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The Ultimate VS thread

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    Originally posted by fugiman View Post
    Wan't it a 100 megaton nuke? not a 1000 megaton nuke beacuse that is more powerful then a gatebuster

    Now back to the argument

    An Anubis Ha'Tak was able to take a blast from an Asgard ship (I know the old model and not the O'Neil but still some on Asgard ships are awsome) So I think the Ha'Tak with Anubis upgrades would be able to withstand hits from a Hive but it would be badly damaged. Now I think the Hive would just stand there and take the hits because their ships are so big to move and so they would take a lot of damge. I mean Anubis had access to some ancinet tech and upgrade a bunch of his Ha'Taks so I'm sure he would be able to defeat the Wraith
    1000 megatons is a gigaton the Gate buster is 812 gigatons!

    The Wraith beat the ancients i'm betting they could destroy anubis and his ancient rip offs! The other system lords could hold anubis at bay with their Goa'uld weapons so i think the Wraith would rip him apart.
    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


      Ok Buba sorry about the Megataon and Gigaton thing

      Ok we are going to have change the Ha'Tak and Hive because the Hive has way to much firepower so lets just say this

      6 Anubis Ha'Taks vs 1 Hiveship becausethat seems more fair

      So I think the 6 Anubis Ha'Taks would win because they would overpower the Hiveship
      Vote Anubis for President in 2012
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      It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


        Originally posted by fugiman View Post
        Ok Buba sorry about the Megataon and Gigaton thing

        Ok we are going to have change the Ha'Tak and Hive because the Hive has way to much firepower so lets just say this

        6 Anubis Ha'Taks vs 1 Hiveship becausethat seems more fair

        So I think the 6 Anubis Ha'Taks would win because they would overpower the Hiveship
        It's ok no need to apologise...yeah 6 would beat it lol glad we agree
        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


          Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
          It's ok no need to apologise...yeah 6 would beat it lol glad we agree
          So now that we agree how many Ha'Taks do you think would it take for both ships to destroy each other?
          Vote Anubis for President in 2012
          A Face you Can Trust
          So whats the worst that could happen?
          Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
          It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


            Originally posted by fugiman View Post
            So now that we agree how many Ha'Taks do you think would it take for both ships to destroy each other?
            what do you mean? how many Ha'taks would equal a Hive ship?
            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


              Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
              what do you mean? how many Ha'taks would equal a Hive ship?
              Vote Anubis for President in 2012
              A Face you Can Trust
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              It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                3-4 imo would match it
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  Well now, that is decied lets start a new argument

                  Who has the best fighters from any Universe?

                  My personal opinion is the X-Wing and Tie Fighters
                  Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                  A Face you Can Trust
                  So whats the worst that could happen?
                  Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                  It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                    Aurora class vs O'Neill class

                    presuming both ships are in excellent condition; the Aurora having a full supply of drones and the O'Neill having all the newest Asgard technology fitted (Unending).


                      Okay I've got one for you guys to ponder:

                      Remember "Camelot"? That's sort of like saying "Remember the Alamo".

                      Andromeda arrives towards the end of the battle after everybody has basically had their butts kicked by the four attacking Ori ships -- upon realizing what is going on the Andromeda engagest the four Ori ships using its unique (compared to most Sci-Fi shows) attack methods which actually use practical military strategy not just sit there and exchange gunfire with your enemy until one of you explodes. Who would win that one?

                      Andromeda vs. Four Ori Mother Ships at Camelot

                      If the Andromeda came out on top would its weapons be able to destroy the Super-Gate?


                        Jedi Master vs Prior
                        Sith Lord vs Prior
                        Jedi Master vs Sith Lord

                        Yoda vs Adria
                        Darth Vader vs Adria
                        Emperor vs Adria

                        I'm going all star wars here
                        Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                        A Face you Can Trust
                        So whats the worst that could happen?
                        Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                        It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                          Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                          I'm going all star wars here

                          I Would have to Agree


                            Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                            Jedi Master vs Prior
                            Sith Lord vs Prior
                            Jedi Master vs Sith Lord

                            Yoda vs Adria
                            Darth Vader vs Adria
                            Emperor vs Adria

                            I'm going all star wars here
                            Going by the films...

                            Jedi Master vs Prior : Prior wons.
                            Sith Lord vs Prior: Prior wons.
                            Jedi Master vs Sith Lord : Can't tell. Depends of cunning, power and techniques.

                            Yoda vs Adria : Super powers plus magical-necklace-personnal-shield... let's see... Adria.
                            Darth Vader vs Adria : Darth Vader? The incapacitated tin can, or the whiney half trained Knight?
                            Emperor vs Adria : That would be interesting. The personal shield may give Adria the edge she needs, while Palps has nothing to defend himself with self his own powers... which seem all agressive, and hardly defensive.

                            Globally, all Stargate.
                            The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                              Originally posted by Mister Oragahn View Post
                              Going by the films...

                              Jedi Master vs Prior : Prior wons.
                              Sith Lord vs Prior: Prior wons.
                              Jedi Master vs Sith Lord : Can't tell. Depends of cunning, power and techniques.

                              Yoda vs Adria : Super powers plus magical-necklace-personnal-shield... let's see... Adria.
                              Darth Vader vs Adria : Darth Vader? The incapacitated tin can, or the whiney half trained Knight?
                              Emperor vs Adria : That would be interesting. The personal shield may give Adria the edge she needs, while Palps has nothing to defend himself with self his own powers... which seem all agressive, and hardly defensive.

                              Globally, all Stargate.

                              I disagree

                              Jedi would win against a Prior because they can use force pull and take away the staff from the prior and then get close up with the lightsaber

                              Sith Lord would win against the Prior because either force pull and lets say that doesn't work then they can force choke the prior

                              Yoda would win because have you seen Attack of the Cones he is a BAMF

                              Darth Vader would choke her out so her shield could do nothing

                              The Emperor has crazy powers so in the end I bet he would make Adria his new Apprentice

                              Now lets just say that you disagree with these facts then the sith or the Jedi could come up with an anti-prior device and still use there powers because Jedi/Sith aren't Advanced Humans but power comes through the force
                              Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                              A Face you Can Trust
                              So whats the worst that could happen?
                              Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                              It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                                Originally posted by ZakeD View Post
                                Instead of making all sorts of vs threads just post and discuss all sorts of vs battle things here.

                                what would win in in a one on one battle, a hatak, or a wraith cruiser? (not a hive ship and not a scout ship, but a cruiser.)

                                and how many hataks would it take ot kill one hive ship?

                                keep in mind the hataks advantages, shields, maneuverability, and dont forget that a shot from a hatak can be equivelent to a nuke, as stated by samantha carter in the alterntae universe where earth was attacked early in the show.

