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Superhive vs Ori Battlecruiser

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    Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
    From what I remember I think it was the abandoned prototype of some project aimed at total mind control over their human herds. It's not clear why it was left there, if it was the only machine of its kind, or if the wraith ever carried on the research. It was built post ancient war most probably though, since they didn't really have food issues till later. I don't think it worked on wraith either as the idea was to use it to control humans to be fed on more easily.
    Oh right, if the tech hasn't been used on any of the 304s then perhaps the Wraith that made it never even thought about it's military applications and since it failed to work in the desired manner they may just consider it a general failure, Michael obviously didn't know about it otherwise he may have used the device on the Phoenix's crew in The Last Man.
    If the technology takes time to take effect in it's victims the Ori mother ship's crew may have time to fire off enough shots to destroy the Super Hive.

    What if one of the crew jumps/throws a table into the warpcore or somehow vents the ship to space.
    It would be funny to see, in a freaky, horror movie kind of way.
    But on a serious note it doesn't take long for the Ori's main weapons to destroy regular ships without shields and if I recall correctly that device didn't start effecting the SG teams until a while after they were on the planet, so the people on board the ship may not get all that crazy until after a few minutes or hours of battle and I think the Ori ship could take out the Hive in a few shots.

    There's no telling what kind of trouble a whole crew of crazies might get up to. The beautiful thing about the Wraith device is that it didn't just make people into harmless goo goo giggles crazies, it made them into vividly hallucinating, paranoid and violent crazies.
    I guess that's the best kind if you want it to turn the Humans into a weapon.

    I have my doubts that the prior would be immune to it to given how easy and fast they figured out how to shut off their powers with that similar type of device. I don't remember any ascended knowledge going into building those disc things myself but I could be wrong. All it did was emit some sort of waves that interfered with part of the prior's brain. If those waves can interfere with his brain chances are the crazy waves will to.

    That'd be fun to watch.
    I think that device was made when Orlin descended to take the form of a child and he helped Carter finish it, the Ori could eventually overcome the effects of the disk devices and I think they only work once after that the Priors were immune, the Wraith don't have any knowledge of the Ori's changed minds and it would be pretty hard for them to capture one for study as they've got the Ancient like psychic powers.
    I wonder if the Ancients had prior type powers before they left Pegasus and during the war, what do you think?


      no, i'm pretty sure orlin just worked on a cure/vaccine for the plauge. the prior powerblocker was 100% tau'ri built.

      Originally posted by IMDB
      Revealing mistakes: Throughout the series, the IDC is received by the SGC before the wormhole has been established.


        The Asgard beams caused minimal damage when the Hive wasn't 100% ready, so the chances of the Ori beam taking out the Superhive in a few shots are non existant.

        The Asgard beams defeating the shields of the Ori also show that they're no unbeatable, I see no reason why the Superhives weapons wouldn't pulverize it. Atlantis couldn't stand up to it so an Ori mothership is going to go down for sure.
        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


          Originally posted by tjoflojt View Post
          no, i'm pretty sure orlin just worked on a cure/vaccine for the plauge. the prior powerblocker was 100% tau'ri built.
          My bad, I just checked in Gateworld episode description for The Fourth Horseman Part 1 and you're right it says:
          There is a speck of good news, however. Dr. Lee has completed the anti-Prior weapon. With intelligence from the Sodan, Mitchell and Dr. Jackson will lead a team to P9G-844 to capture the original Prior who spread the illness on 885. Orlin believes the root D.N.A. code will help him finish building the cure. Now with the anti-Prior weapon, they may just have a chance.
          I still think it's unlikely that Priors would be affected by that crazy device, even if they were it would probably take time to effect them as I don't recall it being an instant crazy button.
          It's highly likely that the Ori motherships have Naruce's shields given how there vessels were able to resist so much weapons fire from the allied fleet in Camelot.

          I still think the Ori Cruiser would win the battle, no matter what kind of shields it has, it's weapons could fatal damage to that Hive and I don't think the Super Hive could regenerate fast enough given the firing rate of the Ori cruiser's main beam and secondary energy blasts if they're used.


