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Asgard beaming technology questions

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    Asgard beaming technology questions

    1) In Ex Deus Machina (SG-1 Season 9 ep 7) Prometheus beamed an entire building in space. Can we also beam bigger things, like Atlantis for example ? It would make relocating it much easier.

    2) Can you beam something through the Stargate ? (send the matter-stream through the event horizon)

    3) Can you beam life signs ? For example in No Man's Land (Atlantis Season 3 ep 1) couldn't Daedalus just beam the Wraith in space to take control of the Hiveship. There would have been no need to send the gas on their ship and no more ethical dillemas

    They cant beam anything onto a wraith hive ship because the wraith have created someonething to stop that from happening.


      1- the first Asgard Vessel we saw, the belliskner, was able to beam 3 Ha'tak and the Jaffa working on it. So I tend to think that a O'Neill or a Daniel JAckson can manage it. About our BC304, I think they cannot yet.

      2- it has been discussed longly on another thread and well I gave up pretty easily. So I still don't know.

      3- Well. Technically you can. But the problem was that the Wraith have a method to jam the beaming tech.
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        Originally posted by SupremeCommanderSora View Post
        They cant beam anything onto a wraith hive ship because the wraith have created someonething to stop that from happening.

        yes but in that episode no mans land michal deactivated the jaming codes. so they could have beamed them out into space. why they didint i dont know.



          1. As long as there is enough power available theoretically you could beam some that big, TPTB have never told us otherwise and we've seen pyramid ships being beamed and all sorts before

          2. Don't know, as far as i can remember i haven't seen this happen

          3. Wraith hives have jamming technology which prevents things from being beamed on or off the ships, even if they could it would have been a real power hog probably and the episode wouldn't have been nearly as good if they just got rid of the Waith by beaming them


            1) Well, Atlantis is a hell lot bigger than a building, it`s a city.. So I`m not sure we can compare.... I would assume they cant, that it might be done, but I cant see a reason for a ship to have such powerfull beaming in them...

            2) They probably can, we have seen merlin`s lab being transported in a similar way...

            3) It would be easier.. Btw, I really hated the whole human wraith thing.. And I dont see the dilema people were facing.. To me it would be pretty simple, even if they are human ( even if permanently ) they should be executed anyway. It`s not like they just feed on humans, they hunt/despise them... I think that if they didnt need to feed, they would still be something like the goa'uld were in the MW...


              Originally posted by SupremeCommanderSora View Post
              They cant beam anything onto a wraith hive ship because the wraith have created someonething to stop that from happening.
              Yes thats ture, but if I remember correctly the shield was down.


                Originally posted by Gmandex View Post
                Yes thats ture, but if I remember correctly the shield was down.

                what shield? unless your talking about the jamming codes?
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                  Originally posted by lord groovy View Post
                  1- the first Asgard Vessel we saw, the belliskner, was able to beam 3 Ha'tak and the Jaffa working on it. So I tend to think that a O'Neill or a Daniel JAckson can manage it. About our BC304, I think they cannot yet.
                  Interesting think about that is,
                  That the Asgard could have beamed all of that from space.. But they didn't.. Thor took his ship into the atmosphere and down so it hovered right above their heads.. and then the transporter beam started eating away at the Ha'tak.. and the Beam itself and Transporter action is TOTALY diffrent from what we see when ever someone transports using asgard tech later..

                  My theory.. is that the Asgard Beaming tech we see when ever a ship comes down like that is the only Weapon of terror the Asgard have.. because just look at the Jaffa! they where like ****ting their pants in "Thor's Chariot"

                  As for beaming all the crew off a ship...
                  Thats a LOT of Sensorlocks... don't think they can do it..


                    in no mans land michael disabled the jamming to the beaming and i think just over 200 plus wraith on aboard ( the wraith killed some of themelves since they were turning human) wouldnt be much of a problem

                    i think atlantis is abit differcult to beam unless you had a hardrive buffer campable of storing something that big like atlantis

