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Gou'ald technology question..

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    1. Watch the language, its a Pg-13 zone last time I checked.

    2. The Goa'uld could very well have built many technologies, such as the ZATs, or the TV Orb things, maybe even the staff weapons.

    All we know is that they did not built the Stargate, or the Hyperdrive engines.

    We do know that they are a savanger race, and over the years have incorporated so much technology, that we don't know its origin.

    So yea, they might not have built everything they use/own, but they could have built some of it.

    I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
    [Revelations 22:13]


      well actually they did build a whole bunch of crap, but it was all based on stolen tech from other races. like the sarcoughagus.


        Originally posted by DownFallAngel
        1. Watch the language, its a Pg-13 zone last time I checked.
        You might want to check again, 'cause it's actually PG.


          You guys are getting off topic because of the word ass? I've seen it used here way more than once. And it's definately heard on TV. (I know this isn't TV).

          As auir999 says in his contradictory statement, it's all knowledge stolen from their hosts. That means, technically speaking there is no such critter as "Goa'uld Technology."

          "We'll keep the light on for you."


            even if they use stolen knowledge and develop something of their own efforts i.e the sacoughagus, then it is still considered theirs. They just applied it to suit their own needs


              Yea, thats kinda how it works.

              Like Playstation (Goa'uld) VS X-BOX (Tau'ri), both make video games (MALPs), but just because they both make one, and both are used for the same purpose, doesn't mean that one is directly owned by the other.

              You understand what I'm saying? Just because the Goa'uld took a jumpstart on the process, rather then spending time developiing their own ideas, doesn't make the final products not theirs.

              I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
              [Revelations 22:13]


                couldn't have put it better my self.



                  Sorry, yes, well put.
                  Alex :: UE Photographer @ Large
                  2 Cor 4:7


                    Originally posted by Jprime
                    Goa'uld tech requires the user to have naquada in their bloodstream.
                    Yeah, but we could backwards engineer it.


                      Originally posted by Jprime
                      Goa'uld tech requires the user to have naquada in their bloodstream.
                      If they can alter DNA in the first 3 episodes of Atlantis to add a gene in the human body that, may never really of been researched before at all...and can get all this other good stuff, your telling me we can't immitate, or learn from the shield device and make clones, or similar shields? Does the naqueda in your blood give the shield device it's power? or does it just encrypt the device, making it so non-gou'ald can't use it? if it's the latter, then it shouldn't be THAT hard to duplicate...but apparently is, so im prolly wrong


                        Originally posted by auir999
                        even if they use stolen knowledge and develop something of their own efforts i.e the sacoughagus, then it is still considered theirs. They just applied it to suit their own needs
                        What makes you think the Goa'uld ever developed something on their own? They just reside in their hosts brain waiting while others not possessing snakes in their heads go on to develop better technologies and then enter their head. Or they take what they learned from one culture and combine its use with that of their present host. That is not what I call developing your own technology.

                        "We'll keep the light on for you."


                          Originally posted by Ancient 1
                          What makes you think the Goa'uld ever developed something on their own? They just reside in their hosts brain waiting while others not possessing snakes in their heads go on to develop better technologies and then enter their head. Or they take what they learned from one culture and combine its use with that of their present host. That is not what I call developing your own technology.
                          The ribbon device only works for Goa'uld hosts or former hosts: Did they just find a weapon that happened to work for them and no-one else? The Goa'uld clearly develop their own mechanisms, even if they base them base them on a hundred millennia of plundered science; less standing on the shoulders of giants and more climbing over their corpses.
                          Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                          - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                            developing technology means to build on yours and many others reasearch. otherwise we would get no where. And Daniel did say that anubis was after the technology that had inspired the sarcoughagus. We do the same things, how do you think we improve our technologies. We essentially "steal" the original design (like BMW and FORD) and make it to suit our needs and or better.


                              Originally posted by Mr Prophet
                              The personal shield was originally a new innovation; Teal'c had never seen one, despite serving Apophis for decades. Then Marduk turned out to have one in The Tomb.

                              It's also possible that the shield isn't on the hand device, just the controller. The jewel on the back of the device seems to operate as something of a universal remote after all.

                              The main issue is that Goa'uld tech only works for Goa'uld: You need naquadah in your blood. They managed to make the communication sphere work without, but that was not exactly a man-portable system and the sphere is usable by Jaffa anyway, so isn't quite as restricted as a ribbon device.

                              Cant you just inject yourself with a shot or two of Naquada????

                              Sy saves the day, SG-1's been fitted with personal shields, got bored of the fact they we're invinsable and decided to give them all to the tokra since they dont have any and always die....

                              (You talk too much Sy) I know... its torrets syndrome

                              A lady came up to me on the street and pointed to my sued jacket...
                              "You know a cow was murdered for that jacket?" She sneered. I replied in a psychotic tone...
                              "I diddnt know there were any witnesses. Now I'll have to kill you to!"



                                To the response of whether the Goa'uld can invent items I would say they can. The snakes themselves are pretty smart and they retain what their hosts knew before. But the Goa'uld are lazy. I couldn't imagine a Manhattan type project with hundreds of Goa'uld working on some new super weapon.
                                Plus what would having better technology gain them? Before SG1 started bumping off the System Lords the Tok'ra were a minor annoyance. The Asgard were way too tough. An arms race to become the only major System Lord would just make it more likely that the Goa'uld would get killed. Plus then the danger raises that some rebel humans will gain those weapons.
                                Slave societies are not well known for improving their technology. The Goa'uld don't care if the Jaffa have better living conditions. If the medicine improves. If more crops are grown. As a matter of fact they are better off with a subsistence level for their slaves. That way their slaves are more worshipful of the "wrathful god".