            Originally posted by Rise Of The Phoenix View Post
            My bad, I just checked in Gateworld episode description for The Fourth Horseman Part 1 and you're right it says:

            I still think it's unlikely that Priors would be affected by that crazy device, even if they were it would probably take time to effect them as I don't recall it being an instant crazy button.
            It's highly likely that the Ori motherships have Naruce's shields given how there vessels were able to resist so much weapons fire from the allied fleet in Camelot.

            I still think the Ori Cruiser would win the battle, no matter what kind of shields it has, it's weapons could fatal damage to that Hive and I don't think the Super Hive could regenerate fast enough given the firing rate of the Ori cruiser's main beam and secondary energy blasts if they're used.
            I think you're mistaken about the ori shields. How much weapons fire do you think they took? It wasn't much, it was 12'ish Hat'taks an O'neill and 2 304's spreading their fire between 4 ships! Thats not a lot. Its something our own ships could survive for the amount of time the battle lasted. I find it perplexing how people can think those Ori ships survived masses of firepower they really didn't. Most of it was Ha'tak weapons fire the Superhives weapons are orders of magnitude higher it would pulverise the Ori mother ship.

            I also doubt the Ori main beam is much stronger than the Asgard beams so its not going to cause fatal damage either. Unending proved the Ori were all show IMO, they can swat Ha'taks and ships with inadequet weapons like 304's but when someone with a big gun comes along they get beat. A Superhive bolt probably packs a similar amount of energy to an Asgard beam and it fires dozens at once the Ori would be burn toast in no time.
            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


              Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
              I think you're mistaken about the ori shields. How much weapons fire do you think they took? It wasn't much, it was 12'ish Hat'taks an O'neill and 2 304's spreading their fire between 4 ships! Thats not a lot. Its something our own ships could survive for the amount of time the battle lasted. I find it perplexing how people can think those Ori ships survived masses of firepower they really didn't. Most of it was Ha'tak weapons fire the Superhives weapons are orders of magnitude higher it would pulverise the Ori mother ship.
              Am I mistaken about the possibility that Ori ships could have Naruce's shields on their ships?
              If anyone could make the technology to use enemy ships weapons energy to power their shields work for vessels it would be the Ori, given that once inspired to use something similar they probably could make their own version once Naruce had steered them in the general direction and to be honest they'd be pretty stupid not to use the tech.
              I don't think the Ori ship couldn't take what the Super Hive dishes out, especially if it has Naruce's shields.

              I also doubt the Ori main beam is much stronger than the Asgard beams so its not going to cause fatal damage either. Unending proved the Ori were all show IMO, they can swat Ha'taks and ships with inadequet weapons like 304's but when someone with a big gun comes along they get beat. A Superhive bolt probably packs a similar amount of energy to an Asgard beam and it fires dozens at once the Ori would be burn toast in no time.
              The Hive's weapons didn't appear to be any different to regular Hive blasts apart from the upped power, but I don't think an Ori ship has the regular kinds of shields (which to me is a fair assumption to make given the timing between Beachhead and Crusade there's like 12 episodes between the two which IMO would give the Ori plenty of time, probably several months to find a way to incorporate the tech into their ships) and their beam blasts can be fired at quite a rate for such a long big energy blast, IMO those weapons would cut through the Super Hive's armor and given that the Ori pulse is a few times larger than the APBWs I think a few blasts could do quite a lot of damage to this Super Hive's armor.
              I think the Ori weapons have enough raw power to punch a pretty big hole in the Super Hive's armor, probably more than the single APBW shot fired from the Daedalus in EATG and I don't see the Ori just firing a single shot of their weapons, sitting back and waiting to see what kind of damage has been done to their enemy, they'd go all out until it was gone.

              Didn't thekillman say something about the APBWs losing strength after the initial impact was made on the Super Hive's hull because it was such a focused beam?
              If the Ori blasts weren't so focused couldn't they maintain their force longer than the APWBs thus cutting deeper into the Hive's hull?

