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The Ultimate 304's Guide : Anything, Everything and Speculations about 304's

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    yeah its knowles challenge next...challenge 4. got to brainstorm that after i have finished my bomber! i'm no where near, rush job! lol



      Canada: Vimy.


        Holland: Fitna


          Maybe we ought to explain what these names actually mean....


            the name on my ship is the name of the biggest Glazer in europe and the 2 biggest in the world


              Vimy is for the Battle of Vimy Ridge, the first and one of the most succesfull voctories in WWI, all Canadian force.


                I agree with Merlin1701, we should start to see some joint ventures, with the US teaching the rest of the world about the technologies they've got, but mainly the ships.
                No one nation should be given all the power, otherwise you may start to get some trying to get the upper hand and use these ships to gain all of the power.
                The US's 304s aren't always there to protect Earth or America from the rest of the world.
                Multiple nations working together, even in secret from the general public, with each shipyard monitored by say the IOA, building ships in many locations and even in the conventional way would speed up ship building times drastically.
                They could even build a bunch of shipyards on Mars, cloak them every time they come into the line of site of Earth or build them under ground and open up hanger doors to let the ships out when they're finished and artificial gravity could get over any problems they may have in that department (I don't know if Mars is much different to Earth in that respect, so please anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here).
                NASA and other space agencies could be made into a part of the group so that they don't give anything away if the IOA, air force and military still wants to keep everything secret.
                The same goes for recruitment, crewing of each vessel and make it an even spread.
                A united national defense system, like a weapons satellite network could be made and controlled from all around the globe or some small, none hyperdrive capable defense ships.


                  well i think america wont want to give everything away in one breath. but more and more components of the 304 would be built around the globe. perhaps use a geosynchronous beam sattelite network[of 6 sattelites], to get all parts where needed


                    Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
                    What earth needs is a better defence, does that mean more 304's or other classes of ships?
                    I think other, smaller classes of ships, like a none hyperdrive capable attack shuttle.
                    They could be crewed by a pilot, tactical officer, someone for repairs and a medic.
                    Have shields, perhaps an alternate to the beam weapons or just one of them with less power.
                    Leave like ten in orbit at any one time, with double that ready to launch at a moments notice and perhaps more still ready on the ground to go if we lost any.
                    These could deal with enemy fighters, larger vessels and groups could work together to take out warships.

                    A variation could be made as a Tauri equivalent to the Puddle Jumpers and capable of going through the Stargate.


                      The IOA funds majority of the Stargate program now, if that is removed the US will not have the monetary funds from these global contributions to fund 304 production.

                      The main problem with 304 production on a global scale has always been the supply of materials. Like the Go’ auld, the Tauri should create off-world bases similar to the alpha site on mineral rich worlds, building the ships there.

                      Failing that build ships on Atlantis, another reason to fly the ship to PG again.



                        I am a big believer that the beam weapons should not be used on anything smaller than a 304, as the 304 has a stronger defence and a relatively large crew to defend from internal attack. Would not be great to see a Go’ auld mothership with Asgard weapons! Lol

                        The rail guns and missiles worked well against MW vessels before.



                          Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
                          I am a big believer that the beam weapons should not be used on anything smaller than a 304, as the 304 has a stronger defence and a relatively large crew to defend from internal attack. Would not be great to see a Go’ auld mothership with Asgard weapons! Lol
                          Well a ship without the 302 bays and much of the neck would be smaller but could potentially have stronger shields if it kept the power generation.
                          304s often go up against enemy vessels that carry greater sized crews, if they got ambushed by a bunch of Hives/Cruisers coming out of hyperspace with their shields down they could get boarded and the tech stolen, which is probably a much greater risk especially when the galaxy is teaming with Wraith vessels.

                          Each vessel could have a transporter array for an evacuation and self destruct shortly after the crew abandoned ship.
                          These smaller ships would cost a tiny fraction of a 304 so the loss wouldn't be that bad financially and these ships would be close to Earth.
                          There could be an internal defense like a low powered stun weapon.
                          Earth has life signs detectors, so if any alien beings or DNA signatures were detected they could even just beam them down to a detention center or out into space as they'd be aiming to destroy their ships and kill many of the enemy, so what's one more, especially when they're trying to kill you, steal your planet's tech and could use it against your people?

