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You get the Asgard Core.

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    If you had matter conversion technology, of course you could. Im sure most major terrorists (Al Qaueda(spelling?)) could be weeded out with agsard sensors and beaming technology, after that what country can refuse exploring the universe with unlimited supplies to each and every person.
    y'know what happens? war. fighting.

    you need to change man in order to accomplish anything. stuff like brainwashing.

    me? i'd want the Core beamed into my basement. or several dozen meters below it, in a chamber with the same asgard tech as my sattelite.

    then, i'd beam a small hypermissile into existance, and a stargate, and make that stargate go to a nearby solar system.

    then, make another gate, dial the stargate, and go there in my personal "puddlejumper" (asgard version), use all the matter present there to go build a fleet of stargate "sattelites" (like the asurans had) and spread them across the galaxy


      I would make myself a sandwich.
      After I would simply start to learn stuff about it and from it.
      With some level of understanding I would start to build (witch is beam) things like personal shield, life support, etc. to ensure my protection from any disaster that may come...
      Later? Who knows... the possibility of taking over the world sounds pretty tempting...


        For most of the reason's already mentioned, in regard to using the core to change the world, this is exactly why I wouldn't do it.

        You couldn't start a new country on the planet, since like someone said, everyone's going to go to war with you so that they can protect there power.

        The only viable solution is to simply appear one day as a separate entity. Imagine, Atlantis lands off the coast of long island, NY (i live there, so why not lol), well within international waters... but does nothing; Atlantis lands, the shields stay on. From there, the only thing the 'Atlantian's' would have to do is represent themselves and there social system as a better alternative, letting the people choose how they want to live. In a sense, you make the people abandon there monetary system, rather then trying to jump in and change there's.

        Let me put it this way - Your with a friend and he/she is trying to get you to change to, what they feel is a better toy, or whatever. You, on the other hand, picking the toy for a reason, feel attached to it and are somewhat defensive - Your not going to switch over so easily. But, lets say your out for a stroll and you happen to come across a better toy. Without hesitation, you will ditch your old toy for the new, better one on your own.

        Same kind of principle. I personally feel that a human society should do everything in its power to provide the essentials to all humans - food, water, clean air, basic shelter. Once a person has those things taken care of, with no ridiculous conditions/rules, a person is truly free. Hunger has been used over the course of our entire history as a method to control populations. If you haven't eaten in a week, and neither has your family, how true will you stick to your morals? What would you be willing to do in that desperate moment just to get food.

        Another major point I want to mention is that technology and money work in the same way, in which neither can make you happy. This is exactly why the Tolan, Asgard, and Ancients (probably a lot more civilizations out there) DONT share dangerous or advanced technology with other civilizations. You may be giving them the technology to solve there problem, but if they're immature and misuse the technology, you could have a whole mess on your hands.

        Look at our planet today - We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on hollywood movies and entertainment, and we have homeless people on the street. The only difference between entertainment and homeless people is that one of them was meant solely to generate profits. The entertainment industry decides there going to invest X amount of money for a movie, in hopes that they will make more then X, and gain from there investment.

        Food shortages? Imagine the money is costs to build a skyscraper - billions of dollars. And whats inside? Office buildings - corporations. But just think about the total square footage of the entire building... imagine rather then office buildings, indoor greenhouses, which could grow food 24/7, 365 days a year. Sure, you wont be growing trees and such, so you'd still have to utilize the good old outdoors, but you could definitely take a load off from the very limited agricultural land that we have.

        Well that was quite the rant lol Yea, so... when can I expect the core to be delivered?


          Well if the stupid third world country would stop breeding like rabbits then maybe we could do something. Earth can't sustain a population growth of 100 million+ per year people have to die and seems the don't die fast enough or just some people never heard of a condom. and 80%-90% of the pop. growth comes from third world countries.WE have to stop making babies just to trow them in a **** hole like this planet is at the moment.

          At least the chinese are doing something about it not like some of us.


