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SGU Reviews/Articles (Announcements only) Spoilers S1-2

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    Brian J. Smith

    Broadway's Best Exiting to TV, Come Back Soon

    There seems to be an exodus of top Broadway talent to films and TV.

    Now there's nothing wrong with stage actors trying to expand their careers and art in movies and TV. It's just that we're a LITTLE SENSITIVE that film and TV actors seem to be glomming onto a slew of great stage roles on Broadway and we couldn't help but notice that a lot of stage talent is heading West

    And someone put in comment section…
    Don't forget about Brian J. Smith, the unknown Julliard grad who was hailed as a great discovery in "Come Back Little Sheba" several seasons ago and subsequently followed that up with a very good leading performance off Broadway at the Second Stage Theater in "Good Boys and True." He's now the young lead (Lt. Scott) on Syfy's "Stargate: Universe" mixing it up with the likes of Robert Carlyle, Ming-Na and Lou Diamond Phillips.


    Eli Gets A 'Universe' Flashback
    Get a sneak peek at this week's episode of 'Stargate; Universe' on Syfy

    They always say that if you live in your mom's basement, you'll never get the girl.
    That might have been true for Eli (David Blue) from "Stargate : Universe," but once you end up traveling to different galaxies, apparently you become a chick magnet.



    David Blue Interview

    EXCERPT: Let me just say upfront that I was not a Stargate fan going into Universe and if Eli were not there for me to relate to, and to sort of ease me into it, I probably wouldn't have gotten into the show. Does Eli continue to be this 'Gateway' character as we get deeper into SGU?.
    Absolutely. First of all, thank you for the compliment because that's exactly what we were going for. My parents and my brothers weren't really big sci-fi fans, so any time I look at the episode, I look at it as a litmus test because they are the first people to call me, literally within seconds after an episode airs, and ask me questions. If they can understand it, I feel like that's what's going to suck everybody in, and what we want to do is expend the audience to the non-sci-fi fans and have everyone be part of it.
    It's important to me, the way Brad and Robert first talked to me about the character of Eli, to always look at things from a fresh perspective. This is nothing against the actors, but in Atlantis, they kind of became superheroes. They got so used to gates opening, wormholes, puddles, and all of that, that anytime it happened it was like oh, okay, another day at work. It made sense for their characters, but for me, Eli not being part of this world and always hoping that it exists, it's always with fresh eyes and excitement that he sees this, and that happens to all of these new things we discover this season: planets, technologies, people, and relationships on the ship. It's always new to him and it is most definitely written that way. I make a point to try to continue it that way, the way I play it as well.



      SPOILER ALERT!! - This Week On Stargate Universe - 11/06/09 - see link below


        Posting my own interview with Louis Ferreira.



          A 'Stargate Universe' producer takes issue with criticism of the show. Here's my response

          EXCERPT: In October, I published my review of "Stargate Universe," and subsequently on Twitter, I also expressed my disappointment with the Syfy show. In my recent review of "V," I mentioned a couple of prominent genre shows that had premiered this fall, including "FlashForward" and "Stargate Universe." My comments about the latter show weren't complimentary.

          That prompted "Stargate Universe" executive producer Brad Wright to leave the following comment on my "V" review:

          "Maureen, I find people who write "I have no axe to grind" are often the ones most likely to grind axes. Taking the time to slam SGU in your review for "V" is not politically tinged, it's just petty. I really wish you hadn't given up on our show so quickly. I was surprised, considering your past (occasional) support of the franchise. You can't have seen a finished version of "Darkness" or "Light" because the weren't even closed to being finished at the time of your review. I don't know what the network sent you. SGU seems to be a love it or hate it sort of show. You obviously fall in the latter camp, but fortunately there are enough viewers and reviewers who think SGU is neither boring, poorly plotted, or sexist to keep us on the air long after "V" is just a letter in the alphabet again."

          Brad, given that you posted your reactions to my comments in a public forum, I thought I'd respond in a public way. Online discussions about "Stargate Universe" have been getting pretty heated, and this is my chance to set things straight on where I stand.