              How thick do you think the Super Hive's hull would be when compared to a regular Hive?
              Obviously it's gotta be many times thicker and denser than a regular Hive to be able to withstand a Drone attack (even a poorly executed one), even Becket's attack could have destroyed a regular Hive given how much Sheppard did with a Puddle jumper in The Queen (season 5 of SGA).


                Originally posted by Rise Of The Phoenix View Post
                Am I mistaken about the possibility that Ori ships could have Naruce's shields on their ships?
                If anyone could make the technology to use enemy ships weapons energy to power their shields work for vessels it would be the Ori, given that once inspired to use something similar they probably could make their own version once Naruce had steered them in the general direction and to be honest they'd be pretty stupid not to use the tech.
                I don't think the Ori ship couldn't take what the Super Hive dishes out, especially if it has Naruce's shields.
                You are mistaken. There's no reason to think that they do. Naruce? You mean that Goa'uld? That was an Ori based shield not something Naruce came up with. Even so there's no reason to believe thats what they used on their ships especially after seeing Unending.

                I think you should get the notion that the Ori have weapon absorbing shields out your head, they clearly don't judging from what the Asgard beams did to them. Ori shields clearly aren't that tough, the Superhive would down them in short order.

                The Hive's weapons didn't appear to be any different to regular Hive blasts apart from the upped power, but I don't think an Ori ship has the regular kinds of shields (which to me is a fair assumption to make given the timing between Beachhead and Crusade there's like 12 episodes between the two which IMO would give the Ori plenty of time, probably several months to find a way to incorporate the tech into their ships) and their beam blasts can be fired at quite a rate for such a long big energy blast, IMO those weapons would cut through the Super Hive's armor and given that the Ori pulse is a few times larger than the APBWs I think a few blasts could do quite a lot of damage to this Super Hive's armor.
                I think the Ori weapons have enough raw power to punch a pretty big hole in the Super Hive's armor, probably more than the single APBW shot fired from the Daedalus in EATG and I don't see the Ori just firing a single shot of their weapons, sitting back and waiting to see what kind of damage has been done to their enemy, they'd go all out until it was gone.
                Like I've said the Ori beam doesn't look to be much more powerful than the Asgard beams or the Wraith superhives own energy weapons so its going to do damage but not enough to take it out before its destroyed.

                The Asgard beams took down the Ori shields, therefore they clearly don't get strong from enemy weapons. They also don't grow which was a major part of the shield in Beachhead. The shields on the Ori ships couldn't be seen growing larger from the absorbed energy.

                Didn't thekillman say something about the APBWs losing strength after the initial impact was made on the Super Hive's hull because it was such a focused beam?
                If the Ori blasts weren't so focused couldn't they maintain their force longer than the APWBs thus cutting deeper into the Hive's hull?
                What Killman says isn'ts necessarily true, we know APBWs do minimal damage an Ori beam isn't going to do significantly more than the Asgard version.

                How thick do you think the Super Hive's hull would be when compared to a regular Hive?
                Obviously it's gotta be many times thicker and denser than a regular Hive to be able to withstand a Drone attack (even a poorly executed one), even Becket's attack could have destroyed a regular Hive given how much Sheppard did with a Puddle jumper in The Queen (season 5 of SGA).
                I don't know but it was said to be unstoppable by Todd, this is a guy who fought the Ancients so when he says its going to be unstoppable I'm inclined to take his word for it. Judging by the fact that same Hive handed 2 304's their asses sustaining little damage and beat down Atlantis as well I think an Ori mothership would get beaten soundly.

                The Ori were ebsted by the Asgard, the Superhive would easily beat the Ori.
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  there is probably a significant difference between the APBW and the ori ex-wank canon, but is does apear to be the same, with waay more power and less focus. the ori probably have a powersource that could beat a ZPM, anything less wouldn't make sense with all the ascended knowlege. and their shields are probably atlantis style, don't run out untill the power does (or atleast aren't supposed to). however, the general assumption is that APBWs work by localised shield faliure, which i suppose means getting through the shield before the emmiters can get more power there. thats great against shields, but when faced with a several meter thick, self regenerating hull, they aren't optimal. however, the ori main weapon delivers a massive amout of raw power, like a bolt, for a sustained period of time, like a APBW. maybe thats what it takes to get through the superhull.