            Originally posted by mirdin1992 View Post
            Well if the stupid third world country would stop breeding like rabbits then maybe we could do something. Earth can't sustain a population growth of 100 million+ per year people have to die and seems the don't die fast enough or just some people never heard of a condom. and 80%-90% of the pop. growth comes from third world countries.WE have to stop making babies just to trow them in a **** hole like this planet is at the moment.

            At least the chinese are doing something about it not like some of us.
            So let me get this straight, you think people in 3rd world countries are stupid because either they dont die fast enough or they dont have condoms?

            You do realize what 3rd world country means right? They barely have enough food and water to survive, but there gonna go down to the local store and pick up condoms? Let me explain something to you, maybe it will make sense to you, maybe not....

            Essentially because of the conditions in 3rd world countries, families keep giving birth to new babies in order to increase the families chance of survival. Lets say a new man and woman decided to start a family in a 3rd world country. If they only have one child, its either a hit or miss in regard to if the child survives. So in essence, the more children you have, they higher a chance that one of them will make it, the more the better. If you needed $1 dollar a day to live, but only two people can earn 50 cents a day, the more people in your family you have to work, the more money you can make in the same day - therefore, increasing your chances of survival. Lets say that family loses a member to sickness, war, etc... if the family is large enough, they will still be able to earn what they need.

            Here's a more simple explanation - would you rather hold a 400 lb telephone pole section with 1-2 people, or 10 people?

            I hope you never get the asgard core or any technology similar to it.

            Originally posted by mirdin1992
            Why would any sane body do something like that ,too many headaches to imagine myself in any position of power over people and if I ever get it my conscience would nag me to help them so no evil overlord for me
            You sure about that?
            Last edited by Halzman; 16 November 2009, 06:52 PM.


              yes making a new country will cause small problems but its the core thats the problem, any country would go after you, if you one person had the most user friendly advanced systems on the planet. also i wasn't going to bring people over i was going to create some, yes i know playing god and crap.

              but honestly what would you care more about a guy claiming antarctica or the fact that he had the asgard core
              time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

              Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


                I wonder how well the Asgard Core overclocks.


                  yes making a new country will cause small problems but its the core thats the problem, any country would go after you,
                  people will go and assassinate you and claim the core.

                  nope, your plan will not work.


                    Originally posted by Halzman View Post
                    So let me get this straight, you think people in 3rd world countries are stupid because either they dont die fast enough or they dont have condoms?

                    You do realize what 3rd world country means right? They barely have enough food and water to survive, but there gonna go down to the local store and pick up condoms? Let me explain something to you, maybe it will make sense to you, maybe not....

                    Essentially because of the conditions in 3rd world countries, families keep giving birth to new babies in order to increase the families chance of survival. Lets say a new man and woman decided to start a family in a 3rd world country. If they only have one child, its either a hit or miss in regard to if the child survives. So in essence, the more children you have, they higher a chance that one of them will make it, the more the better. If you needed $1 dollar a day to live, but only two people can earn 50 cents a day, the more people in your family you have to work, the more money you can make in the same day - therefore, increasing your chances of survival. Lets say that family loses a member to sickness, war, etc... if the family is large enough, they will still be able to earn what they need.

                    Here's a more simple explanation - would you rather hold a 400 lb telephone pole section with 1-2 people, or 10 people?

                    I hope you never get the asgard core or any technology similar to it.
                    And what wonderful not to mention easier their life would be if they didn't have to take care of a kid that will be miserable and probably die. Kids are not a lottery you don't go and try until you win thats sadistic and cruel. People should make a decent wage and save enough money to at least feed the kid and if not there would be a less mouth to feed and the food would go to other kids who need it. Better to be sure that a few get what they need and not try the baby lottery and make all of them suffer.

                    You sure about that?
                    I would probably try to have fun and ignore the world to much stupid exist in it to do it without major effort and I'm lazzy and don give a ****, not sadistic I don't go causing people trouble intentionally but neither do I have reason to help them.

