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Satedan biology

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    Satedan biology

    I don't know if this question has already been asked, if so forgive me for asking again. I am just curious. Jow old is Ronon supposed to be. We know that he has been a runner for seven years and he was not some young pup when the war with the Wraith started on Sateda, yet he doesn't look any older then 30 something. Do we have any idea how old Satedans can become? Do they differ from us humans? The Athosians seem to be equal to us normal humans.
    He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
    He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
    And he's wonderful.

    I want to know where he got his Gun. It doesn't seem like the rest of the Satedan Technology that we've seen in the past.
    The Gun is allot more advance than anything the people of Sateda used to defend against the Wraith.

    For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

    Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

    ....... or would you take more?



      he could easily be 40 and just look a bit younger. if they were attacked when he was about 30, that would leave him at least 10 years prior to that to be important in the military. not necesarrily enough time in peace, but then sateda seemed reasonably prepared so they may not be ntirely peaceful. ronon's temperment isn't a clear guide since he has kinda been a runner for so long.
      Cantina Petition for Perma-sticky (or own subforum)


        We do not know how old he his and it not to do with his biology and everything to do with wraith entertainment,

        It possible that he was given more life by the wraith king/ the one in control of the hive to keep him alive and may be to extend the hunt more.

        Because of that their simpy do not know how old he is but it would be interesting to bring up in a storyline. Same as where the hell did he get that gun from.

        Perhaps we will find out next season when we are introduce to a new more advance race, who are wild card.


          What makes you say he wasn't young when the Wraith attacked his homeworld? He was a veteran in battles and an excellent fighter when he was made a runner, but if you start fighting in a war at 20 to 22, you're probably pretty experienced by 25. I'd guess he's in his mid-thirties, but we really don't know. IMO, his people are not much different than humans.

          Originally posted by VSHARMA View Post
          I want to know where he got his Gun. It doesn't seem like the rest of the Satedan Technology that we've seen in the past.
          The Gun is allot more advance than anything the people of Sateda used to defend against the Wraith.
          Yeah I'd like to know that too and also how he became resistant to Wraith feeding. I think he wasn't born like that. More than likley I think he found something while he was a runner that would improve his combat skills (resistance to feeding, fast recovery from stuns, etc.).


            Originally posted by Atlantean Engineer View Post
            What makes you say he wasn't young when the Wraith attacked his homeworld? He was a veteran in battles and an excellent fighter when he was made a runner, but if you start fighting in a war at 20 to 22, you're probably pretty experienced by 25. I'd guess he's in his mid-thirties, but we really don't know. IMO, his people are not much different than humans.

            Yeah I'd like to know that too and also how he became resistant to Wraith feeding. I think he wasn't born like that. More than likley I think he found something while he was a runner that would improve his combat skills (resistance to feeding, fast recovery from stuns, etc.).
            well ronon doesnt look any more than 30 because the actor himself is 27 or 28 years old. how old he is supposed to be in the show was never told, but i think it would a fair assumption he is somewhere around 30-35. in poisoning the well was explained that certain people posses enzyme that somehow makes them immune to wraith feeding. so thats probably the thing with him.

            i don't think we should be referring to "his people" since he is the only one from sateda that couldn't be fed upon. if they'd all be immune to it than the wraith would destroyed them from space. it's that simple.

            well, about the gun....
            in season 4 a new advanced race will be introduced, so what if they are the one ronon bought....well more likely stole the gun from. in would be logical since there is no other race advanced enough...yet.

            why didn't they simply ask him at the beginning where did he get it and try to get more of them. but that wouldn't be fun now would it.


              I always thought all setedan's were immune from wraith feeding, which is why they were wiped out. Because I don't see how just ronan is immune

              Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


                Nah i doubt setedans are immune to wraith. They are all just regular ordinary humans that the ancients populated in the galaxy. As for ronans ability if he can infact resist wraith feeding then it is most likely that only he has that special ability.

                There is even a possibility that ronan doesn't even have this ability. It was never actually explicitly stated on the show. In Ronans words 'something made the wraith stop' not 'the wraith couldn't feed on me'. It is likely that the wraith decided that ronan would make a good runner and stopped feeding. At the end of the episode 'seteda' The king even was poised to feed on ronan before he got hit by the drone. If he knew he was unfeadable why would he attempt it?

                and beale947 if the wraith really wanted to wipe out seteda they would have quite easily blasted away the planets surface from orbit without getting into any form of a land based conflict. What we saw in the flash backs was an incedent when the planet that was being culled faught back and the wraith had to confront the ppl on the surface in order to feed on them.


                  Originally posted by Pasankoon View Post
                  As for ronans ability if he can infact resist wraith feeding then it is most likely that only he has that special ability.

                  It was never actually explicitly stated on the show. In Ronans words 'something made the wraith stop' not 'the wraith couldn't feed on me'. It is likely that the wraith decided that ronan would make a good runner and stopped feeding. At the end of the episode 'seteda' The king even was poised to feed on ronan before he got hit by the drone. If he knew he was unfeadable why would he attempt it?
                  it was clearly stated in poisoning the well that some people (very few in the galaxy) posses an enzyme that makes them immune to feeding. than beckett tried to make it but it was fatal to most people that took it. however ronon wasn't on the show back then.

                  the wraith can probably kill someone without feeding. i mean just simply suck his life out, but not feed because that would kill them...or something similar.


                    I believe that while it's possible that ronon has a natural resistance to feeding it's equally possible that the wraith felt how strong he was and decided he'd make good sport.
                    Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                      Actually forget that. I just rewatched the ep. When the wraith tried to feed it look shocked suddenly and stopped. I think that shows that there must be a resistance to it.
                      Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                        Originally posted by ziga1980 View Post
                        it was clearly stated in poisoning the well that some people (very few in the galaxy) posses an enzyme that makes them immune to feeding. than beckett tried to make it but it was fatal to most people that took it. however ronon wasn't on the show back then.
                        ah ok so then it seems more likely that ronan could have an immunity. I couldn't really remember that fact i thought that enzyme could only be artificially injected like the way beckett was trying to do. But anyway its just been a while since i watched 'poisoning the well' so i could be wrong. But i'm still open to the possibility that ronan doesn't in fact have a wraith resistance. Because it wont explain why the wraith king raised his hand as if to feed on ronan and why it was "something made him stop" and not like "somehow he couldn't feed on me"

