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Megathread - Versus battles

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    Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
    that being siad, apparently the Carrier in Halo is no longer classified as a carrier, but an assualt carrier, as in the books there is another carrier which is smaller, only about twive the size of the Pillar, or three times that of a normal frigate.
    i'm going to assume you mean the big arse one form the games tho?
    It also has an energy projector beam, in that case.
    ya the real big ones, like the one truth used in 2. of course though you have to the the books refences saying that one small cruiser could take 3 ships out before being destroyed. though the unsc ships have very small weapons on alot of there ships.
    time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

    Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


      Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
      I don't know much about Halo but aren't the humans in its setting semi holding their own against the Covenant with roughly BSG type weaponry? Giant railguns, nukes and such?

      If the covenant can "glass" planets with their fleets then that does put them in the same sort of range as naquada enhanced nukes for their weapons but what are their defences like? How many hits can one of their ships withstand from its own weaponry and what sort of ranges and fire rates do they have?

      Since a lot of Halo is in books I'm betting they have ranges at least better than the spitting distances of Sg.
      They are proper ranged weapons, and the ratio of ship was 3:1 Unsc:Covenant. That was when the HUMANS won.
      They didn't hold their own much at all, in space. They won maybe three battles, but they outnumbered the covies 3 to 1
      385 Heroes coming Home

      Here's to smart Mods


        the ratio i was talking about was the kill ratio in which for every 1 covanent ship destroyed they lost 3, and ya on the ground humans won most of those but of course if they had no reason to land then they just glass the planet from orbit.
        time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

        Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


          Yea, i was pretty much agreein with u and stated the 3 to 1 kill ratio. But in Fall of Reach it states on pg 296 that they only win when they outnumber 3 to 1.
          385 Heroes coming Home

          Here's to smart Mods


            Who would win in a 1 v 1 space fight. The wraith with a ZPM or the ori?

            >Personally, The Wraith win, hands down


              Originally posted by Anubis21 View Post
              Who would win in a 1 v 1 space fight. The wraith with a ZPM or the ori?

              >Personally, The Wraith win, hands down
              I think the Ori would...they have strong shields and powerful beam weapons...

              Germany Chiefed Poland.
              England broke their NAP with Germany because Poland was their ally.
              England and its allies defend from German attacks, but suffer heavy losses as Germany has level 10 rams.
              France got Chiefed.
              Japan decided to scout America.
              America got pissed off, and sent a couple waves with 10k Imperians at them, with 1k catapults for sh!ts & giggles.
              America cut Japan to 90 pop.
              Germany sends a Chieftain Train at the USSR, gets loyalty down to 1.
              USSR builds up troops with their lvl 20 resources and lvl 20 barracks before the Chieftains can hit again. Walls go back up to level 20. German Chiefs were all destroyed.
              Germany just keeps sending troops although it's clear they cannot take USSR.
              Eventually troops run out since USSR can produce them faster.
              USSR, Britain and the USA simultaneously hit Germany with their own Chieftains, and Chiefs.
              Hitler deleted his account...
              USSR, change their name to Russia...


                even better ori with 5 ZPMs vs. anubis


                  if a suped up Hive could survive the APBWs and could nearly defeat Atlantis, I'd say the Wraith would win, at least against Ori ships.
                  Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                  ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                  encounter on the strange journey.


                  2 Cor. 10:3-5
                  3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                  4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                  5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                    wraith probably but then we would just fly in and kick their arse again :/
                    Captain Simms


                      3 goauld hatak ships vs 1 hive ship
                      Who would win?
                      This might as well say Bing-Tiddle-Tiddle-Bong! It's complete gibberish! - Rodney Mckay


                        I believe the 3 goa'uld ships would...because they have shields and are easier to they could have an easy time against the wraith
                        WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN WW2!

                        Germany Chiefed Poland.
                        England broke their NAP with Germany because Poland was their ally.
                        England and its allies defend from German attacks, but suffer heavy losses as Germany has level 10 rams.
                        France got Chiefed.
                        Japan decided to scout America.
                        America got pissed off, and sent a couple waves with 10k Imperians at them, with 1k catapults for sh!ts & giggles.
                        America cut Japan to 90 pop.
                        Germany sends a Chieftain Train at the USSR, gets loyalty down to 1.
                        USSR builds up troops with their lvl 20 resources and lvl 20 barracks before the Chieftains can hit again. Walls go back up to level 20. German Chiefs were all destroyed.
                        Germany just keeps sending troops although it's clear they cannot take USSR.
                        Eventually troops run out since USSR can produce them faster.
                        USSR, Britain and the USA simultaneously hit Germany with their own Chieftains, and Chiefs.
                        Hitler deleted his account...
                        USSR, change their name to Russia...


                          Hatak sihps


                            Originally posted by Brilliant Mckay View Post
                            3 goauld hatak ships vs 1 hive ship
                            Who would win?
                            Just those ships or are they carrying fighters?


                              Ha'taks if there are no fighters.

                              But the Gliders would lose badly to the Darts.

                              Gate Rider AKA Abnormal on the Sanctuary fan forums.
                              Fencers of GW Unite!


                                Ori, as they have superhuman abilities. I don't see why a Prior couldn't do what a human Adria could.

                                Anubis would beat all, he'd just fly through their shields or infiltrate and cause the ship to self destruct, only to continue to live.

