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New Ancient warship, Season 5?

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    Actually I quite like the idea of this treasure hunt for an ancient ship thing but it shouldn't be such an ubership IMO. Let it be a simple aurora, having us and a genii faction and maybe Michael run for it. It could an intereting and action-packed ep.


      Originally posted by Darien View Post
      Actually I quite like the idea of this treasure hunt for an ancient ship thing but it shouldn't be such an ubership IMO. Let it be a simple aurora, having us and a genii faction and maybe Michael run for it. It could an intereting and action-packed ep.
      How bout both a treasure hunt episode and a race episode in one. Its a race between us Michael, and the genii. I think that would be an exsiting 2 parter.
      Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


        Originally posted by ijffdrie View Post
        yeah, but i dont think the ancients allowed that and saw that as attacking(base code)
        They had already changed that in their base code, hence their shooting and killing of lanteans and conquering and imprisioning them.


          Originally posted by FN-P90 View Post
          How bout both a treasure hunt episode and a race episode in one. Its a race between us Michael, and the genii. I think that would be an exsiting 2 parter.
          Yep, that's what I was thinking about. That would make a good storyline with lots of action, a few twists and witty comments. It wouldn't be bad either if we could get a hold on an Aurora for once and not have it blown up in the next ep.


            It would be a fun episode but i dont want earth to get the ship.
            how i see it playing out

            The Tauri the Genii the Travlers and the Wraith detect a new becon coming from the ancient ship but theres no stargate to the planet, The travlers send there aurora class, micheal sends a hive todd sends a hive we send Daedalus and the Genii sneak a strike team onboard the aurora to go on.

            A race insues between all 5 parties we detect 2 hives fighting (micheals and todds at a rest point) so the daedalus go to see whats going on the travler aurora comes in aswell to find out whats going on. The two hives re enter hyperspace daedalus contacts the travlers and ask them what there doing they say looking for a ship we say the same laren 'huh very well then' and fires several drones at daedalus temporarily knoking out its hyperdrive then goes back into hyperspace.

            An hour later the hyperdrive is back online and the daedalus rejumps and arives at the coordinates but no other ships are in orbit. They scan the surface and find 2 wraith scout parties (micheals and todds) on either end of the complex and pick up a few travler puddlejumpers heading to the ground, so daedalus beams its strike team down on a relatively clear area of the shipyard and they make there way towards the ship. The genii find there own way down somehow likely by stealing a jumper and make there way to the shipyard but after detecting the wraith lifesigns the shipyards gone into lockdown and all the team start getting through the doors to the ship.

            The Genii bump into Todds wraith sqaud (like literally turn a corner and bumps into them) they have a firefight most of the wraith are wiped out but fall back. Mckay opens a door on the ancient ship and they hear an ancient voice come over the intercom 'level 2 security activated' shepard says something like 'mckay what ya done now'. micheal and his super soldiers hear a buzzing sound when a set of mini drones tears through his sqaud, he takes refuge in a air vent and decides to crawl his way there. Larens team meets up with the rest of todds and they have a fire fight larens team takes heavy casulties but sheps team comes from behind and kills the rest of the wraith. They compain about why they attacked daedalus 'laren says we know your getting all chumy with the wraith' after trading snardy remarks they join forces to get to the control room.

            Sheps team and larens team get to the control room first laren team point there guns at sheps and says sorry but we need the ship blah blah blah, this is when the genii strike team attacks the control roomkills several of larens men and a few sgc fodder. Micheal comes outa the vent and stuns a few genii, ronon, teyla and rodney resulting in shep, laren and micheal all hiding behind consoles smack talking each other, laren goes for micheal and just before she gets him he beams out laren takes cover again shep 'did he just beam out' laren 'yep' shep 'since when could he do that' laren 'looked like your beam to me you been trading tech shep' shep 'do we have to go into this now' they both have a showdown colya style but laren stuns shep and takes the ship into orbit. Daedalus detects the ship and takes its shields out and beams sheps team off it, but just before destroying it todds wraith hive comes out and attack daedalus laren jumps out Daedlus has a little fight with the hive but decides to go back to atlantis as there hyperdrives playing up (from the drones) and dont want to risk loosing the ship.

            So what do you think kinda scaled down from what i wanted to post and its more of a 1 parter but i had lots more in my mind about the starting ship race to the planet like a 5 shipway fleet smacktalking 5 mins woulda been fun. This would make me happy we dont get the ship but are enemies dont get it it also carries on with the general theme of things atm.
            if it wasnt for Carters new plot shield we would be dead


              Originally posted by jonos101 View Post
              we call that FANWANK


                Originally posted by a6346 View Post
                It would be a fun episode but i dont want earth to get the ship.
                how i see it playing out

                The Tauri the Genii the Travlers and the Wraith detect a new becon coming from the ancient ship but theres no stargate to the planet, The travlers send there aurora class, micheal sends a hive todd sends a hive we send Daedalus and the Genii sneak a strike team onboard the aurora to go on.