                          The rail guns and missiles worked well against MW vessels before.
                          They'd need stronger weapons than Rail Guns and Nukes as they couldn't even penetrate Baal's ships shields or the Lucian Alliance Ha'Taks.
                          In fact I don't recall them ever working all that well against MW enemies they're certainly not very good against the Wraith, well the Nukes maybe are if they can make it to their targets, but how often does that happen?

                          Shielding these smaller ships, giving them powerful enough weapons and getting them to work in unified groups to take out larger targets would clear up Earth's orbit quite quickly, unless there was like an entire fleet of Wraith ships.
                          Maybe there should be a lot more than just 30.
                          With a unified construction operation Earth could make loads and constantly build up the numbers until they got high enough to deal with like 30 Hives and their Cruiser escorts or a Super Hive.
                          That would have to be a lot, but I think it's doable with every feasible nation working at it.
                          Everyone in the world would work like proper troopers to create those if they knew it could one day save the planet from a bunch of life sucking aliens who wanted them for nothing more than cattle.
                          Last edited by Rise Of The Phoenix; 13 January 2009, 04:12 AM.


                            I wouldn't mind an Irish BC-304.
                            They could call it the Hiberna (that's Latin and therefore as close to anicent as we've got) or the Eire (that's Irish, just in case you didn't know).
                            Whatever the ancients can do we can, eventually, do better.


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              well i think america wont want to give everything away in one breath. but more and more components of the 304 would be built around the globe. perhaps use a geosynchronous beam sattelite network[of 6 sattelites], to get all parts where needed
                              The various components in the least should be made using the matter converters and raw materials.
                              Actually piecing the ships together could be done by various nations, then a multi national crew assembled.
                              I like the idea of beam satellites though.

                              Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
                              The IOA funds majority of the Stargate program now, if that is removed the US will not have the monetary funds from these global contributions to fund 304 production.
                              Doesn't the US get the majority of materials from off world sources?
                              It shouldn't really cost them that much now to make their ships as like I've mentioned above they've got the matter converters to make components as well.
                              They can always just sell the components to each nation at a reasonable cost, but then that would mean each country would end up making and crewing their own ships, so may not be the best way to go.

                              The main problem with 304 production on a global scale has always been the supply of materials. Like the Go’ auld, the Tauri should create off-world bases similar to the alpha site on mineral rich worlds, building the ships there.
                              I like the idea of that, but they'd need defenses and each one should be managed by a variety of people from different countries, I think the Asgard had universal translators so them speaking to each other shouldn't be a problem and build back up systems just in case the first ones malfunction.

                              Failing that build ships on Atlantis, another reason to fly the ship to PG again.
                              I'm not sure what you mean here.
                              Do you mean actually build the ships in the Pegasus galaxy as that could be a bit risky if it's your sole source for vessels?
                              EATG spoilers:
                              All of us who have seen this episode of course know at the end it was back on Earth so if you mean build them under the cover of the cloak then that could work and you could most likely extend the cloak in the same way the Ancients were able to extend the shield to protect a portion of Lantia's (the original home of Atlantis in the Pegasus galaxy) surface from the massive solar flair mentioned in Echoes (season 3 of SGA), only not as far.
                              They could even move the cloaked city to another more deserted location in America and just make it a no fly zone, or place it on land near where Area 51 is, assuming the city is fine to land on a solid surface after 10,000 or so years and a battle with such a savage enemy as the Super Hive.

                              Making a group of ship yards in the Pegasus galaxy, designed in the right way (using matter converts and raw materials like Trinium, Naqueda, etc), made to build smaller pack attack craft and positioned on the right planets (like ones that didn't originally have Stargates) could provide a tactical advantage and good element of surprise for attacking the Wraith, if you could build enough ships to unify in forces against the various alliances fleets.
                              Last edited by Rise Of The Phoenix; 13 January 2009, 02:54 AM.


                                Canada, hmm.......the McKay.
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                                Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.

