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Space Travel

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    Ok, if that is correct, than Atlantis could get from PG to MW in less than 30 minutes. Which is still really fast. And less power hungry than wormwhole drive. Was instant travel really that important to them?


      Originally posted by comperius View Post
      well I dont get why they switched from FTL to hyperspace. why didnt they just upgraded it to higher speed? because as far as I undersand FTP/hyperspace technology FTL operates in our space and hyperspace operates in subspace. So why the change?
      It may not have been possible. For all we know, Destiny is travelling at the absolute maximum speed attainable in FTL.

      Just as there is a real life speed limit in our space (light speed), maybe whatever process allows Destiny to travel Faster Than Light has a speed limit too, one that either isn't present or is much, much higher in hyperspace travel.

      Or, maybe FTL navigation is a pain. Or power consumption, efficiency, reliability, safety, complexity...any one of dozens of reasons. Until TPTB write either a hugely tech-heavy episode revolving around FTL, or alternatively write a Stargate tech-manual (I'd preorder it in a heartbeat), we won't know.

      Originally posted by Comperius
      Regarding wormwhole drive I have a theory that it was under development between Antient vs. Wraith ever lasting war and never completed because Atlantis was left in PG...
      Quite possible. Maybe they realised it was a difficult direction for research, and despite it's obvious tactical advantages, maybe too much of a drain on resources better spent on shields, weapons and directly combating the Wraith. Maybe, had the Ancients remained, they might have perfected it or at least come up with a form of travel that could complement hyperdrive.

      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      hyperspace can be thousands of times faster.

      hyperspace has nearly no limit, but we do not know that of FTL
      Hyperspace may well have a limit, just one that is so high that for all intents and purposes makes hyperspace speeds look limitless. The Asgard certainly had engines that allowed blisteringly fast interstellar travel.

      Originally posted by comperius View Post
      Ok, if that is correct, than Atlantis could get from PG to MW in less than 30 minutes. Which is still really fast. And less power hungry than wormwhole drive. Was instant travel really that important to them?
      Asgard hyperdrives seem to be vastly superior to Ancient, not least because they've had considerably more time to develop them, you know, with the whole not dying from a plague and ascending thing...

      As for why they developed WD...they're Ancients!! They do everything big, they do things because they can, and to be fair to them, instantaneous travel between any two points is a huge tactical, strategic and technological advantage. I doubt WD would have been an everyday use type of propulsion, but rather used as an emergency measure, in much the same way Atlantis ultimately employed it - hyperdrive failed, time was of the essence, they had plentiful power, so employed WD.
      And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
      Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


        from context, it's rather safe to say that the wormholedrive was in it's prototype stages.

        asgard hyperdrives are the fastest because they desired so. even though ancient ships have been fast, for example, Atlantis, they were never meant to go uberfast because the ancients both had the time and lack of desire, for such speeds. stargates can transport pretty much anything over large distances near-instantaniously.


          I read somewhere that in order to travel safely through a wormhole it would actually need to be something like the size of our solar system to prevent the tidal forces from ripping even a small vessel apart.


            Originally posted by comperius View Post
            So we all think that Ancients used FTL to get from Ori Galaxy or some other transport/travel type technology?
            They either use Hyper drive or Destiny FTL drive, there is no way to know for certain which they use.

            For all we know the Destiny FTL drive may of been a one off design for long duration flight, an they design the drive base on there experience of travelling to the Milkyway from the ori galaxy.


              Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
              Actually it was stated in the SGU training videos that stargates uses subspace to form wormhole or that the stargate wormholes excist in subspace. But subspace is certainly involve with wormholes in the stargate universe.

              This is somewhat different to the wormholes that we have theorise in real physics, but it makes sense that the real world wormholes are not what we are seeing use for stargate wormholes.

              Atlantis wormhole drive makes no sense even within the universe. You are not suppose to be able to travel through a wormhole without being demolecurize before hand.

              maybe the shield compensates for that part, and would explain the ridiculous amount of power needed for this. i see no other reason why that 3 zpm's could be so drained by that sort of thing. unless who ever was saying their low on power was misreading the charts.
              time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

              Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


                I think the FTL drive will be explained in the episode "Sabotage" were
                the Lucian Alliance spy blows up one of Destiny's FTL drives. Rush says its a good thing since it wont slow the others when traveling the void to another galaxy.


                  very possible.

                  also destiny technolgy will be explained furder after they find the main control room with some primitive mind control interface.


                    Originally posted by comperius View Post
                    well I dont get why they switched from FTL to hyperspace. why didnt they just upgraded it to higher speed? because as far as I undersand FTP/hyperspace technology FTL operates in our space and hyperspace operates in subspace. So why the change?
                    maybe they did but after some time a scientist found hyperspace travel easier for commercial and civil transport and they gave up on the first technology.

                    Or like it is implied, FTL travel is through OUR own space which implies that you have to avoid any large celestial body and always have your shields up while traveling. Hence hyperdrive was much safer for passengers and energy sources. And of course you just head straight to the goal.
                    La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                    L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                      Well I'm hopping that it will be some day explained. Or maybe Mallozzi can explain. How do I write to his mailbag? the question he's answering every few days?
                      Last edited by comperius; 15 December 2009, 05:28 AM.


                        Originally posted by comperius View Post
                        Well I'm hopping that it will be some day explained. Or maybe Mallozzi can explain. How do I write to his mailbag? the question he's answering every fe days?

                        Just leave a comment.
                        And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
                        Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


                          so comments are his mailbag?

