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The "Moon Base" mentioned in Continuum ( SGU spec/spoilers to be tagged)

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    The "Moon Base" mentioned in Continuum ( SGU spec/spoilers to be tagged)

    Teeny bitty Continum spoiler.

    Looks like their going to build a moon base.

    Relocate the SGC for starters. It's a lot more secure.

    Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
    Teeny bitty Continum spoiler.

    Looks like their going to build a moon base.

    Relocate the SGC for starters. It's a lot more secure.
    Eh, I like the SGC where it is. I'd turn the base into an off-planet HQ, wehre Earth's defense can be coordinated should the planet ever face another major attack, and maybe draw most of the attackers away from us planetside.
    Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
    Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


      Originally posted by s09119 View Post
      Eh, I like the SGC where it is. I'd turn the base into an off-planet HQ, wehre Earth's defense can be coordinated should the planet ever face another major attack, and maybe draw most of the attackers away from us planetside.
      Firatly, a sationary HQ is a bad idea, since it can be bypasesd completly, I mean, what';s a few moon bateries going to reach in earth orbit? To slow.

      Turn it into a SGC and drydock.


        1. Listening post: Could scan the system clearer as it wouldn't have to get through the thick Earth atmosphere.

        2. Weapons platform: Stick a powerful weapon on it hopefully the enemy don't see it intill its to late. Would be harder to detect than a satelite or spaceship as most of it can be underground.

        3. Fighter/Ship base: The low gravity enviroment would allow our ships to land and take off easier, safer and faster than landing on Earths surface.

        4. Ark type refuge: If Earths ever attacked with Wraith beaming buffer technology tied into Asgard beaming tech in theory we could hold a large part of Earths populations intill the threat is gone.

        5. City ship landing platform: Same as the ship dock the low gravity enviroment wouldn't mean it drops straight into heavy gravity.

        6. Storage: If Earths attacked vital weapons and technology could be beamed up from the surface and provided limited protection for later pickup by an allied craft, Remnants of Earths military or a 304. Would be useful for protecting the Asgard core.

        7. Command center: Without having to send comms through the Atmosphere it soulhd be able to communicate clearer with its forces.

        Prety much the big ones could be used for an SGC but not much point realy considering we already have a fully functioning one. But could be useful for screaning incoming travlers especialy if the only way to get beamed off was from Earths end so when the Wraith try attacking like they did they can just run around a small section of the moon before getting bored and goes home.
        if it wasnt for Carters new plot shield we would be dead


          what if this new moonbase, which jack didn't seem to have heard about, is really a code word for 'honeymoon', between sam and jack?




            Originally posted by a6346 View Post
            1. Listening post: Could scan the system clearer as it wouldn't have to get through the thick Earth atmosphere.
            Atm does not afect long range sensors, and it would suffer from a horizon for real space sensors, which means you need satelites anyways.

            2. Weapons platform: Stick a powerful weapon on it hopefully the enemy don't see it intill its to late. Would be harder to detect than a satelite or spaceship as most of it can be underground.
            To far away form earth, ships can bypas it and jut dodge it's shots, also, can't fire through the earth or the moon, so it would have a limited field of fire.

            3. Fighter/Ship base: The low gravity enviroment would allow our ships to land and take off easier, safer and faster than landing on Earths surface.
            Not to mention we won't have to worry about those pesky UFOlogists

            4. Ark type refuge: If Earths ever attacked with Wraith beaming buffer technology tied into Asgard beaming tech in theory we could hold a large part of Earths populations intill the threat is gone.
            Good, but i don't think even the core coudl handle that many transports in such a short period. It would be safer to evacuate through the gate instead of freezing them.

            5. City ship landing platform: Same as the ship dock the low gravity enviroment wouldn't mean it drops straight into heavy gravity.
            Already got antarctica. Besides, You'd need a shield t hold in the atmo.

            6. Storage: If Earths attacked vital weapons and technology could be beamed up from the surface and provided limited protection for later pickup by an allied craft, Remnants of Earths military or a 304. Would be useful for protecting the Asgard core.
            Same as the Ark thing.

            7. Command center: Without having to send comms through the Atmosphere it soulhd be able to communicate clearer with its forces.
            Still need satelites as it can't broadcase through the earth and the moon itself.

            Prety much the big ones could be used for an SGC but not much point realy considering we already have a fully functioning one. But could be useful for screaning incoming travlers especialy if the only way to get beamed off was from Earths end so when the Wraith try attacking like they did they can just run around a small section of the moon before getting bored and goes home.
            Yeah, and in case of an atack, like with anubis' gate destroyer, it wouldn't be a big a problem. Fothold situations to, just vent the atmo, or bomb the infected areas.


              You can't get that many people through a gate on short notice, If the enemy ship comes straight out and attacks without prior warning there would be no time to move the bulk of humanity through the gate. Using Wraith buffers hopefully we could save a few thousand or even a few million.

              Moonbase would be a tad stupid without revealing the Starate prior to setting it up.
              'Hey daddy, thanks for the telescope'
              'Thats alright son, Look at the moon'
              'Ok daddy, Say whats that on the moon'
              'Daddy why are those black unmarked vans heading for us'
              'Ah crap'

              Weapons platform was just a general idea would be stupid but its something a moon base could be used for, Especially if using drones but by the time they reach the enemy they could have plundered all they wanted.

