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    Actualy, as each ships moves coser, they open fire the instant a particular weapon eneters operational range, to obtain the advanatge of first strike.


      To fight at long ranges you need relativistic weapons. SG races don't have that. And unless we develop such weapons combat will be conducted at close ranges relatively speaking.
      Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


        Unless we would use drones and missiles.


          they arent relativistic: infact, they are slow


            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
            they arent relativistic: infact, they are slow
            It doesnt matter if you can alter their trajectory. The only thing that matters is how fast the enemy ship is.

            Best Stargate quote:
            Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
            Green is your friend.


              Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
              To fight at long ranges you need relativistic weapons. SG races don't have that. And unless we develop such weapons combat will be conducted at close ranges relatively speaking.


                How do they fight today?

                Intercontinental missiles.

                We aren't a stupid race, when we do get out there we won't go for the aliens ships or cities, we are just going to blow up their ****ing sun.

                Us: Yo alien dude
                them: Yo weird earthling
                Us: wtf man you give us the finger?
                them: we have but one finger!
                us: GOING DOWN BEACH
                them: please, we will cure all disease!
                Us: We blow up your sun!
                Them: please..
                us: we blow up the other sun you live around!
                us: give up or we blow up your next sun
                them: fine
                us: *good, we didn't have another sun-nuke!* yay

                Go Green


                  Originally posted by wkw427 View Post
                  How do they fight today?

                  Intercontinental missiles.

                  We aren't a stupid race, when we do get out there we won't go for the aliens ships or cities, we are just going to blow up their ****ing sun.

                  Us: Yo alien dude
                  them: Yo weird earthling
                  Us: wtf man you give us the finger?
                  them: we have but one finger!
                  us: GOING DOWN BEACH
                  them: please, we will cure all disease!
                  Us: We blow up your sun!
                  Them: please..
                  us: we blow up the other sun you live around!
                  us: give up or we blow up your next sun
                  them: fine
                  us: *good, we didn't have another sun-nuke!* yay
                  *facepalm* War with an alien species is the ultimate form of M.A.D. Beucse it implies we have drives capable of taraversign great distances in practical amouts of time, it means we can acelerate things to very high speeds, at which speeds, the said objects have enough fire power to compeltly depopulate a terracompatible planet in three or four shots.

                  Also, even if we have good drives, it would still take years, by the time our RKVs would have hit them, they would have seen our RKVs and sent their own.

                  In the end thay alll.........died.


                    It doesnt matter if you can alter their trajectory. The only thing that matters is how fast the enemy ship is
                    the alien ship just keeps running till their out of fuel.

                    we can also fire hyperspacial missiles, or just use superlasers [though this isnt star trek], particle cannons, or relativistic missiles. drones are painfully slow. though a Mass Driver will solve that problem. i see more benefit in a relativistic shotgun


                      Originally posted by titan_hq View Post
                      I'm sorry to say this but what does it matter? I fail to see why you feel the need to criticize the science behind everything.

                      Personally I say that Space combat will be conducted at close quarters. Until we go out into the universe and start shooting aliens we won't know. All we can do is make predictions based on our current understanding of physics.
                      I agree. With the tech as it is in SG, fights would never end at range. Up close is the only way to ensure you actually hit.

                      Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                      Lasers travel at light speed, right?( correct me here) so there would be very little dodging of them unless you are at extreme range, cos at certain ranges it would be almost simultaneous shot to impact. U need to be, say, Sun to Venus distance. That would give dodging time.:

                      But seriously, in space combat because distance are so great, you have to remember 3000km is point blank. They want you to be able to see what's on screen. Not the afore mentioned dots vs dots.
                      Crazy Tom may be crazy, but by God, he could be right!
                      385 Heroes coming Home

                      Here's to smart Mods


                        Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
                        I agree. With the tech as it is in SG, fights would never end at range. Up close is the only way to ensure you actually hit.
                        Light speed weapons........? As below.

                        Lasers travel at light speed, right?( correct me here) so there would be very little dodging of them unless you are at extreme range, cos at certain ranges it would be almost simultaneous shot to impact. U need to be, say, Sun to Venus distance. That would give dodging time.:
                        Precisely! Bring on long range warfare!

                        But seriously, in space combat because distance are so great, you have to remember 3000km is point blank. They want you to be able to see what's on screen. Not the afore mentioned dots vs dots.
                        Crazy Tom may be crazy, but by God, he could be right!
                        *high five*


                          missiles and railguns


                          press button and instant explosion isn't as visually entertaining.

                          I think real space battles will be with missiles, railgun type of weapons and yes lasers which will be mostly anti missile type of weapons.

                          But...big butt lol

                          I really think real space combat will be mostly carriers with fighter type of warfare. Humans (real life) don't have the power to make shields and plasma weapons. So unless were gonna be laser crazy which I doubt, we will just use missiles. We are capable of that now, just not making crazy battles with pew pew lasers that destroy everyone in seconds (which wouldn't happen).
                          Visit my Website


                            Not cariers unless they littersarly "carry" missiles, fighters/ drones are too ineficient in terms of fuel consumption in RL space ocmbat.

                            Laers would probably be anti missiel wepon due to high heat generation and relatively low power.


                              there's an anti missile laser being developed.

                              still, the best would be to build railguns.


                                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                                there's an anti missile laser being developed.

                                still, the best would be to build railguns.
                                Remeber the arguments against bullets? Still aplies, railgun slugs aren't guided, and too slow to be unguided, so they will miss.

                                An even bigger problem would be the recoil your ships would have to deal with.

