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Why can't they cloak the Earth ships?

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    Why can't they cloak the Earth ships?

    Why not? Firstly, I know, it would be too convenient of a plot device but really why not? If they can cloak something as big as ATLANTIS then you think that they'd be able to cloak the Daedalus or the Odyssey. We all know you can convert it both ways (shield to cloak [Atlantis] and Cloak to shield [Puddle jumpers]) so what's the holdup on it? And don't say that only Ancient shields can be converted because it was explained that it was as simple as reconfiguring the shield energy frequency to match that of the cloak.


    Originally posted by AGT58 View Post
    Why not? Firstly, I know, it would be too convenient of a plot device but really why not? If they can cloak something as big as ATLANTIS then you think that they'd be able to cloak the Daedalus or the Odyssey. We all know you can convert it both ways (shield to cloak [Atlantis] and Cloak to shield [Puddle jumpers]) so what's the holdup on it? And don't say that only Ancient shields can be converted because it was explained that it was as simple as reconfiguring the shield energy frequency to match that of the cloak.

    The same reason they don't do a lot of stuff that seems like it would be really obvious to do, they're stupid and don't think in terms of practicality.
    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

    The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

    Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


      They don't do it, nor have ever attempted to do it for the sole reason of that would make the writers have to actually spend some brain power writing smarter eps.

      The way they've done it so far from the beginning of SG-1, then into Atlantis. Is any advanced tech they get has to be blown up before the end of the very same ep or at least the 1st time it is used.

      They never do anything smart, despite them supposedly being the smartest that Earth has to offer in their respective fields. It's always stumble & bumble from one mess to the next.

      Simply they see it as the Wraith can't detect Ancient cloaks. So that allows Daedalus to sneak up beside one. Then them not having detected a threat, might not have the jammer on. So Daedalus can them beam a nukle inside the unsuspecting Hive. If it is constantly raised, then they could still get up beside it & launch a couple of warheads into it. Which would most likely destroy or at least severely cripple it.

      However, they could then write in a smart ep, where we see the Wraith in control of an ancient ship or Jumper. Then have them reverse engineer it etc. So they can then eventually see cloaked ships, but the SGA team don't know about it...etc, etc.

      In 'Progeny'

      We saw the Asuran cityship get right into orbit of Lantia. Yet Atlantis didn't detect anything. So if the Asurans can do this, then why not the SGA team.

      It is something that should be addressed. Especially since we have seen PJ's get on board Hives multiple times in the past. Then we know that they have discovered the perfect part of the Hive ship to disperse the retro-virus into. Hence, why not send a team of special ops soldiers, equipped with life sign detectors, aboard a Hive ship in a cloaked PJ. Sneak to the specific point, then release the gas. Get out of there, then come back with a bigger team shortly after & sweep the Hive for stragglers, etc. The end result is them with a perfectly functioning Hive ship or Cruiser.

      I feel doing eps like that constantly would really get the ratings up, especially if they kept up the smarter storylines throughout the season. Simply seeing them get advanced tech, then have it destroyed by the end of the ep is really starting to get old. It's either that or have one of the main team member sin serious trouble, then right at the very last moment, hit the big red reset button. Then magically everything is dandy again, just like before. We had it for all those years in SG-1, then Atlantis as well.


        Originally posted by AGT58
        Why not? Firstly, I know, it would be too convenient of a plot device but really why not? If they can cloak something as big as ATLANTIS then you think that they'd be able to cloak the Daedalus or the Odyssey.
        um...and how exactly are humans supposed to do this ? by reverse-engineering ancient tech ?

        virtual reality check : humans = 21st century technology, very verrry primitive. heck they can't even reverse-engineer most goauld tech (if they were able to duplicate the more advanced aspects of goauld tech they'd be having zat guns & energy weapons by now, and the Prometheus would have had shields long before the asgard fitted it with their own shields) yet you expect 21st century humans to reverse-engineer ancient tech ?



          Well as stated in one of the atlantis episodes (I fogot which one) cloaks use more power than shields. Note however it was also mentioned that the more stress the shields are under (for example weapons fire, being underwater) more power is needed to keep the shields at 100%. There comes a point where there is enough stress on the shield that that it takes less power to cloak than shields. I imagine there is not enough power in the daedulas to cloak unless there is a zpm on board.


            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
            um...and how exactly are humans supposed to do this ? by reverse-engineering ancient tech ?

            virtual reality check : humans = 21st century technology, very verrry primitive. heck they can't even reverse-engineer most goauld tech (if they were able to duplicate the more advanced aspects of goauld tech they'd be having zat guns & energy weapons by now, and the Prometheus would have had shields long before the asgard fitted it with their own shields) yet you expect 21st century humans to reverse-engineer ancient tech ?