                  Originally posted by IMDB
                  Revealing mistakes: Throughout the series, the IDC is received by the SGC before the wormhole has been established.


                    Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                    You are mistaken. There's no reason to think that they do. Naruce? You mean that Goa'uld? That was an Ori based shield not something Naruce came up with. Even so there's no reason to believe thats what they used on their ships especially after seeing Unending.

                    I think you should get the notion that the Ori have weapon absorbing shields out your head, they clearly don't judging from what the Asgard beams did to them. Ori shields clearly aren't that tough, the Superhive would down them in short order.
                    I may have been wrong about who made those shields (I checked and Gateworld does say it was the Ori, I may have to check that episode out at some point soon to be sure as I still recall it being Naruce who designed the shield tech), but the only weapons that have been effective against them are the APBWs which are a focused weapon and seem to deliver their power to a specific portion of their target, which would explain how they could still be effective against such a shield, in fact why it actually works.
                    Before the APBWs only pulse weapons were used which after their initial impact their energy would spread out across the Ori's shields, surely this can't happen with a focused beam, with it's initial force severely weakening the Ori's shields and I think that accounts for why the beams work on those kinds of shields without losing the unique defensive properties they have.
                    Wraith weapons are the pulse kind so even though they are incredibly powerful on that Hive I'd see them just spread out over the Ori's shields in much the same way as every other pulse weapon seems to and the extra energy making up for the initial impact on the shields.

                    Like I've said the Ori beam doesn't look to be much more powerful than the Asgard beams or the Wraith superhives own energy weapons so its going to do damage but not enough to take it out before its destroyed.
                    I think the more focused nature of the APBWs is what let them down against the Hive, not to mention the fact that only one shot was fired, I think an Ori ship's beam is a sustained pulse as apposed to a beam and I think they overcome most shields by sheer force which could destroy the Hive with enough shots and IMO in time before the Hive could do any significant damage.
                    I'd bet even a few dozen shots from APBWs could destroy that Hive if it was shot at all over the ship and the Ori vessel can fire concussive shot after shot with what appears to be little delay between each blast.

                    The Asgard beams took down the Ori shields, therefore they clearly don't get strong from enemy weapons. They also don't grow which was a major part of the shield in Beachhead. The shields on the Ori ships couldn't be seen growing larger from the absorbed energy.
                    The beams are unique, the Wraith don't have them even on that Hive, the shield on an Ori ship fluctuates when under stress, which I would think could account for transition of energy between regular pulse weapons and the Ori's shields.
                    The beams would use their initial force to damage a more specific part of that field unlike the pulse weapons, which would explain why the field would be vulnerable to such weapons and the actual size of the field doesn't have to be getting larger if the extra power is replacing the field that is being lost from damage and the thickness of the field is expanding.

                    What Killman says isn'ts necessarily true, we know APBWs do minimal damage an Ori beam isn't going to do significantly more than the Asgard version.
                    It made sense though as the beams initial impact would probably carry more impact than after it and only one shot was fired on that Hive.
                    As I've said above the Ori Cruiser's main weapon looks to be more of a sustained, powerful pulse and IMO it could have more actual raw power than the APBWs shot for shot, I don't think they're the same kind of weapon and the Ori's look larger with their power not as focused over a small portion of space.
                    I think the Ori pulse is similar in size as far as width and height goes to the Hive's blasts only they are much longer and sustained than them and IMO that could be bad for that Hive's armor even though it's so tough.

                    I don't know but it was said to be unstoppable by Todd, this is a guy who fought the Ancients so when he says its going to be unstoppable I'm inclined to take his word for it. Judging by the fact that same Hive handed 2 304's their asses sustaining little damage and beat down Atlantis as well I think an Ori mothership would get beaten soundly.

