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Ancient Sensors vs Goa'uld Sensors(Possible Spoilers)

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    look, if you have two dots moving through the vent system, wouldnt that be suspicous. it doesnt look for humans. it just checks if everyone is at his station, and people moving at suspicious speeds, in suspicious patterns, or in certain areas, they'll be picked out


      Well maybe if lifesigns would just appear on sensors (after isotope wears off), it looks suspicious and I would have though someone beamed onboard or decloaked.

      Or they could have counted all lifesigns at the beginning and substract the ones leaving the ships and have the computer give a warning if someone new appeared.


        ancient sensors arnt best at identifiying certain lifesigns unless you get mckay to tweak it like when the shawdow alien in season 1 was let loose

        they showed many times when using atlantis internal sensors that cant even point out a wraith to a human


          Originally posted by wise one View Post
          ancient sensors arnt best at identifiying certain lifesigns unless you get mckay to tweak it like when the shawdow alien in season 1 was let loose

          they showed many times when using atlantis internal sensors that cant even point out a wraith to a human

          that was before they found the console in the episode sanctuary. apperently it can detect different bio signatures, in the episode it showed similar reading of that entity but it was an acended being, the girl that they brought back with them. and they used it again when they found out a wraith was somewhere in atlantis and when they used it to scan atlantis, the wraith showed up as a red dot. however the wraith wasnt detected before though because they say it uses so much power that they narrow the scanning field to just the gate room so its less of a power drain. and since usually when they use the internal sensors they are looking for humans, all of the dots are the same because they are using the regular internal sensors.





            "The Siege, Part 1"


              Every different species has a differant gnome and that is what the sensors look out for, they scan the person and examin their DNA/gnome (if you will) and indicates weather or not its a species that should be in atlantis or not,

              also the isotope creates a EM field that "scrambles" the sensors

              as for the questtion as too weather or not the ancients sesors are better than the goa'uld sensors is hard to say, the ancients sensors might have a better range or something like that but with no specs or a pitiful idea as too how the two work i cannot come up with a decent explination, but im gonna go out and say the Ancients because they are just the best and they are more advanced than the goa'uld


                Genome = A complete copy of an organisms genetic code.
                Gnome = The little dude who sits in your garden.

                I'm not entirely sure what the sensors look for, but I'm pretty sure its not your 'Gnome'


                  Well Anubis did have better sensors then the Ori

                  The reason I know this is because in the episode REDEMPTION Anubis's sensors were able to detect a clocked tel'tak while in the episode THE PEGASUS PROJECT the Ori ship couldn't detect Teal'cs Al'kesh

                  So Anubis at least one upped the Ori as for the Ancients can't be sure
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