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    True!! I'm just going by what would look good, not what is ACTUALLY practical. It is sci-fi, remember....
    385 Heroes coming Home

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      Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
      True!! I'm just going by what would look good, not what is ACTUALLY practical. It is sci-fi, remember....
      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      actually, in realistic space warfare, if you use big lasers, they cant be supported by turrets
      Actually ships are more likely to use smaller laser mouts firing into a system of mirors that can direct their beams to one of several turets simillar to the Airborne laser being tested today.


        but a real damaging laser would overheat/melt the mirror


          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          but a real damaging laser would overheat/melt the mirror
          Phased arrays. Multiple smaller lasers focusing their beams on one spot, their combined output equaling if not surpasing the strength of a single mega laser.



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              what does the phased part mean?


                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                what does the phased part mean?
                I don't know, but that's what the system's called.


                  Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                  I don't know, but that's what the system's called.
                  Hahaha. Loving the honesty.

                  "I don't know what it is, but by good, sah, it sounds cool. Tally ho!!!!"
                  385 Heroes coming Home

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                    Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
                    Hahaha. Loving the honesty.

                    "I don't know what it is, but by good, sah, it sounds cool. Tally ho!!!!"
                    *high five*


                      Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                      *high five*

                      But seriously, laser turrets??? Seems a little too "ray gun" for my liking. As likely as they are, I still think some form of phased energy bolt, not constant beam of focussed light, would be cool. And red coloured. even if those are developed from the same thing, blobs of red laser looks cooler than beams of orange laser......
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                        Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post

                        But seriously, laser turrets??? Seems a little too "ray gun" for my liking. As likely as they are, I still think some form of phased energy bolt, not constant beam of focussed light, would be cool. And red coloured. even if those are developed from the same thing, blobs of red laser looks cooler than beams of orange laser......

                        1. Red is the obsolutte low end of the Visible EM spectrum, if anythign, expect white hot, or maybe, purple blobs, like in Terminator.

                        2. Energy "bolts" don't exist. And I'm not even sure what it means to phase matter. .

                        3. The laser "turrets" are mirors in a structure to protect afainst space debris, that direct a laser bem fed to them from lasers inside the ship, which can switch betwen diferent tuirrets so if a turret becomes damaged another can come online.

                        4. And lastly, for crying out loud, lasers are invisible man!


                          well its cool the very microsecond you look into them, after that you're blind. shortly after, you're dead, then burned, then ash, and then nonexistant.


                            I dunno about blobs looking cooler though. I would love to see a group of seperate beams fixing on a ship the convergeing onto a single point. With both ships moving at the same time so the turrest/mirrors twisting and turning trying to stay focused and the ship manuavering to try and get as many beams on target as possible. Very tactical and interesting imo.

                            But yeah, normal lasers are invisible.

                            *Puts pseudo science cap on*

                            As radiation gives of colours (Cobolt being that wonderful shade of blue, plutonium green etc..) you could say its a by product of the creation of the beam. Or the powersource...or... something, just to make the beams visible.
                            aka paddytehpyro


                              Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post

                              1. Red is the obsolutte low end of the Visible EM spectrum, if anythign, expect white hot, or maybe, purple blobs, like in Terminator.

                              2. Energy "bolts" don't exist. And I'm not even sure what it means to phase matter. .

                              3. The laser "turrets" are mirors in a structure to protect afainst space debris, that direct a laser bem fed to them from lasers inside the ship, which can switch betwen diferent tuirrets so if a turret becomes damaged another can come online.

                              4. And lastly, for crying out loud, lasers are invisible man!
                              *Facepalm* Alright, here we go....*deep breath*
                              I did physics. I know about the visible spectrum.

                              I will also add i am not talking ACTUAL PHYSICAL REALITY. I'm talking sci - what will look cool, not what is ACTUALLY bolts may not exist, but they look damn cool *see. Star Wars*

                              i know that mirrors are needed to direct laser and lenses to focus them. But it would be boring as essex when the commander goes "fire all batteries/other likely word" and then the enemy just flares and explodes. As you pointed out about railguns, its not cool when u can't see them in action.:jack_new_anime06

                              Finally, I will add, that we do have electricity in scotland. We aren't actually in the dark ages, contrary to southern belief.
                              P.S. In future, let me know when the thread changes from 'reality' to 'what looks cool' etc.
                              Cos then I would come away sounding like a muppet
                              385 Heroes coming Home

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                                Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
                                *Facepalm* Alright, here we go....*deep breath*
                                I did physics. I know about the visible spectrum.

                                I will also add i am not talking ACTUAL PHYSICAL REALITY. I'm talking sci - what will look cool, not what is ACTUALLY bolts may not exist, but they look damn cool *see. Star Wars*

                                i know that mirrors are needed to direct laser and lenses to focus them. But it would be boring as essex when the commander goes "fire all batteries/other likely word" and then the enemy just flares and explodes. As you pointed out about railguns, its not cool when u can't see them in action.:jack_new_anime06

                                Finally, I will add, that we do have electricity in scotland. We aren't actually in the dark ages, contrary to southern belief.
                                P.S. In future, let me know when the thread changes from 'reality' to 'what looks cool' etc.
                                Cos then I would come away sounding like a muppet
                                O.o I thought you were talking reality. 'Ssuze me, late hour when I posted.

