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tollan ion cannons

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    The Nox were pacifists who almost found it criminal in their ways to conceal a defensive planetary weapon. They would not have designed a weapon for a race of people, if they were to defend them they would have given them some phase shift or cloaking or some other non lethal defenses. I dont doubt their city has defensive weapons but i dont they they ever planned or want to use it.

    Originally posted by Gmandex View Post
    Or there is the possiblity that now we have beam weapons, so why even ponder the fact about an Ion Canon.
    Because they work better than those rear and aft rail guns we saw them using in DV. they maybe overkill but they were used for that in Between two fires. they gotta make some touch screen targeting system or have it go auto. Adequate secondary if beams fail, so it still worth looking into.
    Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


      Didn't the Nox show some kind of ship to SG-1 before they left?


        Originally posted by Inferno D View Post
        Didn't the Nox show some kind of ship to SG-1 before they left?
        it wasnt a ship it was a floating city and either its just me or it looked a little organic in construction.



          Originally posted by Inferno D View Post
          Didn't the Nox show some kind of ship to SG-1 before they left?
          A flying city. Wheter it's space capable has been subject to debate.


            Originally posted by Inferno D View Post
            Didn't the Nox show some kind of ship to SG-1 before they left?
            Yeah its the Nox version of the city ship

            Why wouldn't they design them? They wanted to protect the Tollan, they built them a gate. maybe they thought they'd give them the cannons to help protect them.
            The tollan built their own stargate, but they had HELP from the nox, the nox didnt build it for them

            also using them as a offenxive weapon would be poit less because an enemy's shileds can be adapted to make the cannon useless,

            also as a PDS it would be useless because it needs too much power, even a scaled down version would need to much power, so an effective PDS would be something like the weapons on a dart or even a staff weapon on a glider some low powered weapon that can take out small targets


              Originally posted by Zalenka View Post
              Why wouldn't they design them? They wanted to protect the Tollan, they built them a gate. maybe they thought they'd give them the cannons to help protect them.

              They may have trusted the Tollan not to turn them into an offensive weapon by mounting them on their ships.
              The Nox are pacifists and don't believe in violence. Also the Tollan probabley had them on their original homeworld and thats how the Goa'uld never interfered wit them!


                Originally posted by Inferno D View Post
                Didn't the Nox show some kind of ship to SG-1 before they left?
                yeah this one:
                Attached Files
                STARGATE ROCKS

                THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                  Originally posted by stargater1990 View Post
                  when the tollan decided to share the ion cannons with earth they gave us the plans and after carter went over them she said there was no possible way they could build one because there far too advanced. however when the asgard give us the newly upgraded odessy with all the bells and whistles, less than 5 years latter, we completely, with a few exception, reproduce the beam wepons and god knows what else they gave us and made a new ship, the pheionx, and refitted the appolo and deadalus in less than a year. now the beam wepons are way more advanced than the tollan ion cannon and yet we can reproduce them with just the plans and we are ecintially at about the same level of technology as we were then, when we reproduced the beam wepons. i mean all of our advancement has come from the asgard giving us pre made pieces of equipment and telling us where the on switch is located. yet they give us pre made pieces of the most advanced technology in the universe and we reproduce it in less than a year yet carter said we couldnt make an ion cannon? explain that.

                  Finally someone agrees with me on how retarded the very concept of understanding, let alone reverse-engineering, Asgard tech is!!!!!!!


                    I rocommend you this site :

                    Special mention to this part :

                    Consider the high improbability that any two Earth-like planets will form and evolve to the exact and ideal conditions that develop and support carbon-based life.

                    Consider also the number of mass extinctions that have occurred in Earth's past. It is unlikely that the same number of these would occur on another Earth- like world at exactly the same time and with the exact same frequency.

                    Finally, consider the cultural developments in Earth's history, and apply a few "What Ifs." What if Democracy had never developed beyond the conceptual stage? What if Rome had never fallen? What if Columbus had never received any financial backing from the Spaniards? What if the Nazis had developed the atomic bomb first?


                    Would any of one of these events have delayed or advanced human development by as much as 0.001%? One value given for the age of the Earth is 4.567 billion years. A +/- 0.001% change would set human evolution back by 4.567 million years (Apes), or advance it by 4.567 million years (Angels).

                    Thus, by “Apes & Angels” one could say that any two worlds that formed at exactly the same time, and that have had billions of years to go from dust to sentient life, could differ by as much as 9.134 million years in evolution!

                    A divergence of only 0.000001% would still separate the two extremes by 9.134 thousand years. With this value, one alien world could have a bronze-age culture (year = 2560 BCE), while another could be far ahead of our own, both culturally and technologically (year = 6574 CE). Maybe not “Apes & Angels” but perhaps “Spearchuckers & Supermen”?
                    La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                    L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                      Wile Atomic Rocket deserves a merit, SG cheated this by using Dakara to teraform worlds that had the basic qualities to sustain human form life in the future.

                      The Ancients and humans evolving int the same form independantly on the other hand is higly improbable.


                        Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                        Wile Atomic Rocket deserves a merit, SG cheated this by using Dakara to teraform worlds that had the basic qualities to sustain human form life in the future.

                        The Ancients and humans evolving int the same form independantly on the other hand is higly improbable.
                        But on the other hand, those worlds should have been full of life before the Goa'uld brought humans there.

                        If you follow Atomic Rocket logic, there are 3 possible explanation :

                        - there were no intelligent life in that place despite the fact the fact that the conditions were similar to Earth. Probably our evolution was the result of accident or luck or choice of the Ancients. Humans or similar race would have potentially evolved naturally on any of those environment but they just didn't.

                        - there were intelligent life but they were destroyed by their own evolution or a natural disaster.

                        - there were intelligent life that were eliminated by Goa'ulds or Humans when they settled on the planet.

                        The 2nd and 3rd being more plausible....

                        In the case of the Tollan, we only have their word that their sister planet destroyed themselves with their gift. Any military officer would wonder why they gave them a powersource that could lead to such a disaster.

                        One would say that the Tollan should have provide assistance or gradually feed them with technology.

                        One would say that they may have planned it to suppress any future rivalry. They only didn't foresee that their plan would backfire.

                        I am not saying that Narim is a bad person. But you have to consider that politics and military opinion could have resulted to this. And since the encounter with the Aschen and the last one with the Tollan, I think that you should not always take granted what (alien) people tells you since you know nothing of their life, way of thinking, personal agenda and so on.

                        Concerning Tollan Ion Cannons, I think that it would have been hazardous to replicate them :

                        - their design was given to us in a time where they were in league with Anubis. The X-301 experience showed us to be prudent about such a bargain.

                        - the science behind those canons is so much advanced that there is as much chance of us making them work as blowing up ourselves (especially if you still consider 1st proposition). From Narim : "If used the wrong way, this ion canon could lead you to disaster"...
                        La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                        L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                          Originally posted by stargater1990 View Post
                          yeah this one:
                          There is no sure. are that really city ship or just now show only city area. Assumes, that city is top of the mountain and the now, who shows that to SG-1, revealated only city left bottom of mountain to hide.
                          Asgard in memoriam

