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FF Research Question: G'ould Technology

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    Do we know if the genetic memory of the Goa'uld always been present in their race or is it the result of genetic manipulation (spelling?) BTW, is "genetic memory" even possible in real life as far as we are aware?
    Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music.
    O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?


      Originally posted by hail_jack
      Do we know if the genetic memory of the Goa'uld always been present in their race or is it the result of genetic manipulation (spelling?) BTW, is "genetic memory" even possible in real life as far as we are aware?
      Genetic memory has always been part of the Goa'uld way. They're parasites with no methods of teaching their young, so nature gave them genetic memory. We've never seen a real case of genetic memory, but in the show they mentioned it. Yep.


        Originally posted by hail_jack
        Do we know if the genetic memory of the Goa'uld always been present in their race or is it the result of genetic manipulation (spelling?) BTW, is "genetic memory" even possible in real life as far as we are aware?
        It has always been hypothetically possible. There are countless unproven records of individuals having visions of events that transpired generations ago to members of their own family. Most of these are chaulked upto the peranomal phenomena. Its quite possible that the small % of our brain we actually use isnt capable of that but that knowledge is there buried in the other large majority we do not use.

        Hell I got something intriguing ....... if that is the case......think about this.

        The ancients library of knowledge that downloads into our only works for human biology (canon from several episodes) maybe it doesnt download anything......maybe all it did was reactivate those other portions of the brain where the genetic memory already was......and maybe we are decindants in some from of the ancients? We already have seen in several episodes drugs and chemicals capable of blocking portions of the human brain from access....weve never found out what the long term effects would worm hole extreme.....the alien who druged himself said a couple more weeks and the effects would of been perminant.


          Its a daring yet interesting theory...
          Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music.
          O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?


            Originally posted by Croatoan
            It has always been hypothetically possible. There are countless unproven records of individuals having visions of events that transpired generations ago to members of their own family. Most of these are chaulked upto the peranomal phenomena. Its quite possible that the small % of our brain we actually use isnt capable of that but that knowledge is there buried in the other large majority we do not use.

            Hell I got something intriguing ....... if that is the case......think about this.

            The ancients library of knowledge that downloads into our only works for human biology (canon from several episodes) maybe it doesnt download anything......maybe all it did was reactivate those other portions of the brain where the genetic memory already was......and maybe we are decindants in some from of the ancients? We already have seen in several episodes drugs and chemicals capable of blocking portions of the human brain from access....weve never found out what the long term effects would worm hole extreme.....the alien who druged himself said a couple more weeks and the effects would of been perminant.
            Do you think it would work on Oannes, Asgard, or Wraith?


              Originally posted by aschen
              Genetic memory has always been part of the Goa'uld way. They're parasites with no methods of teaching their young, so nature gave them genetic memory. We've never seen a real case of genetic memory, but in the show they mentioned it. Yep.
              Actually, in some lower terrestrial life forms, there appears to be genetic memories in that many of these lower species seem to possess immediate post birth instincts which could not be learned in such a short amount of time. Another factor is that these species are not nurturing or maternal and leave their young immediately after the birth/hatching of the eggs. The theory is that the immediate application of instinct is a genetic memory passed on to the young.

              It seems that some insects, worms, and other invertebrates share this trait. However, I would never consider the Goa'uld a lower life form like what I described. In fact, I think they had human-level intelligence prior to them becoming "parasites".


                Originally posted by Croatoan
                I agree. Look at the episode ascention. Though we dont know weither the guy in question was a scientist or what, he was smart enough to build his own gate using inferior parts that would work once to one destination. Im pretty sure as advanced as their civilization was there was quite a few technologies that were so simplistic to them because of how advanced they were.....that we might consider advanced......for instance some abarigeni (spelling) tribes of earth might think a lighter is advanced....but almost every adult in modernized world knows that all it is, is a simple flint striker and flamable fluid......likewise I believe that a large portion of the basic common elements in ancient technology was equally as common knowledge to them.


                  Originally posted by Croatoan
                  It has always been hypothetically possible. There are countless unproven records of individuals having visions of events that transpired generations ago to members of their own family. Most of these are chaulked upto the peranomal phenomena. Its quite possible that the small % of our brain we actually use isnt capable of that but that knowledge is there buried in the other large majority we do not use.

                  Hell I got something intriguing ....... if that is the case......think about this.

                  The ancients library of knowledge that downloads into our only works for human biology (canon from several episodes) maybe it doesnt download anything......maybe all it did was reactivate those other portions of the brain where the genetic memory already was......and maybe we are decindants in some from of the ancients? We already have seen in several episodes drugs and chemicals capable of blocking portions of the human brain from access....weve never found out what the long term effects would worm hole extreme.....the alien who druged himself said a couple more weeks and the effects would of been perminant.
                  I wonder how the Goa'uld came up with the idea to pose as Gods? Was Ra the first to do this? I mean, since the Unas seemed pretty primitive, even more than humans on Earth at that time, it seems doubtful that they (unas) had religions, so posing as a God wouldn't be necessary. When Ra came to Earth, he somehow thought to pose as a God. I wonder what made him to do it? If he had unas troops (did they have unas jaffas?) and zat guns/staff weapons, why not just conquer and control? Why go through all the trouble to pose as a god? Was it to make sure they were compliant later, or to make him feel more powerful since they worshipped him? Any ideas?