            V review sparks crazy Stargate Universe fight

            [followup to article below]


              Originally posted by prion View Post

              V review sparks crazy Stargate Universe fight

              [followup to article below]
              Below what?
              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                Is 'Stargate: Universe' Spat Much Ado About Nothing?
                There is freedom of the press, but then again, there is freedom of opinion. Who's right?




                  Robert Carlyle: Britain has not produced great film since Trainspotting
                  Nov 9 2009 By Rick Fulton

                  ROBERT CARLYLE last night blasted the British film industry - and said there hasn't been a decent movie made since Trainspotting.
                  The actor - who shot to fame as psycho Begbie in the 1996 film - spoke out after collecting a Scottish BAFTA for Best Male Acting Performance in Television.
                  He says he is unlikely to work in the UK in the future because of problems in getting films made and distributed.

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                  Stargate Universe "Time" (108). An away team finds a kino beside a Stargate on a jungle world, which contains video footage of the team that was shot prior to their arrival. Then, an illness cripples the team, forcing them to quarantine themselves on the planet.

                  Sanctuary "Fragments" (206). Magnus tries to save a research scientist's life after a seemingly docile abnormal attacks. Henry tries to determine why the domesticated creature turned violent.



                  Is 'Stargate: Universe' Spat Much Ado About Nothing?
                  There is freedom of the press, but then again, there is freedom of opinion. Who's right?

                  EXCERPT: I do disagree with Ryan's assessment of SGU. I happened to find the series engaging, interesting and a definite departure from previous versions of Stargate (not that there was anything wrong with "Stargate SG-1" and "Stargate: Atlantis," more that you can't keep making the same show over and over again). But at the same time, I don't disagree with Ryan's right to say it, and say it as often as she wants.

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                  Goodbye, Stargate Universe

                  EXCERPT: This week’s Stargate Universe (the fourth episode) was the last one I’ll be watching. As a longtime Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis fan, I was SOOO excited when the creators decided to make a third series. SG-1 had a ten-year run, and it became my favorite TV show since Star Trek: TNG. Atlantis was also a great series until several key actors left.
                  What made SG-1, Atlantis, and TNG such great series was their morality and honor. Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) had huge shoes to fill as captain of the Enterprise. While I personally have never been a fan of the original Star Trek, Captain Kirk was legendary. What made Captain Picard so great was that he didn’t try to fill Kirk’s shoes — he built a legacy of his own. Contrasting with Kirk, he was refined and thought out situations. He was honorable to a fault. Regardless of the situation, we always knew that Picard would take the high road and would stick to his principles like the Prime Directive. Remember the episode where he is captured by the Cardassians and would not bend to the torture to say there were five lights. The character of Picard was someone to look up to; in some part, he positively affected my formative teenage years.

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                  Do the communication stones detract from the drama?

                  EXCERPT: The one aspect of the show that I really don’t like (or, at least the one aspect not named Rush that I really don’t like) was the communication stones that were heavily featured this week. I liken this show to what Star Trek: Voyager should have been, much more so than Battlestar Galatica that, with which it shares quite a bit tonally, has less in common with than is given credit for. What SG:U doesn’t share with both of the shows, that it should, is the sense of isolation.
                  When you can schedule trips home for everyone to see their families, when the REMFs can dictate and direct, then our heroes, while in danger, don’t have that Lost in Space feel, which is what I think this show is supposed to be about. What’s the point of being untold millions of light years from Earth if you can still go back home for one last jump with the Mrs.? Or to a party with your friends? Just to realize that you lead a pretty sheltered life before? Yeah, well, so what? I think we knew Chloe was doing some pretty quick crowing up already.

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                  EARTH recap/review at link above



                  EARTH review

                  EXCERPT: In this episode, Col. Telford, Col. Young and Mrs. Young have the most awkward threesome ever. That’s a new off-label usage for the communication stones.
                  There is hope afloat that the castaways may be able to dial Earth. The theory is that, if Destiny flies through another star, they can funnel the power directly to the stargate, dial Earth, and go home. The problem is that it’s expected to be several months until power levels get that low again

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                    'Earth' got a positive review from Den of Geek and IGN (8.7/10).

