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andromeda galaxy gate network??

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    andromeda galaxy gate network??

    hey kids,

    aparently andromeda galaxy is the closest galaxy to the MW right??

    well think its possible the ancients set up a gate network there too?

    i mean they have millions of years of spare time to shakedown so its possible

    also, theres at least a small gate network in ida, wherever that is

    they should send round the deady to check it out


    Its possible the Ancients set up a gate network in Andromeda. Its even possible that some of the Ancients that returned from the Pegasus galaxy
    gated to Andromeda to rebuild (again).

    Another idea is that not all the Ancients went to Pegasus, but went to Andromeda & built a gate network there & are still there to this day.
    "We are the Fifth Race. Our role is clear. If there is any hope in preserving the future, it lies with us."
    Signature made by RJB


      maybe thats where the new seires is going to be based but then i would be kind of a copy of atlantis.

      thanks to and leelakin for the pretty sig.


        Whose to say that there aren't gate networks in dozens of galaxies, no one said that all of the Ancients had to stay in the MW, Pegasus or Ida, they were explorers after all, with a ZPM at the SGC there is nothing to stop us setting up outposts anywhere apart from the lack of addresses to these networks.

        I wonder if there is much to see in Ida though, I'd have thought the Replicators did a number on anyone with any sort of decent technical civilisation.

        Whether or not the series was a carbon copy of Atlantis would depend on the premise I guess, I think to write another series though they have to brink in new writers with fresh ideas, don't get me wrong SG1 and Atlantis are great but I'm starting to pickup recurring themes some more recent Atlantis and SG1 eps are just rehashed versions of early SG1 of the episodes.


          If andromeda is closer than pegasus then they may have gone there first. If so, the 8-symbol address will be in the ancient database in atlantis right? So all they have to do is search andromeda addresses to find it then they can send that info to earth and kawoosh!, you got a whole new galaxy to explore!
          When all technology has failed and all hope is lost, we will realize we had the ultimate advantage all along...

          The reason my chemistry teacher hates me:
          MBA (my chemistry teacher): What is Avagadros constant?
          Me: 6 and a bit times 10 to the 23.
          MBA: Yea, you know that "bit" is two billion trillion?
          Me: Im barnsley and hung over, a bit will do
          MBA: What do we do to the number of moles to get the number of atoms?
          Me: Times it by that really big number!
          MBA: Yes, that really big number, what is it?
          Me: How should i know?
          MBA: Its on the board
          Me: Then whats the point in asking???


            I agree the nw series will most likely be based in the andromeda galaxy, however hopefully it has a little less to do with the ancients since they are kind of wearing thin if we had 2 series that are about them


              i know this is a bit unrelated but is abados in the milky way because in the film it says its in the kalium galixy
              Sig For Me!


                discontinuity between the series and the film. was in another galaxy in the film but in the series its in our galaxy for conveniance i guess.


                  Originally posted by Cban View Post
                  i know this is a bit unrelated but is abados in the milky way because in the film it says its in the kalium galixy
                  It is in the Milky Way but thay stated otherwise in the film because they hadnt set up the rules (8 Dial gate adresses and all )



                  Sir, this is the 5th incoming wormhole in the last hour & a half

                  Ok, I'm here 2 hours early, when did you get here?

                  I... haven't left yet

                  Carter, didn't I ORDER you to get a life?


                  A fools paradise is a wise mans prison

                  Never judge a book by it's cover

                  One mans ceiling is another mans floor

         with sissors?


                    It completely possible considering that Andromeda Galaxy is a "short walk away". It would only take the Odyssey 12 days to get to the Andromeda Galaxy.
                    Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                      Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
                      It completely possible considering that Andromeda Galaxy is a "short walk away". It would only take the Odyssey 12 days to get to the Andromeda Galaxy.
                      well it has a ZPM now so it cahn get there in 2


                        hey here is a thought i know the writers dont really want to dwell on the furlings but what if we find out they left the milkyway for andromeda and like the ancients they ascended or somthing like that and there is a new bad guy


                          Maybe, since the Asgards are in the Ida Galaxy, the Ancients went to the Pegasus Galaxy, and the Nox stay in the MW, maybe the Furlings went there to guard it and make sure.

                          : Green is Good.
                          sigpic I NEED MORE POWER!!!


                            Originally posted by timmotheus View Post
                            theres at least a small gate network in ida, wherever that is
                            is probuly set up by the asgard
                            if the tollen can bild a stargate, the asgard surtenly can
                            sorry cant spell


                              Originally posted by Boesman View Post
                              I agree the nw series will most likely be based in the andromeda galaxy, however hopefully it has a little less to do with the ancients since they are kind of wearing thin if we had 2 series that are about them

                              I love ancients, but if the next series is going to be about ancients-alterans-ori, i'm gonna go nuts.
                              I'm a fan of the idea of gettin to know the furling BIG TIME
                              I'd love it if they were in the upcoming series, or at least in an atlantis episode, just to know what happened to them, I'm sure Atlantis's database have at least a HUNDRED gate coordinates with furlings, and a lot of info about them, so it would be logical to meet them in SGA.
                              But the 3rd series in Andromeda, with furlings would be fine
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                              ...George W. Bush, 9/5/93
                              "[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system."
                              ...George W. Bush