                    The Ori were ebsted by the Asgard, the Superhive would easily beat the Ori.
                    The Wraith don't have focused, localized force type weapons like the beams so I don't think they'd fair as well as you think they would.
                    Todd doesn't know about the Ori ships and I'd bet the Ancients could have destroyed that Hive even with their satellite weapon if it had good enough shields.
                    I still think the Ori's shields could withstand that Hive's weapons fire, perhaps not forever but long enough and the Ori main weapons could hurt the Hive as they are much larger and less focused than the beams, they're like super sized Hive blasts IMO with enough scale to hurt the Super Hive.
                    Last edited by Rise Of The Phoenix; 30 January 2009, 03:17 PM.


                      Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                      The Asgard beams caused minimal damage when the Hive wasn't 100% ready, so the chances of the Ori beam taking out the Superhive in a few shots are non existant.

                      The Asgard beams defeating the shields of the Ori also show that they're no unbeatable, I see no reason why the Superhives weapons wouldn't pulverize it. Atlantis couldn't stand up to it so an Ori mothership is going to go down for sure.
                      This is pretty much entirely right. I'm just messing around with the crazy machine because I figure it would be more entertaining to beat them that way than just core them in one salvo, and because sombody else just decided that the Ori ship should get the beachead shield for some reason.

                      A normal Ori ship hasn't got a chance in hell of beating a ship that can cripple one of Earth's superduper upgraded 304s in a single salvo when it's not even finshed yet. I mean come on.

                      All the Ori ship is is a bigger target with weaker weapons. They'd be better off dropping their shields and trying to get the hives shots to fly through the center of the toiletseat, thus missing the ship.


                        Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                        This is pretty much entirely right. I'm just messing around with the crazy machine because I figure it would be more entertaining to beat them that way than just core them in one salvo, and because sombody else just decided that the Ori ship should get the beachead shield for some reason.
                        The beams part may be right, but as far as the rest goes, like saying the shields couldn't work that way, as I've explained above I disagree, there's nothing that's been seen of Ori shields to suggest they work like normal ones, the Ori would be stupid to not use that kind of an advantage.
                        I see absolutely no reason why you and Buba don't see how those ships shields (being the energy sucking kind) could work fine against the pulse type weapons but be just like practically every other shield when faced with the beams.
                        The beams cause a more localized shield damaging effect against any shield, but in this case they just focus more of their raw power to a specific region of that shield than a pulse weapon can and it can't compensate in time before they fail which would make sense given the kinds of weapons most Milky Way races use.

                        A normal Ori ship hasn't got a chance in hell of beating a ship that can cripple one of Earth's superduper upgraded 304s in a single salvo when it's not even finshed yet. I mean come on.
                        I don't see why the Ori ships couldn't have those shields, I wish someone would actually explain a good reason as to why they wouldn't have those shields, I've certainly explained how they could work against pulse weapons, but be less than effective against the APBWs and the timing fits.
                        Regular ZPMless 304s commanded by people who don't throw everything they have at an obviously tougher enemy are of course going to stand no chance against that Hive, but we've never seen a ZPMless 304 face an Ori cruiser, which can take out our ships in like 3 shots if they're sitting and waiting to die like the Daedalus was.

                        All the Ori ship is is a bigger target with weaker weapons. They'd be better off dropping their shields and trying to get the hives shots to fly through the center of the toiletseat, thus missing the ship.
                        It may be a bigger target, but will just keep firing everything it has of it's main weapons until that Hive is gone.
                        The cruiser's shields don't have to be entirely invulnerable to the Wraith's weapons if they're fired with enough force at a specific region of the shields and as you Ouroboros have suggested Wraith weapons may have more of a shield eating effect than standard pulse weapons, but the Ori cruiser could still gain something from the overall energy of those weapons.
                        The Ori pulse could easily be blasting more of it's initial impact force (which is probably greater then the APBWs) against the Super Hive's hull and cut a much bigger chunk out of it as the Ori blasts are undoubtedly a larger energy shot, they'd probably cover more of an overall area as the weapon dissipates to (which the APBWs being a thinner, more focused beam can't do) then another shot would come straight after that probably hitting in near the same spot as a regular Hive's probably twice or even three times the size of an Ori cruiser (I'm just guessing about the size, but that seems about right too me), this Super Hive could have been at least 4 times the size of an Ori Cruiser so the Hive's not exactly going to be outmaneuvering the Ori ship.

