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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    and funny enough, the universe is finite, as of the eppy threads, where the ascended times states " edge of the universe discovered"



      What if there was a Cheveron 10


      Puddle Jumper Pilot- Sheppard - Asmir
      Scientist - McKay - Shirt n' Tie
      Scientist - Zalenka- Bar
      Cook and able body - Ronon - Master Bray Tack .
      Crazy Irish Guy Was Here .

      Are we Geeks or Nerds


        Originally posted by Master Bray Tack View Post

        What if there was a Cheveron 10

        LOL where tho?


          is it possible they make or discover a gate that makes you ascend? like once you step through?
          *Turn in your P-90 for a MP7; the standard issue weapon for any SG Team*



            My theory is:

            The ninth chevron was created for the gate to have a symetry however it is placed. think of it this way if there were eight chevrons and the gate got burried on a primative planet. thousands of years later it was uncovered but it was placed up-side-down this would mean that all incoming travelers would come in up-side-down! therefore the gate has to have a device that tells it which way is down.


              thats utter nonsense.

              real thing is:it gets you to the gateseeder ship. its essentially a forwarding code.


                Originally posted by =SGA=Jason_Binn View Post
                is it possible they make or discover a gate that makes you ascend? like once you step through?
                doubt it buddy


                  Originally posted by Becket111 View Post
                  My theory is:

                  The ninth chevron was created for the gate to have a symetry however it is placed. think of it this way if there were eight chevrons and the gate got burried on a primative planet. thousands of years later it was uncovered but it was placed up-side-down this would mean that all incoming travelers would come in up-side-down! therefore the gate has to have a device that tells it which way is down.
                  lol wow i dont know if you were serious or not but that made me that is good, but i think that the up r down thing was already incorporated into the design, if not then that would make the ancients stupid
                  *Turn in your P-90 for a MP7; the standard issue weapon for any SG Team*



                    Originally posted by =SGA=Jason_Binn View Post
                    lol wow i dont know if you were serious or not but that made me that is good, but i think that the up r down thing was already incorporated into the design, if not then that would make the ancients stupid
                    Think about what your saying there buddy.


                      Idea of mine...ninth chevron jumps between gate networks, no not galaxies, networks.

                      Stargates have red crystals(sometimes the glow looks orange, but I'm pretty sure it's red). These red gates(I'll explain pegasus later) are free access gates, open to anyone to use and they number approximately 78% of all gates in the ancient's network(ori not included because the ancients didn't build them).

                      However, ever wonder how you could have trade between planets and not bog up the gate? Need to dial home under fire...whoops, crates of potatoes going through, have to wait.

                      Answer is Ancients build several gate networks on different 'frequencies'. Wormholes on one frequency wouldn't interfere with others. You could have two wormholes to earth simultaneously on different networks because they are constructed differently.

                      Orange gates...cargo transfer. Puddle jumper-like trains would carry cargo through these gates, which would be located on large, populated worlds in addition to the red gates(color is based on the crystals, by the way).

                      Green gates would lead to secure facilities...shipyards, safehouses, armories, training facilities, etc...basically all the good stuff you don't want the average villager to stumble onto.

                      Yellow gates...VIP transit system between ultra-high security locations. Only a handful of these gates. Very exclusive. Mind you, the ancients only gave the asgard a red gate.

                      Violet gates...these are larger than normal, but not quite supergate size. They are the reason why ancient warships don't need intergalactic hyperdrives. 100 or so strategically placed in the void between stars within a galaxy provides transit for ancient ships between various sectors of the galaxy. Since they are not near stars or planets, no one would know where they were unless they knew where to look, which is why the Goa'uld never found them. Also explains why ancient ships were long and narrow.

                      Blue gates(non pegasus)...these were dangerous locations, maybe a research outpost near a black hole or a planet dangerously close to a star. Locations with value, but definitely not safe. Step through one of these and you die without precautions. Experimental research would also be on this network.

                      All of these networks were established in MW and the rest of the ancients' domain, but not Pegasus. Pegasus gate network was established after the plague killed the ancients. The ones who traveled to Pegasus were infected and seeded the new galaxy with life+advanced one set of humans as far as they could(maybe our level, a little more or a little less) but they couldn't push their development to their level.

