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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    so, almost 4 years & 76 pages later and we still know zilch about the 9th chevron
    Dont worry The show is slated for 2009, so just one more year!
    [kick ass signature coming soon]


      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
      so, almost 4 years & 76 pages later and we still know zilch about the 9th chevron


        I believe the 9th chevron is to gate to different galaxy clusters. for example our galaxy is part of a group of galaxies called the local group which is made up of 35 different galaxies, it just happens that the pegasus galaxy is in our local group so that would be an explanation of why you need the 8 chevron to dial another galaxy within the local network, if you want to dial outside the network then you would need an additional number to identify which galaxy cluster to dial. anyways not sure this is just my theory i've heard on here before and i believe that is what universe will be about. it would be like dialing 7 chevrons for a local call, 8 chevrons 1+area code for a long distance call and ninth chevron for dialing the international code to make a call outside your country. it all makes sense to me



          Originally posted by Gelasius View Post
          I believe the 9th chevron is to gate to different galaxy clusters. for example our galaxy is part of a group of galaxies called the local group which is made up of 35 different galaxies, it just happens that the pegasus galaxy is in our local group so that would be an explanation of why you need the 8 chevron to dial another galaxy within the local network, if you want to dial outside the network then you would need an additional number to identify which galaxy cluster to dial. anyways not sure this is just my theory i've heard on here before and i believe that is what universe will be about. it would be like dialing 7 chevrons for a local call, 8 chevrons 1+area code for a long distance call and ninth chevron for dialing the international code to make a call outside your country. it all makes sense to me


          I'm sorry but that seems a little bit far out there for a series, Why the hell would we go all the way out there when things in both the Milky Way, and the Pegasus Galaxy aren't the best. What could possibly suit us there?

          also am I the only one who thinks that Milky Way sucks as a Galaxy name?
          [kick ass signature coming soon]


            Originally posted by Apollo214 View Post
            also am I the only one who thinks that Milky Way sucks as a Galaxy name?
            Who came up with that?


              Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
              Who came up with that?
              Our Ancients.
              Don't forget to vote up if you like my ideas. (me <-- attention whore )


                Originally posted by xSFx View Post
                Our Ancients.
                And people wonder why they snufed it.


                  Originally posted by Apollo214 View Post
                  I'm sorry but that seems a little bit far out there for a series, Why the hell would we go all the way out there when things in both the Milky Way, and the Pegasus Galaxy aren't the best. What could possibly suit us there?

                  also am I the only one who thinks that Milky Way sucks as a Galaxy name?

                  its a perfectly legitimate theory. 7 chevs dial our galaxy 8 chevs dial another galaxy within the local network, 9 chevs dials a galaxy in another network. I'm not sure whats out there but the series is called universe so i'm guessing its going to be a broader spectrum of traveling. I'm sure they can think up something to put out there. the ancients thrived for millions of years and inhabited several galaxies revealed in the shows, it wouldn't surprise me if they traveled further out than we have thought.



                    Originally posted by Gelasius View Post
                    its a perfectly legitimate theory. 7 chevs dial our galaxy 8 chevs dial another galaxy within the local network, 9 chevs dials a galaxy in another network. I'm not sure whats out there but the series is called universe so i'm guessing its going to be a broader spectrum of traveling. I'm sure they can think up something to put out there. the ancients thrived for millions of years and inhabited several galaxies revealed in the shows, it wouldn't surprise me if they traveled further out than we have thought.

                    yes, much further
                    Stolen Kosovo


                      Originally posted by Gelasius View Post
                      its a perfectly legitimate theory. 7 chevs dial our galaxy 8 chevs dial another galaxy within the local network, 9 chevs dials a galaxy in another network. I'm not sure whats out there but the series is called universe so i'm guessing its going to be a broader spectrum of traveling. I'm sure they can think up something to put out there. the ancients thrived for millions of years and inhabited several galaxies revealed in the shows, it wouldn't surprise me if they traveled further out than we have thought.