            I don't think he was talking about reverse engineering. Think it was more along the lines of stripping a Jumper of it's cloak, then integrating it onto a 304. They have already connected in ZPM's that power Asgard, Goa'uld & Earth tech that the ships are made up of. Not to mention Asgard have shields & cloaking tech etc. Then the fact that McKay & his teams could repair Ancient warships. So you would think that with all the Earth scientists & Asgard, they could put it on fairly easily.

            I would love to see it & expected to see it happen on screen the moment they done the exact same thing with Atlantis in 2x01. Even if only for a couple of eps before the Wraith developed a countermeasure to it.


              I wondered that too. I don't see why they don't hook up a pj to the shield emitters. Probably because has not had a lemon-threat.


                Originally posted by jburrows View Post
                Well as stated in one of the atlantis episodes (I fogot which one) cloaks use more power than shields. Note however it was also mentioned that the more stress the shields are under (for example weapons fire, being underwater) more power is needed to keep the shields at 100%. There comes a point where there is enough stress on the shield that that it takes less power to cloak than shields. I imagine there is not enough power in the daedulas to cloak unless there is a zpm on board.
                It's the other way around, the cloak draws a constant power level whereas a shield draws more the more it's taxed.

                And don't they have Hermoid onboard? Certainly he could do it if McKay and Zelenka did it for Atlantis all alone.



                  hoprfully soon we will see this


                    well we dont know if an acient cloak can incorporated in a asgard shield

                    atlantis and its cloak were both from the same tech, puddle jumper cloak and atlantis shield

                    so they might be some power problems and how configure the shields to cloak

                    unless the asgard can give us a cloak they have built and we do the hard work


                      well we dont know if an acient cloak can incorporated in a asgard shield

                      atlantis and its cloak were both from the same tech, puddle jumper cloak and atlantis shield

                      so they might be some power problems and how configure the shields to cloak

                      unless the asgard can give us a cloak they have built and we do the hard work
                      The problem with that is it doesn't matter. When the cloak in running, the shield isn't. So at the end of the day it makes no difference.

                      The fact is we've seen them use Earth stuff, computers, generators to interface & power Ancient equipment. We've seen them makes repairs to warships, screw around with ultimate power sources. Then also fix pretty badly damaged PJ's. ZPM's can be integrated into the SGC & also in the 304's. So it should simply be a matter of stripping one from a PJ. beam it into the 304. Then allow McKay & Zelenka tt have 1st shot at putting it in. With Hermy observing, then stepping in if they have any problems.

                      After 'The Siege III', that should have been a priority. The fact that nothing was mentioned or tried for that, really puzzles me. After all, a few times after TSIII we saw Daedalus charge in blindly & get it's ass kicked each time. Surely something to allow them to cruise through the galaxy undetected would be high on their list. Especially considering that they had already done it with Atlantis. So saw the potential of it. Considering they can't take on a Hive in a straight fight. Then making them invisible to their enemy should be a priority. Especially considering since they already have the tech to do it sitting in the jumper bay begging to be used.


                        Well hell they could just ask the Asgard for one of the cloaks they use on their ships.
                        All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                        The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                        Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                          Originally posted by J_B View Post
                          The problem with that is it doesn't matter. When the cloak in running, the shield isn't. So at the end of the day it makes no difference.

                          The fact is we've seen them use Earth stuff, computers, generators to interface & power Ancient equipment. We've seen them makes repairs to warships, screw around with ultimate power sources. Then also fix pretty badly damaged PJ's. ZPM's can be integrated into the SGC & also in the 304's. So it should simply be a matter of stripping one from a PJ. beam it into the 304. Then allow McKay & Zelenka tt have 1st shot at putting it in. With Hermy observing, then stepping in if they have any problems.

                          After 'The Siege III', that should have been a priority. The fact that nothing was mentioned or tried for that, really puzzles me. After all, a few times after TSIII we saw Daedalus charge in blindly & get it's ass kicked each time. Surely something to allow them to cruise through the galaxy undetected would be high on their list. Especially considering that they had already done it with Atlantis. So saw the potential of it. Considering they can't take on a Hive in a straight fight. Then making them invisible to their enemy should be a priority. Especially considering since they already have the tech to do it sitting in the jumper bay begging to be used.

                          All true plus the Daedalus is the only Earth ship in the Pegusus Galaxy. Shes all alone, no back up, nothing and still they manage, had anyone else notice tht the Daedalus is the only earth ship tht has had an asgard on borad longer, i believe the Daedalus is more advanced then the other 304's.


                            It's not more advanced, just more of it's advanced systems are used. The Odyssey has used the intergalactic hyperdrive only once so far and from what McKay said, it's very complex so they need him. Also, the potential of being stranded in another galaxy with someone who knows those systems through and through is much more important.



                              the whole cloak / shield thing has only ever worked on Ancient shields / cloaks.
                              Earth ships have Asgard Shields


