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More contries need ships

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    Originally posted by Apollo214 View Post
    America should not have control, the ships should be Earth ships not Air force ships or American or Russian....
    I have to agree the fleet and much of the tech should be jointly controlled. The expense of building a BC304 prevents most countries from building them. France and Britain are struggling to pay for their new carriers.

    I don't think the IOA should be the agency. But old NATO members who probably already know about the stargate and that proven comand structure should take up the charge.

    Letting a dozen countries split the cost would save a fortune.


      Originally posted by Maedhros_Sea View Post
      I have to agree the fleet and much of the tech should be jointly controlled. The expense of building a BC304 prevents most countries from building them. France and Britain are struggling to pay for their new carriers.

      I don't think the IOA should be the agency. But old NATO members who probably already know about the stargate and that proven comand structure should take up the charge.

      Letting a dozen countries split the cost would save a fortune.
      While i agree most NATO members should have the plans to the X304 and the Asgard tech i also think there are several countries which are not members of NATO who deserve the technology aswell (Australia and New Zealand for example). NATO doesnt accept all countries as it is a region based organisation so it would be unfair to exclude countries based on where they are.


        I have to agree. But keep in mind there are several other joint military organisation which include Australia, new Zealand, Japan etc.


          i am just wondering how long it would take to make a descision if the NATO had all control


            policy would remain with civilian leadership, tactical needs could be addressed quickly.

            Japan and Australia and a few others are already part of the Atlantis expedition I think. I'm sure for purpose of a space comand they could be added without difficulty.


              Originally posted by MechaThor View Post
              That is a GREAT I dea you should send that to TPTB!
              'ES Heimdall' would make a great name!
              Well thank you, but I'm still a little new to forums, how would I get that to them.....?

              I hope that doesnt make me seem like a total newb.....
              [kick ass signature coming soon]


                Im completly happy to stand and fight alongside a Dutch battlecruiser you definetly have the ability, You aren't nearly as aggresive as Britain, America, France and Germany but you certainly can fight and hold your own.

                Britain is unfortunatly having problems for paying for military tech but thats just cause of the labor goverment (Who's military planning sucks btw) have a different outlook on the military as the British that don't want to see one of the best and most historically brilliant militaries get sold so the American military can look after us. Labor has decided to cut alot of our military because they think were going to be involved in more international cituations were we won't need a Navy and are cutting about 10 billion out the budget to send it to foriegn countries. They also dont see the cultural side of our military and the fact that if everyone cuts there militaries like this then we can't fight wars (Dumb)

                TBH Britain doesn't deserve a BC304 because the labor goverment are blind, ignorant, selfish and none of them have worked a minimum wage job. Britain will die in 100 years if this goverment is still in charge, So wait intill the conservatives get in and sort it out intill they go nuts and we vote labor back in. Thats how British politics work we vote them in intill they go power mad and we vote the others in.

                Sorry for the political rant it just sicken me what this goverment is doing to arguably the best country in the world and in history just to send money to people who will blow us up in 50 years.
                if it wasnt for Carters new plot shield we would be dead


                  Originally posted by DarthNick View Post
                  No, that's not what i am saying, i'm gonna assume here that your are canadian or otherwise you wouldn't be offended. What i am trying to say and prove here is that most of the talk about other countries getting ships is about those earlier mentioned countries.
                  OK, so why did you preface your post with, "I was wondering what you american and british forum members think about the Dutch as a more serious partner for the BC-304 program"?

                  You could have just said, "What about the Dutch?" and outlined why. No, instead, you had to kiss up to the big boys. I'm just wondering what your psychology was when you decided to post that. Why are the opinions of American and British forum members so much more important to you? I could understand you speculating whether the American administration should be more considerate since that's who controls the BC-304 program on the show, but I don't understand the needless ingratiation. Does your national pride have to be validated by American and British opinions? Does no one else's opinion count in your mind?

                  I'm less offended as I am perplexed. It's just a very odd thing to say on an internet forum.
                  Last edited by 1138; 01 April 2008, 09:58 PM.


                    No, you got i all wrong. As i said before i didn't want to offend anybody, it's just that i didn't realize that i said that. Perhaps i used " american and british" because they would most likely will have the most influence if the scenario spelled out here would ever happen. I don't know. But to satisfy you;
                    "Thank you Canadians for liberating most of the Netherlands during WWII"

                    On another note, i really don't need to suck up to americans or the british to "validate" my national pride. My national pride is just fine, thanks for asking.

                    Orange boven, orange boven. Lang leve de koningin!


                      Originally posted by DarthNick View Post
                      No, you got i all wrong. As i said before i didn't want to offend anybody, it's just that i didn't realize that i said that. Perhaps i used " american and british" because they would most likely will have the most influence if the scenario spelled out here would ever happen. I don't know. But to satisfy you;
                      "Thank you Canadians for liberating most of the Netherlands during WWII"

                      On another note, i really don't need to suck up to americans or the british to "validate" my national pride. My national pride is just fine, thanks for asking.

                      Orange boven, orange boven. Lang leve de koningin!
                      I dont know alot about the Netherlands other than that they seem to make alot of very good Football coaches


                        We do have our moments....



                          Originally posted by 1138 View Post
                          OK, so why did you preface your post with, "I was wondering what you american and british forum members think about the Dutch as a more serious partner for the BC-304 program"?

                          You could have just said, "What about the Dutch?" and outlined why. No, instead, you had to kiss up to the big boys. I'm just wondering what your psychology was when you decided to post that. Why are the opinions of American and British forum members so much more important to you? I could understand you speculating whether the American administration should be more considerate since that's who controls the BC-304 program on the show, but I don't understand the needless ingratiation. Does your national pride have to be validated by American and British opinions? Does no one else's opinion count in your mind?

                          I'm less offended as I am perplexed. It's just a very odd thing to say on an internet forum.
                          Wow, no need to have a hissy fit because he asked a question. I mean come on don't be so offended (or perplexed if that's how you hide your level of offence) just because he forgot to mention the Canadians.

                          I wasn't totally sure what he meant by:

                          interesting topic to follow, but i find it a bit flawed. All the talk is about the US, UK, France now and then, Australia and Canada are often mentioned as well.
                          But there is no need to throw all your toys out the pram.


                            Originally posted by DarthNick View Post
                            No, that's not what i am saying, i'm gonna assume here that your are canadian or otherwise you wouldn't be offended. What i am trying to say and prove here is that most of the talk about other countries getting ships is about those earlier mentioned countries.
                            Yeah, it would be cool if there would be some hungarian crewmen and captians on Earth ships. It would be cool if we have our own battleship but with our current economy it would take maybe 500 years to buy one.

                            The best soulution would be the NATO or a new military organization. The ships could have international crew(leastways on Europian ships). Those ships which have international crew would be under the command of this organization.


                              Sweden needs a 304 called "Vasa" (for the ones who don't know, which probably is everyone here, Vasa was a swedish ship some hundred years ago that sunk after having sailed about fivehundred meters. It was at the time the greatest ship Sweden had ever had)


                                Surely that would be like calling a 304 the Titanic! It's bad karma dude!

