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Intergalactic travel problem [Lost tribe spoilers]

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    they had the ships to go through the shield they could of done that when it was submerged

    unless they stumbled on the ancient ships aswell as janus lab


      Originally posted by wise one View Post
      they had the ships to go through the shield they could of done that when it was submerged

      unless they stumbled on the ancient ships aswell as janus lab

      Thats what im thinking as the ships look simular to jumpers in a way.


        but it seemed like ancient guys attacked. everything seemed to match.


          Originally posted by wise one View Post
          they had the ships to go through the shield they could of done that when it was submerged

          unless they stumbled on the ancient ships aswell as janus lab
          i bet the shield for the gate is different than the city shield.

          city shield is orange, the gate shield is a milky white.

          i bet the city shield was built to allow lantean ships/tech go through, while the gate shield blocked everything but RF


            he meant go underwater and pass through the cityshield


              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
              he meant go underwater and pass through the cityshield

              Not nit picking but doesnt the cityshield encompass the underwater bay aswell?


                but they couldve passed through the shield........


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  but they couldve passed through the shield........
                  oh right yeah sorry I get ya now


                    Originally posted by The Prophet View Post
                    They were out of resources, even if they knew how to, even if they had ships to; they wouldn't be able to.
                    Not to mention the worlds with the most available resources were probably already used by the Wraith. As well, it would take them far too long to scout out the galaxy for resources.
                    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                    encounter on the strange journey.


                    2 Cor. 10:3-5
                    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                      Originally posted by Andru10 View Post
                      In The Lost Tribe the Asgard said that they lost their intergalactic ships in a battle with the Wraith and didn't have the resources to build new ones.

                      Solution 1: Capture a Hiveship or Wraith cruiser and modify it's hyperdrive from interstellar to intergalactic. We know it's possible, the Asgard most certainly have the knowledge to do it and if we can capture Hiveships so can they. (for example they could find a Hive that is on the ground and overpower the Wraith guarding it with their battle armours. This should be easily especially before the expedition form Earth arrived and the Wraith were hibernating).

                      Solution 2: McKay said that the Aterro device used an enormous ammount of power unlike anything they've seen before... the Asgard could bring a gate to that planet and use the Aterro device's power source to make an intergalactic connection to a Milky Way gate

                      Solution 3: Infiltrate Atlantis and steal the ZPM and control crystal (assuming they can't make one themselves) to make an intergalactic connection via the Stargate.
                      So why didn't they solve the intergalactic travel problem ?
                      Where are they going to go?

                      The High Council of the Asgard exercise power in Ida and the Milky way they go to either galaxy the council is going to have them brought back in chains for experimenting on humans just like what they did to Loki.

                      How are they going to overpower a Wraith hiveship?

                      There are millions of Wraith on every hiveship. You kill the guards all of them wake up like what happened in Rising
                      Stargate Revival Please!


                        Originally posted by YutheGreat View Post
                        Where are they going to go?

                        The High Council of the Asgard exercise power in Ida and the Milky way they go to either galaxy the council is going to have them brought back in chains for experimenting on humans just like what they did to Loki.

                        How are they going to overpower a Wraith hiveship?

                        There are millions of Wraith on every hiveship. You kill the guards all of them wake up like what happened in Rising

                        there arent actually millions of wraith on every hive ship because sheppard said that each hiveship carries thousands not millions. but still overpowering them would be a problem.
                        STARGATE ROCKS

                        THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                          Originally posted by Andru10 View Post
                          In The Lost Tribe the Asgard said that they lost their intergalactic ships in a battle with the Wraith and didn't have the resources to build new ones.

                          Solution 1: Capture a Hiveship or Wraith cruiser and modify it's hyperdrive from interstellar to intergalactic. We know it's possible, the Asgard most certainly have the knowledge to do it and if we can capture Hiveships so can they. (for example they could find a Hive that is on the ground and overpower the Wraith guarding it with their battle armours. This should be easily especially before the expedition form Earth arrived and the Wraith were hibernating).

                          Solution 2: McKay said that the Aterro device used an enormous ammount of power unlike anything they've seen before... the Asgard could bring a gate to that planet and use the Aterro device's power source to make an intergalactic connection to a Milky Way gate

                          Solution 3: Infiltrate Atlantis and steal the ZPM and control crystal (assuming they can't make one themselves) to make an intergalactic connection via the Stargate.
                          So why didn't they solve the intergalactic travel problem ?

                          or solution 4: wait untill the ancients evacuate atlantis and the wraith clear out and fly through the shield and take atlantis. they could either leave the pegasus galaxy, although they would have no where to go, or move atlantis to a new planet and use it as their research base, after all what better base can you have than one with an impenetrable shield completely wraith proff when underwater.
                          STARGATE ROCKS

                          THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                            or solution five: beaming tech. it may not create a whole ship or even a whole drive but you can create the componants the only requiremont is power and raw materials. the power problem is solved by the attero device and there's plenty of materials lying arround
                            And the meek shall inherit the earth...............but only after the last soldier wills it to them


                              There are many planets that do not have stargates on them surely it would be a good idea to start searching these for raw materials as the wraith would likely not visit planets without humans on as there would be no food supply


                                My question is why did they think that the Wraith would follow them if they wanted to leave their poisonous planet.

                                My idea is that somewhat they were able to track them or had enough ship in that region of space to monitor their movements. So maybe they managed to find planets with technology, resources or humans to experiment on but thay also had to be careful not to attract Wraith attention.

                                Which means sleek and furtive ships (moreover, able to hyperspace into planet atmosphere ) that could only transport small amount of cargo. It would also explain their self-destruction suit : they didn't want to leave even a nanoscopic speck of dust that could be related to them being still alive.

                                This is how I see them being 'trapped' on their new home.
                                La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                                L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.