                    IGN Review

                    That is the highest score IGN has given SGU since the premiere.


                      Hopefully not repeating any...


                      EARTH review

                      excerpt: And then there's the sex scene. That was the best use of the communication stones so far. Telford switching back to his body during Colonel Young's private time with his wife is just plain old priceless, and it's a great additional aspect to their combative relationship.

                      The last scenes of this episode are really the best part. Dr. Rush's staging of an imminent systems failure is brilliant. It shows Telford as a punk of the highest caliber for running to save his own skin, it shows Dr. Rush as manipulative and cunning, and it's exciting to see the whole thing unfold. Then Telford shows up at the home of Colonel Young's wife. What mischief is afoot now? Time will tell.

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                      Another Stargate Universe Producer Takes Umbrage with SGU Criticism

                      excerpt: This is actually getting pretty amusing. As you’ll recall, last week we posted a blog posting by “Stargate: Universe” producer Joseph Mallozzi, who fired back at critics of “SGU” through his blog. Today, SciFiWire has another intriguing fight with another “SGU” producer over the show, except this time “SGU” producer Brad Wright is picking the fight not with fans, but with a newspaper columnist who dared to call his show anything but great

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                      Maureen Ryan’s “V” Review Sparks Controversy

                      excerpt: In her positive review for the series premiere of “V” last week, Chicago Tribune TV columnist and blogger Muareen Ryan took a moment to praise the re-imagined version of the 80’s classic and to criticize several other current genre shows, including “Flash Forward” and “Stargate: Universe.”

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                      Brad Wright, Columnist Take SGU Battle To Web
                      Executive producer of Syfy show says he wasn't to keen about Chicago Tribune comments on new show

                      excerpt: Brad Wright, executive producer of the new SyFy series "Stargate: Universe" is testing that theory out right now in a public battle with Chicago Tribune columnist Maureen Ryan over her dislike for the show.

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                      excerpt: Yours truly is inclined to believe that Stargate Universe hasn't yet found its footing. And I understand that seven episodes into the series, that's a problem. On the other hand, Brad Wright and Robert Cooper have given us some excellent science fiction over the years with both SG-1 and Atlantis, and spent a lot of time and energy trying to entertain us. In our estimation, they deserve a little break for 10+ years of toil.

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                      Carlyle wins best TV actor award
                      Nov 9 2009

                      Film star Robert Carlyle beat Dr Who actor David Tennant to scoop the best acting performance in television for a male in the Bafta Scotland awards.
                      Political satire In The Loop also claimed two Bafta Scotland awards at the ceremony.
                      Carlyle won the award for The Unloved - a drama about a young girl growing up in a children's home.

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                      EARTH REVIEW

                      Excerpt: The disparate elements come together to form… well, not a white charger to rush in and save the series, but at least hope that things can get better. The respite from Universe's constant cases of Imminent Peril™ arrives not a moment too soon, allowing us to connect more closely with the principals and (perhaps) care about their fate a little more from week to week. The fact that its strengths stem from one of the series' biggest weaknesses provides a further boost in morale, as well as opening the way for other interesting stories around the (still deeply problematic) communication stones. One step at a time, however. For now, it's enough that Universe finds its way to firmer ground and delivers an episode that justifies our time.

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                      Lou Diamond Phillips interview on KTLA – video at




                      EARTH review:

                      Excerpt: And then there's the sex scene. That was the best use of the communication stones so far. Telford switching back to his body during Colonel Young's private time with his wife is just plain old priceless, and it's a great additional aspect to their combative relationship.

                      The last scenes of this episode are really the best part. Dr. Rush's staging of an imminent systems failure is brilliant. It shows Telford as a punk of the highest caliber for running to save his own skin, it shows Dr. Rush as manipulative and cunning, and it's exciting to see the whole thing unfold. Then Telford shows up at the home of Colonel Young's wife. What mischief is afoot now? Time will tell.