                    Originally posted by LordAnubis
                    I wonder how the Goa'uld came up with the idea to pose as Gods? Was Ra the first to do this? I mean, since the Unas seemed pretty primitive, even more than humans on Earth at that time, it seems doubtful that they (unas) had religions, so posing as a God wouldn't be necessary. When Ra came to Earth, he somehow thought to pose as a God. I wonder what made him to do it? If he had unas troops (did they have unas jaffas?) and zat guns/staff weapons, why not just conquer and control? Why go through all the trouble to pose as a god? Was it to make sure they were compliant later, or to make him feel more powerful since they worshipped him? Any ideas?
                    Well personally I think it would be quite natural for a Goa'uld to pose as a god. Think about stumble onto these people......either by nature or cause you get pissed you kill a few of them in what seems to be god like manner........and imediatly the weak who remain...because most likely its the strong who would first attempt to fight......the weak who remain fall to their knees to praise....rumors spread that your a god.....and its inline with what you want so you just feed thier need for a diety to respond to and worship....

                    As far as unas jaffa......firstly cause they may of not had the technology as yet to have jaffa...remember the belly thingy to make the sac?....secondly because humans are far inferrior to the unas host which could tear hundreds of humans limb from limb.

                    I see jaffa more useful in the wars between gou'ald then in the enslavment of races of people. I also see the jaffa portion as just another stronger level of slavery through dependancy on the symbiote.


                      Originally posted by LordAnubis
                      I wonder how the Goa'uld came up with the idea to pose as Gods? Was Ra the first to do this? I mean, since the Unas seemed pretty primitive, even more than humans on Earth at that time, it seems doubtful that they (unas) had religions, so posing as a God wouldn't be necessary. When Ra came to Earth, he somehow thought to pose as a God. I wonder what made him to do it? If he had unas troops (did they have unas jaffas?) and zat guns/staff weapons, why not just conquer and control? Why go through all the trouble to pose as a god? Was it to make sure they were compliant later, or to make him feel more powerful since they worshipped him? Any ideas?

                      Now I think this was a matter of convinience at first and that Ra used this as a simple method to keep people in line. When Ra came to Earth it was propably the first time he ever encountered the idea of gods and the notion of being all powerful controllers of the universe must have been very, very tempting to him.

                      Now as time went by I do believe that many of the goa´uld came to believe that they were in fact real gods and their ego´s bloomed to epic porportions.


                        Originally posted by Wyrminarrd
                        Now I think this was a matter of convinience at first and that Ra used this as a simple method to keep people in line. When Ra came to Earth it was propably the first time he ever encountered the idea of gods and the notion of being all powerful controllers of the universe must have been very, very tempting to him.

                        Now as time went by I do believe that many of the goa´uld came to believe that they were in fact real gods and their ego´s bloomed to epic porportions.
                        This would fit very nicely with LordAnubis' idea that the gou'ald became self aware and trapped in their own bodies underwater for thousands of years.

                        Think about it like he said you would be pissed and angry....passing on that anger and sentiment generation after generation. When you do find a way to be something more that stuck in water youll remember all those years of "slavery" and have the feeling you deserve what you get. You may even begin to feel that what ever you can get through what ever means is due you for your generations enslaved in their body beneath the surface. Eventually this is forgotten but this could be the initial mindset of the guo'ald.

                        Then they stumble across humans and find that they are the awnser to their feelings. A race perfectly suited for hosts.....easy to influence...and throw away for what ever means. They evolved to use human and thus feeds into their belief that they are the preditor and human are mear cattle to be used.

                        By the time they could of possibly concieved humans as an equal it was long past its chance to do anything because of their hatred and rage built up for milinia. Those few who could look and see the truth of their existence and overcome that rage came into be the tok'ra they grew to understand that though the humans are a means to be something more....that it should be a truely symbiotic relationship.

                        This is all opinoion but I think it fits nicely.


                          Originally posted by Croatoan View Post
                          Thanks for the response. Sorry for the spelling problem, I am a horrible speller.

                          Do you by chance remember the sesson or episode where the cannon states that that technology is of Goa'uld orgin?

                          I seem to remember several episodes where it discusses they experimented with the technology which I personally choose to inturpret as they were attempting to reverse engineer. To experiment with something you usually have a working model or something of which to experiment on.
                          The staff waepons were created by the Goa'uld and it's safe to assume that the ship weapons were also made by them. They are not even close to being as powerful as Ancient weapons.

                          Also just because the Goa'uld stole there technology doesn't mean they can't reproduce it or even advance it. I mean they have to be fairly smart they managed to dominate a galaxy for thousands of years!


                            well, the goauld did it like us: steal technology, reverse engineer it it and apply it.