                    If I decide to do something I would probably use the core to predict the stock market to get a capital going and then patent some useful and not so revolutionary inventions and build it up from there, maybe in five years people will have working cost effective fusion reactors, Soler cell paint with 80% efficiency and batteries that are 1000 time better then the today ones.

                    And if it all goes south my moon bunker Bahamas recreation 20 km under the surface will be a nice retirement spot, for a while and if any country tries to nuke me I would be and would definatly sick my neural controled, completely under my complete control through(stupid Ancient programing why would they need sentience or the ability to evolve and even so they should still be under someones control, thats just stupid programing or need for technology to be out to get you which is so popular on tv shows now) replicator attack bugs on them and eat most of their war infrastructure.Not killing the population but lets see how America would take it when all their fighter, tanks, guns, basses and war factories are eaten

                    Fear the Replicators


                      And what wonderful not to mention easier their life would be if they didn't have to take care of a kid that will be miserable and probably die. Kids are not a lottery you don't go and try until you win thats sadistic and cruel. People should make a decent wage and save enough money to at least feed the kid and if not there would be a less mouth to feed and the food would go to other kids who need it. Better to be sure that a few get what they need and not try the baby lottery and make all of them suffer.
                      you obviously do not know the ways of africa. or well, everybody did it at one point.

                      you have two kids. now, in africa (or medieval europe is comparable) the chance that a kid will live to support you when you're old is.....nonexistant.

                      at least a few die before maturity, then of the, say, 4 mature ones you have left, you might loose one or two.

                      big families are the only way to give a few the chance to sustain you when you're old.

                      the best way is to eradicate their major cities (exterminating major crime gangs and disease pits aswel), beam out all third aid companies and leave these people alone.


                        I'm not saying that they don't need a lot of babies for their mortallity rate but they just make life harder on them because they need to take of another mouth to feed. clear your life and try to make a living and a stable job before you go humping it like rabbits there, why do you think people in first world countries have it so good they don't make babie factories. They first make a home and try to secure a constant income before they make a babie. Its not rentable to have a baby anywhere and look what hapens in africa they die because there are so many and not enough food.


                          I'm not saying that they don't need a lot of babies for their mortallity rate but they just make life harder on them because they need to take of another mouth to feed. clear your life and try to make a living and a stable job before you go humping it like rabbits there, why do you think people in first world countries have it so good they don't make babie factories. They first make a home and try to secure a constant income before they make a babie. Its not rentable to have a baby anywhere and look what hapens in africa they die because there are so many and not enough food.

                          except that they have no sanitary equipment, barely any hygene, too few jobs, no money, corruption, gangs, crime, and the Western World abusing them.

                          first world does not apply to third world. the government gives us equal opportunity. the Third World does not have such luxury


                            Originally posted by Dragon_Heart View Post
                            Because we now how to produce stargates and DHD's. I regard the stargate to be one of the top competitors of being the most advanced piece of technology. Yes, the tollan mad eone with the help of the Nox, but i doubt the Nox are going to hand over specs on stargates just like that. That statement was moronic.
                            Why not? They are a peaceful race. And the Tollan are not going to go around oblitarating their planet. :| And I must state, it is never said in the show that the Nox helped build the Stargate.

                            Narim: Our destination is the new home world, Tollana.
                            Sam: But we sent you to the Now planet. There wasn't a gate on Tollana.
                            Narim: The Nox and the Tollan devised a way to get us there.
                            Jack: Of course you were.
                            Daniel: Way smarter then we are…
                            Scene: Tollana – Just arrived.
                            They all look at the Stargate.
                            Jack: Very nice.
                            Sam: So, you built that… Stargate?
                            Narim: Yes.
                            Daniel: Way smarter then we are…
                            They start walking away
                            Jack: Ours is bigger…
                            As you so see, the Nox devised the way to get to Tollana, and then the Tollan built the gate.