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                      Maureen Ryan stopped watching Stargate Universe and she’s not the only one

                      Excerpt: By now, kerfuffle between Brad Wright and Chicago Tribune TV critic Maureen Ryan has been well circulated. Brad Wright could be right that “there are enough viewers and reviewers who think SGU is neither boring, poorly plotted, or sexist to keep us on the air long after “V” is just a letter in the alphabet again.”

                      But he could be wrong, too.

                      The drop off in SGU ratings is perhaps not quite as alarming as White Collar dropping from 5.075 million down to below four million, but there have been consecutive weekly drops for Stargate Universe and Friday it was down to 1.626 million viewers (live+SD). A week earlier it averaged 1.974 million so that’s still almost an 18% drop week over week…

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                        Question: So I am on board with wherever V is going to take us, but I have a few thoughts. First off, one of the best things about the first episode was the interaction between Alan Tudyk and Elizabeth Mitchell. I was so disappointed to find out he was one of them. I know it was a great shock moment, but I feel cheated that we won't get to explore their partnership. I hope we get more of the amazing Mr. Tudyk because what a waste if he was only cast for such a minor role. My other problem with the premiere episode is probably one that most people didn't even notice. In the opening scenes, the gentleman in the wheelchair was halfway up the steps to the church. I am at a loss to explain it. There was no ramp, no elevator. How on earth did he get halfway up, and why halfway? If someone was assisting him into church, why wouldn't they take him all the way up? Frankly, it looked stupid. Yes, I am open to accept spaceships and alien lizards in people suits, but this particular scene bothered me. Also, have you seen Stargate Universe? This is a show I really wanted to love. I enjoyed SG-1 and loved Stargate Atlantis, but this latest installment leaves me feeling flat. I understand that they want to create a different show, more serious then the previous two, but so far for me nothing is working. The characters are boring. I can't seem to care about any of them, and with actors as talented as Robert Carlyle, David Blue and Ming Na, that shouldn't happen. The choice to keep the set so dark just makes me think they have something to hide, as in a bad set design. It doesn't strike me as moody or gritty, but rather that they are trying and failing to achieve that. The lines for Eli are trying way too hard to be comic relief. None of the peril feels real, I have no sense of danger for any of the main characters. I adore science fiction and was really looking forward to having a new Friday night show, but I’m afraid that this isn't it.—Linda

                        Matt Roush: First, V. The shock value of having a recognizable actor (from past genre work) like Alan Tudyk be revealed to be a “visitor” was an important twist for the show to be able to pull off. His name is still listed in the guest cast in ABC’s releases for the next few episodes, so maybe you will be seeing more of him. (I’d like to be surprised if that turns out to be the case.) Your nitpick about the man in the wheelchair on the church steps is something that got past me each time I screened the pilot, but yes, continuity lapses can really take you out of the “reality” of the story if you let it. I’ve got nothing to add to that. Secondly, Stargate Universe. I can’t really argue with you that the show’s relentless grimness (in the episodes I’ve seen; I’m one or two behind) could work against its in the long run, especially for those weaned on the previous Stargate series’ lighter touch. The big proble, as you note, is that unlike the camaraderie and chemistry of the previous casts, very few characters have popped yet, although I like the intensity of Robert Carlyle and the “math-boy” nerdiness of David Blue. And I do think the show has managed to sustain a fairly consistent tone of danger and fear, given that much of what happens on this Ancient ship is out of their control. But since we know there’s not a show if they don’t somehow survive, it’s probably true that if it doesn’t become a little more of a joyride in the near future, complaints will likely get even louder.


                          This week on Stargate Universe - 11/13/09 - see link below



                            Recliner of Rage is not returning yet but Pierre Bernard does have a few words to say about Stargate Universe


                              Recap of SGU “Time” episode at:




                              How SGU Can Win Back Your Love


                              What We Want Less Of
                              The Slow Burn
                              It's high time some secrets were spilled. I think we all realize that survival is the first priority on Destiny, and watching humans freak out about a lack of air, water, or power is interesting, but only if I'm emotionally connected to the characters who could die. And they already killed off Shooter, so the only characters we're really invested in right now are Eli, Scott, the Senator's Daughter, and Young. I'd like to get to know the rest of the crew, so the next time there's a lottery for who gets to live and who has to stay and die, I'll be worried.