                      These sub-ancients inhabited decontaminated parts of Atlantis while the true, infected ancients coexisted in otherparts. They taught these 'new ancients' and gave them the city piece by piece as the plague knocked the ancients off one by one. Some ascended, which the neoancients observed and saught to copy throughout their existence(which lead to their pacifistic policies and indifference to other matters). Once the last of the ancients died the remainder of the city was sterilised and the neoancients carried on the work of their predecessors.

                      Pegasus gate network was deemed an 'experiment' hence the blue color, but was not part of the blue network. It was deliberately isolated to not allow contact with the plague in other galaxies. The pegasus galaxy(which can only be left through Atlantis's gate crystal) was kept isolated later on as a precaution against the wraith expanding beyond the galaxy. So pegasus gates have blue crystals because the humans in the galaxy were an 'experiment' after the plague, but it's not part of the blue network.

                      The 9th chevron is dialed last, in case of a 7 symbol address in galaxy it would technically be 8th, and an access code is prompted by flashing chevrons on DHD. Once the proper response is inserted the gate activates and JUMPS networks. gate connects to green gate with ninth chevron added after address. Intergalactic address (8 symbols) + gate jump = 9th chevron.

                      Makes more sense than saying the movie and tv show producers didn't think it through and there is no reason for 9 chevrons.
                      Stargate: ROTA wiki


                        ^I don't buy it. How come we've never seen a green or yellow gate then?
                        Originally posted by Craig Charles
                        "And the 'replicator' has just entered Sir Killalot's corner and Killalot is...urm...wait a minute... Sir Killalot has just been eaten by the 'replicator' and now there's two of them..."


                          Originally posted by Guest750 View Post
                          ^I don't buy it. How come we've never seen a green or yellow gate then?
                          I will agree with this guy...


                            Originally posted by Guest750 View Post
                            ^I don't buy it. How come we've never seen a green or yellow gate then?
                            Fair question.

                            The Tauri and especially the Goa'uld have never seen these gates simply because they were located within ancient facilities or cities, not out in the countryside. How many ancient cities have we seen? One, Atlantis. How many shipyards have we seen that built the ancient warships? None. Unless you want to count the repair station on the volcanic planet. Still, it was a single berth only and didn't have any fabrication equipment, so not a shipyard.

                            My point is we have never seen all the good stuff the ancients had to have had. (except atlantis) And think about it, wouldn't a city like Atlantis require a construction cradle in order to build it? Haven't seen any of those.

                            Where did all the MW ancient tech go? Maybe they scuttled it after they ascended, maybe it's still out there off the red gate network so it was never found? Pegasus ancients didn't build a lot of tech because they were obsessed with ascension, but they still built the aurora-class ships somewhere other than atlantis. Those piers aren't shipyard slipways. Also, where did they build the ZPMs if not in Atlantis?

                            Atlantis wasn't an industrial city, or else humans would now have access to the machines that build the ZPMs, drones, warships etc. Input the necessary materials and you could build more. So the cool stuff had to be built elsewhere.

                            Green gates hold the cool stuff production facilities, armories, mothball fleets, etc.

                            Yellow gates, few as they are, connect between super secret facilities, like what I'm not quite sure. On earth Area 51 would be similar, nuke bunkers for the president and congress, stargate command, and other stuff that sensitive.

                            Now Atlantis should have at least a green and orange gate, maybe not a yellow. But when they traveled to Pegasus and cut themselves off from the plague(and later to isolate the wraith), they would have deactivated those gates, if not destroyed them entirely. Maybe the green gate is stuck in some storage chamber for McKay to find later. The Orange gate could have been housed under one of the landing 'piers' and raised up from below when needed to allow the puddlejumper-like trains to roll out onto the pier, unload or reload, and go back through. Certainly enough open space for that, and the idea that you would have ships landing there all the time doesn't make much sense, they created the 'rings' after all, so not much of a reason to land.

                            Think about it, and it starts to fill in some of the missing pieces within the series.
                            Stargate: ROTA wiki


                              From where do you get this information? It has never been meantioned by TPTB and it has never been shown on an episode
                              Made by the great KindlyKeller <3
                              RIP Nuada


                                Originally posted by Yaskaleh View Post
                                From where do you get this information? It has never been meantioned by TPTB and it has never been shown on an episode
                                As I said up top, it's an idea of mine taken from all of the little hints and mysterious facts about the gate network dropped throughout the series. The colors are arbitrary, except red and maybe blue. But consider the following:

                                1. Ancients build ships with slow hyperdrives when they had the tech to travel between galaxies...why?-----Answer, they had the violet medium gates for travel between sectors of a galaxy or even galaxies and didn't require an intergalactic drive on their ships.

