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Wraith Powersource?

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    we know that the hive ships are powerful but that doesn't necessarily mean they have an awesome powersource.
    the hives are massive, they could just use an insanely large naquadah reactor for all we know.
    like imagine a daedalus-sized naquadah generator, that ought to be enough to run a hive don't it?


      I would hope that is some kind of organic powersorce. To match its Organic Build. Maybe even with an organic Core and living computer system would be cool. Kinda like The Ship from Farscape but not as smart or controlling.

      Maybe like some kind of heart/nuclear reactor hybrid - Like Godzilla!
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        But what kind of organic anything can provide that kind of energy? I mean I know the human body is entirely organic but we use far less energy than a space ship would. And I mean like ratio'd, not just straight numbers. Jumping into hyperspace and the like is not comparable to ANYTHING on organic bodies of our size.

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          A heart as a powersource? Ah... no. The heart is used to move blood around; nothing more.

          If anything, the organ you're looking for is the stomach. (Which doesn't actually produce the energy in and of itself - it just starts breaking down the raw materials so the cells can convert them into energy later on.)
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            I think it maybe of an organic nature; like much of the ship itself. The power must be fed through the ship like blood through veins. It may also be responsible for the ships generation the hives are like living vessels. This is all I know of the ship's power, but the source still eludes me.


              Originally posted by Syera View Post
              A heart as a powersource? Ah... no. The heart is used to move blood around; nothing more.

              If anything, the organ you're looking for is the stomach. (Which doesn't actually produce the energy in and of itself - it just starts breaking down the raw materials so the cells can convert them into energy later on.)
              Mitochondria would be the "right thing".

              Ah, in fact, the ships are organic, not biological. Quartz are organic. So thinking in terms of extravagent variants of muscles and tendons wouldn't necessarily be correct, even if the whole structure and the walls do look like they're covered with stretched and hardened tendons.
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                i think the wrath powersource has something to do with planets.
                maybe they steal radiation from the atmosphere.
                and they do spend 50 years at a time on a planet hibernating.
                sorry about the spelling :|


                  Originally posted by chaos_master123 View Post
                  i think the wrath powersource has something to do with planets.
                  maybe they steal radiation from the atmosphere.
                  and they do spend 50 years at a time on a planet hibernating.
                  sorry about the spelling :|
                  Myabe that Beam we saw in Series 1 and was never exsplained durlinga culling has something to do with it?

                  That or it just transports the culled people to the hive ship. lol
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                    Originally posted by Womble View Post
                    Since the Wraith ships are organic, they may be using the type of organic cold fusion that was demonstrated by Linnea the Destroyer of Worlds in the episode "Prisoners".
                    The sounds like the most plausible explanation.
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                      it would similar to the darts power even we havent actually seen apart from ep 4 of season 2 when cadman and mckay....ep but thats just refferred to as having enormous enregy

                      maybe some sort of organic reaction of some sort


                        It's powered by THE HEART OF AN ORPHAN!!
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                          Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                          It's powered by THE HEART OF AN ORPHAN!!
                          That explains how they are able to build up their numbers so quickly