                A race insues between all 5 parties we detect 2 hives fighting (micheals and todds at a rest point) so the daedalus go to see whats going on the travler aurora comes in aswell to find out whats going on. The two hives re enter hyperspace daedalus contacts the travlers and ask them what there doing they say looking for a ship we say the same laren 'huh very well then' and fires several drones at daedalus temporarily knoking out its hyperdrive then goes back into hyperspace.

                An hour later the hyperdrive is back online and the daedalus rejumps and arives at the coordinates but no other ships are in orbit. They scan the surface and find 2 wraith scout parties (micheals and todds) on either end of the complex and pick up a few travler puddlejumpers heading to the ground, so daedalus beams its strike team down on a relatively clear area of the shipyard and they make there way towards the ship. The genii find there own way down somehow likely by stealing a jumper and make there way to the shipyard but after detecting the wraith lifesigns the shipyards gone into lockdown and all the team start getting through the doors to the ship.

                The Genii bump into Todds wraith sqaud (like literally turn a corner and bumps into them) they have a firefight most of the wraith are wiped out but fall back. Mckay opens a door on the ancient ship and they hear an ancient voice come over the intercom 'level 2 security activated' shepard says something like 'mckay what ya done now'. micheal and his super soldiers hear a buzzing sound when a set of mini drones tears through his sqaud, he takes refuge in a air vent and decides to crawl his way there. Larens team meets up with the rest of todds and they have a fire fight larens team takes heavy casulties but sheps team comes from behind and kills the rest of the wraith. They compain about why they attacked daedalus 'laren says we know your getting all chumy with the wraith' after trading snardy remarks they join forces to get to the control room.

                Sheps team and larens team get to the control room first laren team point there guns at sheps and says sorry but we need the ship blah blah blah, this is when the genii strike team attacks the control roomkills several of larens men and a few sgc fodder. Micheal comes outa the vent and stuns a few genii, ronon, teyla and rodney resulting in shep, laren and micheal all hiding behind consoles smack talking each other, laren goes for micheal and just before she gets him he beams out laren takes cover again shep 'did he just beam out' laren 'yep' shep 'since when could he do that' laren 'looked like your beam to me you been trading tech shep' shep 'do we have to go into this now' they both have a showdown colya style but laren stuns shep and takes the ship into orbit. Daedalus detects the ship and takes its shields out and beams sheps team off it, but just before destroying it todds wraith hive comes out and attack daedalus laren jumps out Daedlus has a little fight with the hive but decides to go back to atlantis as there hyperdrives playing up (from the drones) and dont want to risk loosing the ship.

                So what do you think kinda scaled down from what i wanted to post and its more of a 1 parter but i had lots more in my mind about the starting ship race to the planet like a 5 shipway fleet smacktalking 5 mins woulda been fun. This would make me happy we dont get the ship but are enemies dont get it it also carries on with the general theme of things atm.
                sounds like it would make a good fanfiction story.


                  How did everyone get the ancient gene? Because i don't think the Genii have it and Larrins people just made a interface for the aurora and i don't think they have any puddle jumpers. The ancients probably used them to leave when they abandoned the ship. And they haven't stolen any of ours.


                    Originally posted by padr49904 View Post
                    How did everyone get the ancient gene? Because i don't think the Genii have it and Larrins people just made a interface for the aurora and i don't think they have any puddle jumpers. The ancients probably used them to leave when they abandoned the ship. And they haven't stolen any of ours.
                    i have to agree about the genii, they don't have the gene and no ships to speak of, they rely on ground combat and not space. larrins people created an interface so that may work. the wraith, you never know with them. the only people that would get the ship to reach its full potential would be someone from atlantis, and by someone i mean sheppard, he does have the strongest gene after all.


                      Originally posted by a6346 View Post
                      It would be a fun episode but i dont want earth to get the ship.
                      how i see it playing out

                      The Tauri the Genii the Travlers and the Wraith detect a new becon coming from the ancient ship but theres no stargate to the planet, The travlers send there aurora class, micheal sends a hive todd sends a hive we send Daedalus and the Genii sneak a strike team onboard the aurora to go on.

                      A race insues between all 5 parties we detect 2 hives fighting (micheals and todds at a rest point) so the daedalus go to see whats going on the travler aurora comes in aswell to find out whats going on. The two hives re enter hyperspace daedalus contacts the travlers and ask them what there doing they say looking for a ship we say the same laren 'huh very well then' and fires several drones at daedalus temporarily knoking out its hyperdrive then goes back into hyperspace.

                      An hour later the hyperdrive is back online and the daedalus rejumps and arives at the coordinates but no other ships are in orbit. They scan the surface and find 2 wraith scout parties (micheals and todds) on either end of the complex and pick up a few travler puddlejumpers heading to the ground, so daedalus beams its strike team down on a relatively clear area of the shipyard and they make there way towards the ship. The genii find there own way down somehow likely by stealing a jumper and make there way to the shipyard but after detecting the wraith lifesigns the shipyards gone into lockdown and all the team start getting through the doors to the ship.