                                2. Lack of necessary machinery and manufacturing capabilities on Atlantis. Where did they make zpms, drones, warships, etc?-----Answer, some other facility that hasn't been found. Why hasn't it been found by the Tauri, Goa'uld, or Wraith? Because it's on a different network.

                                3. How could the ancients have traveled and transported cargo through the gates without bogging them up with traffic and basically rendering them unuseable?-----Answer, a different gate network, Orange gates, to transport massive amounts of cargo through, leaving other networks free for personnel travel.

                                4. Why are Pegasus gates a different color?-----Answer, Pegasus was deliberately isolated to avoid plague contamination and later on Wraith leaving the galaxy. Restarting the human race was deamed an 'experiment' and potentially hazardous so they were designated blue gates even though they didn't connect to the blue intergalactic network.

                                5. Anubis's wormhole redirection program(gate forwarding) shows that the gate network does have the capability of some security protocols against unwanted visitors above and beyond a shield that will kill inbound travelers. But the lack of any access codes being required to activate the gate and travel to restricted worlds suggest either a lack of forethought on the part of the ancients...or some other security measure not yet discovered.------Answer, multiple gate networks for secure facilities. Simple, sweet, secure.

                                6. Adria's manipulation of the DHD with the flashing symbols suggest some greater function than simply dialing addresses.-----A code prompt with flashing symbols in order to access other gate networks isn't a great leap of logic.

                                7. Morgan established a separate, mini gate network to protect and move Merlin around.-----Answer, this isn't an original idea of Morgan's, just a miniature repeat of the multiple network idea.

                                8. Rings are like mini stargates, why don't they connect to stargates and vice versa?----Answer, they operate on different frequencies so they don't interfere with each other, just as the multiple gate networks do.

                                9. Puddle jumpers are elongated so they can fit through the gate. Aurora-class warships aren't smooth, but they are also elongated. Why?----Answer, so they would fit through the violet medium gates.

                                10. Orlin's mini gate had 7 chevrons, why?-----Answer, he only needed to dial locally, which suggests that the 8th and 9th chevrons aren't just asthetic, they have a dedicated function. It also proved that a small gate can connect to a larger one, so it is possible to gate jump from say a red to a violet and fly a puddlejumper through if you really, really needed to.

                                11. Why didn't the goa'uld or wraith recover tech or manufacturing facilities to make ancient weapons, zpms, atlantis-class cities etc?-----Because they weren't on the red network for them to find, and most of their exploration was through the gates, not by ship to uncharted star systems.

                                12. Why did the Asgard have a red gate if they are in a different galaxy?-----Answer, color doesn't indicate galaxy, it indicates something else. Hence, different gate networks.

                                13. Why is Atlantis's stargate 'the one and only link back to earth'?-----Answer, pegasus gates are on different frequency than MW gates and would require a gate jump, but MW gate DHDs were never programed with Pegasus frequency and codes...and vice versa because Pegasus network was supposed to be completely separate and isolated. Special dialing crystal in Atlantis gate has more than just the ability to use the 8th resets the gate's frequency temporarily to allow travel to the MW, or in the case of a wormhole from earth, resets Atlantis's gate's frequency to allow an incoming wormhole without a network jump command or code...which the Lanteans knew that primitive humans on earth wouldn't have because they had never installed the Pegasus frequencies or codes in the MW DHDs.

                                14. Why is there a midway station? Why not just travel directly through the gate bridge?-----Answer, pegasus gates won't dial MW gates without the special dialing crystal. They can't connect. That's why midway has one from each galaxy in their gateroom and why an incoming wormhold from pegasus doesn't connect with the MW gate instead of the Pegasus gate. In fact, in theory you should be able to have both gates in the midway station activated simultaneously since they are on different networks. McKay even noted they were on 'different networks' without realizing the significance of this.

                                I'm sure you can find more tantalizing tidbits if you look closer. The multi-network idea also fills in a lot of blanks and plotholes throughout the series.
                                Last edited by Aer'ki; 08 August 2008, 03:26 AM.
                                Stargate: ROTA wiki

