for the SG and DHD.
                                3. Designating which Stargate on a planet/system/area having two or more gates needing a more specific entry making the the glyphs to take on new meanings, a numbering system of sorts.
                                4. I really like the idea of it being a selector of power supplies. It chooses the offworld gate to supply the power rather than the other way around. This would make it possible for people at Atlantis to travel home if Atlantis ran out of power provided the Earth gate had enough power. This would again force the glyphs to take on a new numbering system. Although this can work corresponding with No. 1.
                                5. Time travel... Again, inputs would be awkward.
                                6. Further off the wall, it opens two separate gates none of which is the one dialing. Meaning that the ninth chevron acts as the PoO for another gate. Why would anyone do this? I have no idea, maybe the DHD was broken and a supplementary way to do it was made... but they could do it manually... So again, I have no idea.
                                7. Farthest off the wall, it opens a larger worm hole for large things like ships and what not to travel through and opens one of the same magnitude on the other end. Instant teleportation of sorts, but the power needed would be absurd since it has to sustain a worm hole without a gate. I don't even support this one...
                                8. Alternate path for a worm hole to take to avoid situations where the worm hole would travel through a sun and cause destruction like in that SG1 episode. Or may act as an override to a world that has been locked out by the DHD like the blackhole planet.
                                9. Uhhhh.... fine to a farther galaxy...
                                10. To another gate on the same planet!!

                                Yay! I'm done.