                      The Genii bump into Todds wraith sqaud (like literally turn a corner and bumps into them) they have a firefight most of the wraith are wiped out but fall back. Mckay opens a door on the ancient ship and they hear an ancient voice come over the intercom 'level 2 security activated' shepard says something like 'mckay what ya done now'. micheal and his super soldiers hear a buzzing sound when a set of mini drones tears through his sqaud, he takes refuge in a air vent and decides to crawl his way there. Larens team meets up with the rest of todds and they have a fire fight larens team takes heavy casulties but sheps team comes from behind and kills the rest of the wraith. They compain about why they attacked daedalus 'laren says we know your getting all chumy with the wraith' after trading snardy remarks they join forces to get to the control room.

                      Sheps team and larens team get to the control room first laren team point there guns at sheps and says sorry but we need the ship blah blah blah, this is when the genii strike team attacks the control roomkills several of larens men and a few sgc fodder. Micheal comes outa the vent and stuns a few genii, ronon, teyla and rodney resulting in shep, laren and micheal all hiding behind consoles smack talking each other, laren goes for micheal and just before she gets him he beams out laren takes cover again shep 'did he just beam out' laren 'yep' shep 'since when could he do that' laren 'looked like your beam to me you been trading tech shep' shep 'do we have to go into this now' they both have a showdown colya style but laren stuns shep and takes the ship into orbit. Daedalus detects the ship and takes its shields out and beams sheps team off it, but just before destroying it todds wraith hive comes out and attack daedalus laren jumps out Daedlus has a little fight with the hive but decides to go back to atlantis as there hyperdrives playing up (from the drones) and dont want to risk loosing the ship.

                      So what do you think kinda scaled down from what i wanted to post and its more of a 1 parter but i had lots more in my mind about the starting ship race to the planet like a 5 shipway fleet smacktalking 5 mins woulda been fun. This would make me happy we dont get the ship but are enemies dont get it it also carries on with the general theme of things atm.
                      Not bad, but as padr49904 pointed out, the genii don't have the gene to operate ancient tech as far as we know. On the other hand it's possible that some of them do have it as we've already seen two worlds where some people could operate ancient tech (Tower, Harmnony).
                      IMO it wouldn't be bad either if we got the prize at the end this time. Let's say somehow Sheppard and McKay are able to fly the ship back to Atlantis, but the IOA insists that the ship must go to Earth for further study and repairs in Area 51.


                        Well it wouldnt be stargate without the plot holes now would it

                        Micheal - has some way of using it god knows but its just one of his genetic enginerng traits
                        Todd - wants to destroy it from falling into micheals hands
                        Laren - has the tech to use ancient tech, and the aurora class's need some sorta auxilary craft if not they could just use smaller travler pods
                        Genii - Are very happy to abduct people at gunpoint to use them and being on the aurora class could use the smaller travler ships and interfaces the same way as the travlers would.

                        but i go with my original point it wouldnt be stargate without the plot holes
                        if it wasnt for Carters new plot shield we would be dead


                          i persoanlly think that the SGC should be able to capture and keep the ship. i mean its getting really old really fast that wheneever we get a ship thats really cool it has to be destroyed for some reason.


                            Originally posted by SG66 View Post
                            i persoanlly think that the SGC should be able to capture and keep the ship. i mean its getting really old really fast that wheneever we get a ship thats really cool it has to be destroyed for some reason.
                            The argument is "We need to be the underdogs..." which has gotten laughable after the fiasco that is "Unending" and "BAMSR."
                            Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                            Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                              Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                              I would love to see a treasure hunt episode and treasure is:

                              Never before seen, newly minted (10,000 years ago), top secret, hidden Ancient Warship of awesome power.

                              Massive: 2,000 meters, one massive powerful beam cannon (Ori like, but with even more kick, directly powered by 1 ZPM, 2nd ZPM to power everything else), drones, intergalatic hyperdrive, amazing shields (Oddyssey AoT style).

                              Everybody looking for it: Humans, Wraith, Larren and even the Genii.

                              I am frankly disspointed with the Aurora's, if the Ancients could built Atlantis, they definitely should have been able to built a better warship.

                              And this episode would do it.

                              Who gets the warship? Earth, and they do not lose it either!
                              it whould be great to see an episode like that and see a ship like that, but i think it would be destroyt it would not be fair if any og thous groups would have a ship like that , but if it would be a powerfull is you say i like to see how it would be destroyt


                                Originally posted by ha´tak View Post
                                it whould be great to see an episode like that and see a ship like that, but i think it would be destroyt it would not be fair if any og thous groups would have a ship like that , but if it would be a powerfull is you say i like to see how it would be destroyt
                                Actually if one of the enemy factions got ahold of a ship like that it would certainly be able to put up a fight against the near invincible asgard upgrades making earths the underdogs (shipwise) again.