                        The bottom line for me is that the Ori's main pulse beam would do significantly more damage than the APBWs did to the Super Hive as they are a bigger less focused more raw power weapon shot for shot than the Asgard beams are, each shot would blast a huge chunk out of that Hive's hull and multiple shots would expose it's hull to space probably destroying it in the process.
                        The Ori cruisers shields would have to be on a par with at least a ZPM powered 304, probably more so with the energy eating shields and seeing as the Hive just has pulses (not focused weapons) with a bit more power I don't see and have yet to see anyone explain how they could be effective against such a shield other than me explaining they could potentially have more force per shot and the Wraith's possible shield damaging effect being amped up by the ZPM power.

                        The Ori ship still wins the battle for me.
                        Last edited by Rise Of The Phoenix; 31 January 2009, 05:55 AM.


                          A normal Ori ship doesn't have the beachead type shield, it seems really unlikely that they would and nobody would comment on as much in any of the various battles. "Oh don't bother shooting them it actually makes them stronger". Carter detected and figured out fairly fast what was happening in beachead so you'd expect her or someone else to notice if the same thing started to happen again in say, Camelot.

                          The Ori main beam is also one of the easiest weapons in the entire series to argue into an primarily anti shield weapon. It's performance against large solid objects like small mountains and the dirt villiages sit on is not impressive to say the least.

                          If anything the Ori weapon is going to be drastically less effective against a ship that uses huge amounts of dense heavy armour instead of shields, not more. It's certainly not going to be casually slicing big chunks out of that hive's armour with every hit when the Asgard beams apparently can't even put a knick in it.


                            I agree with Ouroboros, it seems likely that if the Ori ships had the beachhead shields someone would get wise and stop feeding them power by firing on them.

                            Also those Wraith pulses are probably quite focused themselves, alot of power packed into a pulse would still put a lot of pressure on a shield especially when they're fired by the dozens.

                            Rise Of The Phoenix did it occur to you that the Ori beam being less focused would simply explode on the hull of the Hive and cause nothing but surface damage? If the armor can deal with a focused strike it will certainly be capable of dealing with a blast which is more spread out allowing more of the armor to take the brunt of the hit.
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              Given the power the Super Hive was shown to have demonstrated in it's episode, I believe a conclusion we logically should now be able to draw (intended or not) is, if it had been present at the Battle of the Supergate it could have destroyed every ship there, from both sides, with ease.
                              Last edited by Infinite-Possibilities; 01 February 2009, 02:54 PM.
                              "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                              *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                              "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                                Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                                A normal Ori ship doesn't have the beachead type shield, it seems really unlikely that they would and nobody would comment on as much in any of the various battles. "Oh don't bother shooting them it actually makes them stronger". Carter detected and figured out fairly fast what was happening in beachead so you'd expect her or someone else to notice if the same thing started to happen again in say, Camelot.
                                Why would the Ori make such a shield at all just for the one purpose?
                                It gives them an even bigger advantage over most of their enemies and would mean that less of their own power generating capabilities would be spent on reinforcing the barrier.
                                There is nothing that's been shown in the Ori ark to suggest that the Ori vessels don't use those shields, just saying "Oh no they don't use those shields" isn't exactly proof is it?
                                Just because the 4 Ori Cruiser's shields didn't expand to protect all of them from the energy gained doesn't mean they don't work that way.
                                All of the extra power would most likely be going to increase the thickness of the field, we've heard it said that they fluctuate which probably means damage is being caused but then the field reinforces itself with the power gained, the amount of power that shield draws from enemy weapons fire could have been regulated so that it doesn't have to expand to the size of a planet.