                      Yeah But by that theory we should only need 6 chevs to dial a system a few light years away, as apposed to a system on the other side of the galaxy with 7 chevs, it doesn't work that way...
                      [kick ass signature coming soon]


                        Originally posted by Apollo214 View Post
                        Yeah But by that theory we should only need 6 chevs to dial a system a few light years away, as apposed to a system on the other side of the galaxy with 7 chevs, it doesn't work that way...
                        could you explain that please?



                          Originally posted by Gelasius View Post
                          could you explain that please?

                          Ok, so your Theory suggests that the 9th chevron dials another Galaxy Cluster other than our own, but when you look at our gate network you can dial a planet 10 light years away with the same amount of chevs as one 100 light years away....
                          Im just saying that it seems universal for galaxy dialing, no extra dialing needed for a galaxy overthere or over here.....does that clear it up for you at all, I hope so I almost got lost myself...
                          [kick ass signature coming soon]


                            Originally posted by Apollo214 View Post
                            Ok, so your Theory suggests that the 9th chevron dials another Galaxy Cluster other than our own, but when you look at our gate network you can dial a planet 10 light years away with the same amount of chevs as one 100 light years away....
                            Im just saying that it seems universal for galaxy dialing, no extra dialing needed for a galaxy overthere or over here.....does that clear it up for you at all, I hope so I almost got lost myself...

                            well we've established that to dial within the milky way galaxy you need 7 chevrons. to dial from one galaxy to the next you need 8 chevrons (ex: ida,pegasus) it only makes sense that if you want to dial from one galaxy network to the next galaxy network you would need 9, 7 for the point of origin, one for the specific galaxy network and one for the specific galaxy. then once your in the targeted galaxy your back to 7 chevrons to travel in that galaxy, if you want to dial another galaxy within that network its 8 yadda yadda yadda. to me it fits perfectly but who knows what the writers have in mind.



                              The 9th chevron is obviously for decoraton, as 8 would just look bad...
                              Apart from that, my logic says that if every chevron adds an element to the calculation, maybe it is for more precise location, or not just systems etc, so the ship idea is logical, the galaxy cluster idea is logical, but not enough to base a new show out of it.
                              Trailers and PR
                              Stargate: War Begins team


                              We will miss you Hammond of Texas!


                                Originally posted by Col. Matarrese View Post
                                and so based on the inifinite universe theory, you wouldn't mind a few of these alternate realities to be...I dunno, made completely out of antimatter? As soon as someone from our reality walks into it...*BOOM*

                                Also, you can't forget entropic cascade failure...alternate realities wouldn't work for a 9th chevron purpose just based on scientific conflicts within the plot...scientific conflicts too big to ignore.
                                Soooo...what about Rod and Rodney in 'McKay and Mrs.Miller'? I gather Rod should have been experiencing painful seizures instead of golfing with Sheppard.

                                Originally posted by EternalAlteran View Post
                                The 9th chevron sends you automatically to either the Ancient vessel that distrubutes the gates or to the exploration vessel that follow the former.
                                It is used in the potential new show Stargate Universe
                                What ever happened to only being able to establish a wormhole between 2 absolutely defined points in space? I'm assuming, of course, that this ship is constantly on the move. would's a ship?

                                Originally posted by Gelasius View Post
                                I believe the 9th chevron is to gate to different galaxy clusters. for example our galaxy is part of a group of galaxies called the local group which is made up of 35 different galaxies, it just happens that the pegasus galaxy is in our local group so that would be an explanation of why you need the 8 chevron to dial another galaxy within the local network, if you want to dial outside the network then you would need an additional number to identify which galaxy cluster to dial. anyways not sure this is just my theory i've heard on here before and i believe that is what universe will be about. it would be like dialing 7 chevrons for a local call, 8 chevrons 1+area code for a long distance call and ninth chevron for dialing the international code to make a call outside your country. it all makes sense to me

                                Probable, possible, and logical. The exact reasons why I doubt TPTB will do it. That and SGA is kind of a similar idea. I think TPTB are going to go for something more outlandish. More crazy. Something that really defies the laws of physics, all probability, and even their own continuity construct.

                                Alternate universes have always been a beloved topic in both SG-1 and SGA so it's very likely they may do something with that. At least, in my humble opinion.