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                              SGU: TIME

                              Excerpt: S01E08) So that was bleak. But don't worry, Stargate Universe will hit the reset button next week, and everything will be peachy. Well, as peachy as things can get aboard The Destiny.

                              While some fans have been pushing for SGU to ditch the drama for more action and adventure (like SG-1 or Atlantis), this week's episode tried to offer a compromise: An off-world adventure that turned dark and caused a lot of drama for the characters.

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                              Motion Picture Industry Week celebrates B.C.'s film and TV industry

                              It's time for the B.C. film and television industry to celebrate. And though times remain tough and there are still challenges to face, there are positive signs to appreciate.
                              B.C.'s film and TV industry took a beating in 2007-2008, but came back strong in the 2008-2009 period with $1.2 billion in production levels.
                              The Motion Picture Production Industry Association of British Columbia is holding Motion Picture Industry Week, having made the third annual provincial proclamation on the set of Stargate Universe at Bridge Studios on Friday (November 13

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                              SGU: TIME

                              Excerpt: Don't get me wrong, "Time" was a fascinating, action-packed episode. The Destiny crew 'gated to the planet and eventually members started dropping due to an illness. Then nasty, giant sperm-looking creatures attacked, boring through their bodies

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                              SGU: TIME Review

                              Excerpt: This is the SGU episode that die-hard fans of the original series have been waiting for. "Time" has all the elements of action and adventure and pure sci-fi goodness that Stargate fans have become accustomed to and still retains the deepness and relatablity of new elements introduced to the franchise by the Icarus project.

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                              SGU: TIME

                              Excerpt: Well … FINALLY.
                              This week the team of flirty, dramatic lost wanderers finds themselves on a jungle planet with weird food, and suddenly people start getting sick. The race is on to figure out what’s making everyone sick and how to fix it before time runs out.
                              It’s an episode! Get it? Well, almost. Because it’s another multi-part episode.
                              But it’s progress. We’ve well established that they’re stranded on a ship in outer space with no chance of getting home. That doesn’t mean they can’t have a little off-world fun, does it?

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                              BLOG: Stargate Universe reviewed

                              Excerpt: Stargate Universe is definitely different from previous shows in the series. Having watched SG1, but finding Atlantis not to my taste, I can say that it is unlike neither show, but still in the same universe (pun intended). Its storylines have so far been interesting, if not quite as action-packed as SG1. There have been no fights with alien forces, except in the first episode. The show is also filled with more drama than SG1, with a love triange between Eli, the senator's daughter, Chloe Armstrong (Elyse Levesque), and second-in-command Lt. Matt Scott (Brian J. Smith).

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                                SGU: TIME

                                My mind was blown for a few minutes, believing that Chloe, Lt. James, Col. Young, and Greer had actually been killed off. Despite the somewhat clever use of a time interruption and unstable wormhole, I feel like those deaths are cheapened, even if they never happened (if that makes any sense). I like these characters, felt shock and loss for each of them only to find out psych! Solar flare! It felt manipulative.
                                At least the time shifting was used intelligently, unlike another show I can think of (I’m looking at you, Heroes).
                                I do like that events in each episode aren’t limited to the ep in which they happen – there are lingering, rippling effects. The sand devil from the desert planet. The water from the ice planet. Nothing his happening cleanly, which is a steady reminder of the crew’s precarious position.

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                                SGU: TIME

                                Excerpt: In the final few moments of the episode, you would expect everything to die down as the storyline comes to an end and we see the characters return to their quarters, weary from the day, as we have seen in a good few of the previous instalments. Instead, the action and story is ramped up, and the end leaves you with almost no resolution of the plot, leaving you to work it out for yourself.
                                It's smart, because it shows the respect for its fanbase that may have been overlooked previously, and it left me with my heart in my mouth, fearing the worst

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