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an idea for our earth ships

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    an idea for our earth ships

    wouldnt it be cool if they put gates on the ships especially the deadalus because then they wouldnt have to travel all the way back to earth they would just have to go halfway like midway station and dial earth

    what do you think?


    If we're assuming that the gates in the gatebridge aren't active anymore, then they'd have to go more than halfway back, and at that point you may as well go all the way.
    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

    The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

    Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


      Hum, having a stargate, for emergences wouldnt be bad. But as for using it to go to earth there`s no point. I would be easier to build another midway station.

      But the writers destroyed the midway station to give the atlantis expedition more independence. ( I mean the writers, and not the wraith, cuz there`s no point in them not having an iris... the same goes to alpha/beta sites )

      oww, and btw do you guys remember that 24hrs quarantine they created ? Can someone explain that ? I mean, every time sg-1 or any sg team goes off world, they can ( and sometime do ) get a new disease, what`s the difference with people from atlantis ? I mean, ok it`s another galaxy, but.. So what ? they can go to the planet and cure anyway...

      Aaaaaaaaand if the producers really wanted people to go from earth~earth fast, they would have upgraded the hyperdrives =D Anyone remember how fast Thor would go from Ilda to Earth ?
      Last edited by Unbreak; 25 May 2008, 05:32 PM.


        I can see them popping a MW and a PG gate on one of the ships and scheduling times when it will be holding position at the midway point, just to make transfer of personnel and supplies quicker and easier, or even if say Daedalus already left Atlantis a week earlier and they get a message from Earth saying to send someone home because of a family emergency or whatever - they just hold position, fire up the macros and away they go, you know?

        Wow, that was a long sentence.

        For it to be a permanent thing, I don't think it'll happen, but I do like the idea of continuing to utilize all those gates that are just floating in the void in a "once a month" kind of capacity. Saves supplies and power on board the ship, that's for sure.


          Originally posted by Unbreak View Post
          Anyone remember how fast Thor would go from Ilda to Earth ?
          well going fromn their old world to ours it would take less than an hour (i think), however toeing the prometheus from somewhere in the MW to erth took under 5 seconds,

          all because the asgard have a huge power core (not a naqudah reactor) so the engines have huge ammounts of power going to them so they can go faster, also its the ability of the engines to be able to process and use the power as well, thats why when the deadalus had a ZPM tied into the engines it took 2 days to reach atlantis (they have a asgard hyperdrive) and without the ZPM it take just under a month (there and back)

          Hope that make's scence


            also i think gates on the ship is unecciary in all earth ships, maby if the had them in a specific kind of ship like a midway ship or something like that.

            Just had a thought, what if the used the gate as a super weapon in battleships (lke the Asurans and the satalite) have a weapon on a planet (i.e earth/atlantis) and when it comes to using it just dial up the gate and launch the weapon, the equvilant of Horizon just better because you could send anything through, be it nukes, asgard beam weapon, a rock


              I think that we should do that like for emergencys and stuff. But not for the goods thing. That would have to be for a better Midway Station.


                We cant have mid way station, or else people in atlantis would have to answer to earth gov s and loose their independence.. That`s why the writers blew it up.

                Humm, I`ll rewatch "the siege" but I dont think the Deadlus took only two days. And even if it had, I still think we use outdated hyperdrives.

                For example we use outdated asgard shields...
                Gate weapons rule =D
                Using them to make supernovas would rule even more xD


                  Theres a black hole in the PG, so they could power a weapon and get a shield going Asuran style.


                    Every galaxy have hundreds of black holes.. Even massive black holes.. =p