                            Another thing I would do with the Asgard core is see what their computers looked like, redesigned it, and beam it in so I could access the Core remotely within...say...a galaxy.
                            If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                            Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                            If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                            Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                              Originally posted by mirdin1992 View Post
                              And what wonderful not to mention easier their life would be if they didn't have to take care of a kid that will be miserable and probably die. Kids are not a lottery you don't go and try until you win thats sadistic and cruel. People should make a decent wage and save enough money to at least feed the kid and if not there would be a less mouth to feed and the food would go to other kids who need it. Better to be sure that a few get what they need and not try the baby lottery and make all of them suffer.
                              Wouldn't it just be easier if they didn't live in a 3rd world country!!!... sheesh, you make it sound like people choose to live in 3rd world countries.

                              I'm pretty sure you missed the entire point I was trying to make...

                              Originally posted by mirdin1992
                              I would probably try to have fun and ignore the world to much stupid exist in it to do it without major effort and I'm lazzy and don give a ****, not sadistic I don't go causing people trouble intentionally but neither do I have reason to help them.
                              Ever read the quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ? Probably not...

                              Originally posted by mirdin1992
                              If I decide to do something I would probably use the core to predict the stock market to get a capital going and then patent some useful and not so revolutionary inventions and build it up from there, maybe in five years people will have working cost effective fusion reactors, Soler cell paint with 80% efficiency and batteries that are 1000 time better then the today ones.
                              So only if you profit, will you do something to help people?

                              Originally posted by mirdin1992
                              And if it all goes south my moon bunker Bahamas recreation 20 km under the surface will be a nice retirement spot, for a while and if any country tries to nuke me I would be and would definatly sick my neural controled, completely under my complete control through(stupid Ancient programing why would they need sentience or the ability to evolve and even so they should still be under someones control, thats just stupid programing or need for technology to be out to get you which is so popular on tv shows now) replicator attack bugs on them and eat most of their war infrastructure.Not killing the population but lets see how America would take it when all their fighter, tanks, guns, basses and war factories are eaten

                              Fear the Replicators
                              So your indirectly going to kill large populations?

                              Again I'll say, I hope you never get the asgard core or any technology similar to it.


                                Originally posted by Halzman View Post
                                Wouldn't it just be easier if they didn't live in a 3rd world country!!!... sheesh, you make it sound like people choose to live in 3rd world countries.

                                I'm pretty sure you missed the entire point I was trying to make...
                                Ok...they have crappy life and other people make them worse so the people try to make their lives better but doing so makes other suffer. Thats the vicious circle of unorganized and poor countries.

                                Ever read the quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ? Probably not...
                                I'm not there to baby sit them I would most definitely stop a world wide cataclysm or anything resembling mass murder. That place maybe up to its neck in stupidity, but its still my home.

                                So only if you profit, will you do something to help people?
                                No I'm going to need to be incospiquous, for somebody to find out I have alien tech and get greedy, the next thing I know they demand I give the the core and then they blow themselfs up with it

                                Don't underestimate human stupidity. Like Einstein said "Only two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."

                                I don't want teh Earth to blow up, and with those 3 thing I solved the world energy crisis and cut down the green house gases to zero, on the other note I maybe caused a market crash when no one needed oil anymore at least 99% of it But this is the road to progress and make ecofreaks happy, plus with some genetic engineering I can make a superplant like that in one ep. of stargate, maybe not as super as that but more resilient, higher nutritional value,etc. (if I made a plant like that I would have screwed the ecosystem bad but the idea is sound)

                                And I would most likely give all my money to charity as I don't need it and have a Dyson sphere in the next system or at least a super thin self-repairing solar foil on the star and can matter convert all I need.
                                So your indirectly going to kill large populations?
                                Hey! if they are stooopid enough to attack somebody without provocation and reasonable motive they don't have the right to have them. I could have killed all of the goverment and situated myself as ruler and most people and goverments would have backed me up. I was the one attacked with ICBM for just staying on the moon that is neutral territory and had the right to be there and do whatever I wanted.

                                Again I'll say, I hope you never get the asgard core or any technology similar to it.
                                There could be worse persons that could get it. I'm not that bad I don't have any delusions of grandeur, megalomaniac tendecies or god complex. I'm just your everyday friendly neighbourhood sci-fi geek