              For the cityship platform, We might have Antartica but it would mean we would need to defrost a heck of alot of ice. But like the above
              'Hey daddy, Thanks for the telescope'
              'Thats alright son, Look at the moon'
              'Ok daddy, Say whats that on the moon'
              'When the bloody hell did they build dome cities on the moon'
              'Daddy why are those black unmarked vans heading for us'
              'Right son thats the last time I buy you a freaking telescope'
              if it wasnt for Carters new plot shield we would be dead


                Originally posted by a6346 View Post
                You can't get that many people through a gate on short notice, If the enemy ship comes straight out and attacks without prior warning there would be no time to move the bulk of humanity through the gate. Using Wraith buffers hopefully we could save a few thousand or even a few million.

                Moonbase would be a tad stupid without revealing the Starate prior to setting it up.
                'Hey daddy, thanks for the telescope'
                'Thats alright son, Look at the moon'
                'Ok daddy, Say whats that on the moon'
                'Daddy why are those black unmarked vans heading for us'
                'Ah crap'

                Weapons platform was just a general idea would be stupid but its something a moon base could be used for, Especially if using drones but by the time they reach the enemy they could have plundered all they wanted.

                For the cityship platform, We might have Antartica but it would mean we would need to defrost a heck of alot of ice. But like the above
                'Hey daddy, Thanks for the telescope'
                'Thats alright son, Look at the moon'
                'Ok daddy, Say whats that on the moon'
                'When the bloody hell did they build dome cities on the moon'
                'Daddy why are those black unmarked vans heading for us'
                'Right son thats the last time I buy you a freaking telescope'
                Why? NASA could reveal a joint project with the ESA that they were setting up a moonbase... perfectly within our power right now.
                Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                  I think that a moon base is a great idea- obviously, to avoid problems it would either have to be on the opposite side of the moon (it's never visible from earth) or inside the moon for reasons that a6346 pointed out.

                  The stargate may not have to ever be made public if the SGC was moved there. As long as we have enough 304's protecting Earth, moving it shouldn't be a problem.
                  The low gravity is better on the ships engines and shields (explained in SG-1 sometime during S6).

                  Either the moon or Mars.

                  Proud supporter of His holy BAGness!


                    Boots factory?
                    The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                      Well, it'll be a little more secure than in Cheyenne mountain, just for the fact that there are no humans in space near the moon. But SGC is the most guarded facility on earth, its not like any terrorist or anything is gonna stroll on in and take it over.

                      The moon base they were talking about was probably just a secret base they're gonna hide on the moon to monitor space. They can say its a radio center to monitor meteorites but its their to monitor ships and such. We don't really know.
                      Visit my Website


                        1. sensor array: put a huge and powerful sensor array on the moon to locate any ships coming to earth.

                        2. weapons platform: would work with the sensor array to send drones to where the enemy ship drops out of hyperspace so right away they are bombarded by drones.

                        3. dsc-304 shipyards: with the shipyards on the moon we can build more ships without anyone knowing and it would be easier to launch them because of no gravity.

                        4. shield/cloak generator: the cloak can be used to hide everything from people with telescopes and other nations. then they can switch to shields to protect the base from enemie attacks.

                        5. research facilities: in the research facilities they can study the ancient database and reverse engineer ancient weapons and ships.

                        6. storage facilities: could hold spare gates for earth, drones, weapons, ammunition, and tech

                        7. command center: can monitor gate activitie in the sgc and if anything goes wrong they can beam in squads of military units or Teal'c and ronin to save the sgc. the command center will also monitor incoming ships and determine if they are friend or foe and wether to attack or not.

                        there the perfect moonbase
                        I AM STARGATEDUDE111!!!!!!!



                          I think it's likely that, in the show as well as real life, a moon base would serve as a means of destroying incoming asteroids and such before they reach the Earth. In the case of the show it would also serve as a means of shooting at their enemies from another front (as well as from the Earth.)


                            Build a gigantic mirror on the moon. Then build a "laser" on the Earth and use the mirror the guide the "laser" to the target.


                              so everyone talks about weapons and stuff. so a bit more realistic now.

                              1: whatever we build on it, can be seen by people. NASA+ESA= smart. using the new ESA cargo missiles under research[with some gate tech in it] we can do that easily. now, why would carter talk about it in a stargate matter. shes a stargate expert. a known moonbase would be great. for one, we can do like the SGC. build the real deal under the decoy. so while nasa and esa take the credit, we can build ships on it[plenty of he-3 there, so plenty of power through fusion energy, and sufficient materials]
                              a secondary gate there could do alot. a macro could forward every dial to the SGC, while only accepting dials from mining stations.
                              besides, a mass driver could easily be used as a weapon. we have mass drives, like the LHC, and can use a stargate version to take out hives in one shot.
                              superlasers could take out incoming asteroids, but also double as anti enemy defences.
                              on the dark side of the moon, we can have a 304 factory, so noone can use google earth to take a look at the 304's taking off. unless we bribe google to prevent them from taking photo's of area 51 on launch days.

                              besides, having an r75[prior bug] research facility is usefull too. if it becomes too dangerous, we vent the air and bye bye bugs. also, having an SGC there is usefull because of the same venting reasons. and if we want to blow it all up, then we can just say in the news "there was an accident on the moon". tadaa. better than "our mountain blew up for a reason we are still searching for[making up]". while there's supposed to be an air control centre, suddenly a nuke goes off. how to explain?

