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    I think the wraith outpost is awesome. I really love the outside and the size.


    Also the inside is very cool, the doors too.

    Only downside is the security. The make a power relay near the exit. People come in shoot the wall and power in the base fials.

    But I just love them don't you

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      I got them elsewhere but it didn't work


        Download them and upload to the froggy site.


          i personally dislike the wraith outposts it is to easy for invaders to get in and destroy it i mean seriously in reunion they just walkin' through the front door totally no security
          I AM STARGATEDUDE111!!!!!!!



            I can't see any pictures, why?


              Originally posted by StargateDude111 View Post
              i personally dislike the wraith outposts it is to easy for invaders to get in and destroy it i mean seriously in reunion they just walkin' through the front door totally no security
              in reunion they were walking into a preplanned ambush...

              U have a good point tho, there isn't much security, although I would say that the Wraith are fairly confident in their power over human populations to the point were they don't think a human contingent could attack their outposts.

              Also, most of their outposts are likely to be based on planets with little to no human populations so there doesn;t have to be a great deal of security


                and the good thing is: malozzi hinted at the fact that there may be more


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  and the good thing is: malozzi hinted at the fact that there may be more
                  Did he? Interesting, not too surprising mind you as the Wraith would need some bases on planets even though they are a near space based civilization. Though I do agree, they really need more security.

                  'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                  'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

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                    Well in the Kindred they visit Todd in another outpost and in The Land Man Ronon and Todd destroy an outpast. This would mean there are at least four of them. Since the Wraith had a civil war it leads to suggest that most outpost are owned by a hive or an alliance of hive. Todd wanted the Hoffan research for making a cure for his hive alone. He was in an outpost and I think he wouldn't allow another hive in, because in Spoils of War another hive learned of his plan and it ruined this plan. I'm sure Todd wouldn't make the same mistake twice and let another faction know of his plan. Therefore it is most likely the outpost was one of his hive.

                    Maybe every hive has/had at least one outpost.


                      wait didnt he talk bout the cloning facility?


                        Originally posted by StargateDude111 View Post
                        i personally dislike the wraith outposts it is to easy for invaders to get in and destroy it i mean seriously in reunion they just walkin' through the front door totally no security
                        True. On the other hand, they're always presented as secret (yet they're always found), and the Wraith don't have many enemies with the capacity, or gall, to attack one of their bases.
                        The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                          want to find a wraith base? just look on an uninhabited habitable planet.


                            Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                            in reunion they were walking into a preplanned ambush...

                            U have a good point tho, there isn't much security, although I would say that the Wraith are fairly confident in their power over human populations to the point were they don't think a human contingent could attack their outposts.

                            Also, most of their outposts are likely to be based on planets with little to no human populations so there doesn;t have to be a great deal of security
                            Yes but in Spoils of War and in the Kindred there was no security. They could just walk in.

                            Spoils of war
                            PLANET'S SURFACE. The small outpost, obviously Wraith in design, is built into the foot of a mountain. Rodney activates an entrance door and it slides open. Ronon and John walk in aiming their weapons and check around.

                            DEX: No guards.

                            SHEPPARD: They're not expecting any visitors. What say we keep it that way? (To Rodney) Which way?

                            (Rodney checks his detector and indicates to the left.)

                            They could just walk in. It's like the wraith put none or few security because they don't expect people (except in the Kindred, when Todd was expecting sheppard). But in Spoils of War, Todd's enemies first leave his hive intact and after that they don't put any guard at what is probably the most important outpost of them all. They were trying to destroy the other hive with the outpost. I would put some guard near the door just to be 100% sure no one interferes. It seems quite stupid. Cause a lot of times we set a chain reaction that would damage the Wraith and it was possible because they had next to no security. And the Wraith are large in numbers, so it would be possible for them to guard everything well.

                            Examples of mistakes by the wraith (also those that have no guarding issues)
                            -The lost boys (They alloow Ford to walk of a cruiser)
                            -The hive (They allow Sheppard and ford to kill the queen and they allow sheppard to take a dart, which causes the destruction of two hives. The first time the queen allows the team to escape on purpose)
                            -Allies (McKay is allowed to view their systems and hacks some. Eventually the beaming doesn't work, but he could have set the ship to destroy itself on signal and the Atlantis team would be out of the woods.)
                            -No Man's land (the allow sheppard to damage the hyperdrive, they allow micheal to escape with sheppard, they allow mckay and ronon to walk around the ship for most of a day and didn't even notice their escape, they allow micheal to disable the jammers. By the way it think those control stations on the hive are to easy to reach by intruders.)
                            -Misbegotten(The Atlantis team captured a hive)
                            -Reunion (After the ambush they allow the Atlantis team to decieve them by sending to jumpers. By the way why didn't they cloak the second jumper for extra back up. They have a power relay near the exit easy to destroy and disable the Replicator stasis field and probably doom all the wraith on base)
                            -Spoils of War (They leave a hive behind instead of leaving a group of wraith to fix the ship and join them later. They have no guard near the exit of the base. They have no guard guarding todd continuly. The allow the team to get near their queen in the beginning, she could have been killed. McKay can get the schematics with no problem. The allow our hive to leave and destory the outpost. they allow Todd to escape and get to lorne and teyla and they don't destroy his dart)
                            -Midway (the wraith wait for the second batch of warriors to enter the midway station, allowing sheppard to take a team their and kill many wraith and get hold of the control room and they allow the station to be destroyed with their own failsafe. If the wraith would have more warriors earlier Sheppard could not have killed so many wraith)
                            -The Kindred (The two warriors allow themselves to be put a gun to their head. Further no problems because the easy access was on purpose.)

