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Daedalus vs. Andromeda

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    Originally posted by Emperor Tippy View Post
    Paradines, evolved Vedrans. They can move through time and space at will. Kinda liek Ascended Ancients. Oh and Dylan happens to be one of them.
    And dont forget the Avators of the Suns.


      Originally posted by Amb. Shepphard(ARC) View Post
      And dont forget the Avators of the Suns.
      Ah yes.

      Oh and the people who designed and built Andromeda also built an entire solar system. Including artificially creating a sun.


        Originally posted by Emperor Tippy View Post
        Ah yes.

        Oh and the people who designed and built Andromeda also built an entire solar system. Including artificially creating a sun.
        And all we have to do is let Trance fly through Slipstream. Which is another way to time travel.


          Dylan et al exhibit no powers per say.

          Avatars are powerful, but they have nothing on the Ascended beings.

          Ascended beings are somewhat like the Q. They are the Q of the SG universe.

          However, Q have demonstrated far more power.


            "And Lord You, you keep assuming that Odyssey can scan Andromeda. It is running the best jammers that the civilization who first invented slip travel, you ruled over 3 galaxies and over a million worlds, who could make stars go nova at will, you can create a sentient AI, and who can manipulate the gravitational masses of objects, could come up with. The Commonwealth fought hundreds of wars and unlike the Ancients they never lost."

            LOL. The Commonwealth lost to so called "superior" Nietzschians. And we see the Andromeda regularly destroy dozens of their 'warhips'.

            You can't compare the level of tech of the Commonwealth to the Ancients or even the Asgard. The Commonwealth is definitely below Ancient tech.

            As for black holes etc...We see ships on SG1 easily survive those and nearby exploding planets etc.

            Like I said before, do get real if you actually under the assumption that Andromeda's plating comes remotely close to the Odyssey shields. If I can't convince of the truth, then you are left to your delusions.

            Ha'tak that have not upgraded shields shrug off nukes.


              Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
              Dylan et al exhibit no powers per say.

              Avatars are powerful, but they have nothing on the Ascended beings.

              Ascended beings are somewhat like the Q. They are the Q of the SG universe.

              However, Q have demonstrated far more power.
              Ascended beings cant destory three galaxies in mere seconds and Q has never showen us that. Avatars would have done it,but Dylan stoped them, thus rejoining the Seefa system to the known worlds.


                Avatars destroying galaxies? OK there.


                Avatars are beings that 'control' so called stars, black holes, planets etc.

                They are pittance.


                  I rarely watch the show but I saw this episode with these guys dressed up like storm troopers and they blew up this metor with a pride or somthing in it any way who are they?
                  This has nothing to do with the thread, sorry, just wondering


                    Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                    Avatars destroying galaxies? OK there.


                    Avatars are beings that 'control' so called stars, black holes, planets etc.

                    They are pittance.
                    I think you need to see the last two eps of Andromeda.


                      "Andromeda has rode an expanding wave with a force of 20 million terratons. She has been hit by black holes. She is regularly hit with hundreds if not thousands of megatons of force. She has sat in the outer corona of a sun for 48 hours. She has flown through solar flares."

                      Black holes? You mean those tiny point singularity weapons.

                      "She is regularly hit with hundreds if not thousands of megatons of force. "

                      So what? Still get dissected by Asgard weapons that will cut through the hull like the point singularity weapons. Concentrated force.

                      Thousands of megatons of force? Right whatever. We see the Andromeda take a pounding each episode, Andromeda class ships were destroyed by weak Nietschean 's ships that make the Wraith Hives looks like ships made from God.


                        I watched the pretty much the entire 5 seasons.

                        Avatars are a farce.

                        Look trance, move that sun so you can destroy the Abyss, which she did.



                          Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                          I watched the pretty much the entire 5 seasons.

                          Avatars are a farce.

                          Look trance, move that sun so you can destroy the Abyss, which she did.

                          lol, well then you know that the Avatars can destory three galaxies or more.


                            Destroy 3 galaxies, LOL. Whatever.

                            Let's see that power at work.

                            The Nietschean's can destroy 3 galaxies, take a fleet and start destroying.

                            Nova bombs. OK.

                            Now if a Avatar can destroy 3 galaxies with a mere thought. That is something else. We see beings in Star Trek capable of that. That would immense power.

                            Trance at most times is quite helpless. Hardly all powerful god like power.


                              Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                              Destroy 3 galaxies, LOL. Whatever.

                              Let's see that power at work.

                              The Nietschean's can destroy 3 galaxies, take a fleet and start destroying.

                              Nova bombs. OK.

                              Now if a Avatar can destroy 3 galaxies with a mere thought. That is something else. We see beings in Star Trek capable of that. That would immense power.

                              Trance at most times is quite helpless. Hardly all powerful god like power.
                              When I say destory i mean the galaxies will no longer be there.


                                No longer there, uh uh.

                                Wave magic want, Harry Potty style.

                                Never seen Avatars, or even the Abyss exhibiting anything remotely close that kind of power.

                                I suppose if all the Suns go Super Nova...

                                3 galaxies...The universe has many 100's billions of galaxies.

                                Only beings hinted at being all powerful are the Q. Not in one episode has a Q not being able to do something by merely think it.