                                As far as why they didn't realise not to keep poring power into the Ori's ship's shields in Camelot, if the shields weren't behaving the exact same way as the Beachhead ones it may not be so obvious that their weapons would deplete them, Carter wasn't on the Bridge of either of our ships during that battle, she was floating in space after tinkering around with the Supergate and what would you do just retreat and let the Ori go unopposed, the Jaffa certainly weren't willing to in Beachhead until they knew it was no use attacking the planet's shield, but then it was too late?
                                The Ori main beam is also one of the easiest weapons in the entire series to argue into an primarily anti shield weapon. It's performance against large solid objects like small mountains and the dirt villiages sit on is not impressive to say the least.
                                Not really, the weapon wasn't fired directly down into the mountain in Counter Strike, but it did blast each part it was aimed at to pieces and a single blast tore straight through a Ha'Tak's shields vaporizing the craft in the process, how many other weapons in Stargate have been shown to do that with a single blast?
                                Most weapons that are effective against Ha'Taks stop inside of the craft like smaller Tollan Ion cannon shots, but the Ori's main beam pulse doesn't it carries straight on after it with some of the energy, plasma or whatever it's made of continuing to fly through space.
                                Any shield damage that's done to any enemy vessel looks to be through brute force.
                                If anything the Ori weapon is going to be drastically less effective against a ship that uses huge amounts of dense heavy armour instead of shields, not more. It's certainly not going to be casually slicing big chunks out of that hive's armour with every hit when the Asgard beams apparently can't even put a knick in it.
                                I'd think the brute force of the Ori Cruiser's main beam would be doing a lot more damage as it obviously carries more force shot for shot than the beams just look at the size of those blasts.
                                The Ori pulses probably use the majority of power from whatever is powering the Cruiser and considering they were built with Ascended knowledge, by a race that was related to the Ancients it would have to be comparable to a ZPM.
                                Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                                I agree with Ouroboros, it seems likely that if the Ori ships had the beachhead shields someone would get wise and stop feeding them power by firing on them.
                                Not if the shields on an Ori mother ship aren't behaving in exactly the same way as the Beachhead one was.
                                They fluctuate right?
                                They don't need to expand to protect the ship as for a ship it would be better to increase the integrity of the field from the added power, expanding it's actual size isn't necessary and neither is gaining too much power from enemy weapons, perhaps the shields on the Ori Cruisers take a portion of the energy content of pulse weapons, like whatever is needed to compensate for damage inflicted to the field instead of all of that power content, so that way the shields don't have to expand in size and they'd probably be more than powerful enough to just absorb the rest of the excess power.
                                Also those Wraith pulses are probably quite focused themselves, alot of power packed into a pulse would still put a lot of pressure on a shield especially when they're fired by the dozens.
                                I didn't say the Ori Cruiser's shields would be impervious to those weapons as the pulses from the Hive are probably fired with several times the force of a regular Hive, but they're not focused into such a small area as the Asgard's weapons, so the overall physical force of those blasts would probably still be spread across the Ori's shields, but the initial impact would probably still be quite a lot.
                                Rise Of The Phoenix did it occur to you that the Ori beam being less focused would simply explode on the hull of the Hive and cause nothing but surface damage? If the armor can deal with a focused strike it will certainly be capable of dealing with a blast which is more spread out allowing more of the armor to take the brunt of the hit.
                                I see it behaving in a similar way to when Ha'Taks get destroyed by the beams.
                                The weapons power would IMO mostly travel and carve a chunk out of the Hive, with the rest being spread across the Hive's hull causing secondary damage and since that Hive has dense armor the initial impact force would have to travel further down into the armor.

                                I must also remind you that it's not like the Hive would have much time to regenerate from the blast's damage as the Ori Cruiser's beams are capable of being fired literally seconds apart and that Hive would be much bigger than the Ori ship, maneuverability isn't exactly on it's side.
                                Last edited by Rise Of The Phoenix; 02 February 2009, 01:19 AM.

