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Drones do not go through shields! EVIDENCE!

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    Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
    Screen caps of Doom:
    Ok it's obviously a glancing hit. You can see from the caps that the drone wouldn't have hit the jumper even if there had been no shield at all.

    It just skipped off the shield bubble.

    Now it's just down to whether or not you think the amount of disturbance it caused in the shield there with that glance means it would be able to go through if it his straight on or not.

    There's shield interaction but that does not equal stoppage. It could just mean that the drones disupt this type of shielding in a different way, much like the Ori beam on the satellite caused shield interaction but still blew right through shields.

    Like I said, this scene isn't really conclusive proof of anything. I will admit it seems more likely that ancient shields could potentially stop a drone now than it did last week though.

    Another interesting point from the whole episode though.

    Remember when Carson was going to fire drones at the city? They didn't even discuss the possability of the Asurans raising the shield and how this would foil his plan did they.


      Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
      Ok it's obviously a glancing hit. You can see from the caps that the drone wouldn't have hit the jumper even if there had been no shield at all.

      It just skipped off the shield bubble.

      Now it's just down to whether or not you think the amount of disturbance it caused in the shield there with that glance means it would be able to go through if it his straight on or not.

      There's shield interaction but that does not equal stoppage. It could just mean that the drones disupt this type of shielding in a different way, much like the Ori beam on the satellite caused shield interaction but still blew right through shields.

      Like I said, this scene isn't really conclusive proof of anything. I will admit it seems more likely that ancient shields could potentially stop a drone now than it did last week though.

      Another interesting point from the whole episode though.

      Remember when Carson was going to fire drones at the city? They didn't even discuss the possability of the Asurans raising the shield and how this would foil his plan did they.
      1) We have never seen Drones have any kind of shield interaction. And my thesis is that they don't cut right through shields as if they weren't there, which is proven by "The Return (part II)". There's shield interaction as opposed to before when they just cut right throug Ha'taks.
      2) The Ori Beam Satellite does not cut through shields either. Of course the shields activate when hit, even if they can't hold the beam! The same thing happened in "Camelot" when Ha'taks went out with a single shot, yet, their shields show activated whenever they were hit.

      Two days ago (Monday) equals last week?

      The drones were their last chance. It's not like they're going to stop and ask "What if..." (the city was about to take off). The Asurans didn't raise the shields because they had no idea what the heck they were planning.

      Those Asurans don't seem that smart either. They approached a beeping package which kept beeping faster and faster and just stood there.


        Originally posted by wise one View Post
        well if the drone bounced off the jumper but yet the drone were still operational thats would mean you could keep knocking at the shield till it gave up.
        um no...physically intact & operational doesn't mean fully operational...IMO the drone could only bounce off so many times until most of its energy were drained (by each hit on the shield), that's much more likely

        remember the hive ship? the drones only passed once right through the ship - they seemed intact after having punched through the ship, but then they made a U-turn and impacted the ship again...and exploded instead of passing through a 2nd time - most likely because they didn't have enough power left to burn through such a huge ship a 2nd time. Hey I mean even ancient tech must obey the Law of Conservation of Energy :|

        also if the impact on the jumper shield had been a straight angle perhaps the drone would have exploded right away


          Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
          The problem is, we don't have unlimited drones. And we can't build new ones. Even if we manage to deplete all of the Ori ships' shields and blow them up, they'll just return with more ships. Meanwhile, we'll be out of drones.
          Have to agree with you there unless of course they find Atlantis' armory and figure out how to make the drones...


            The way I see it is, why would the ancients build a weapon like a drone and not have a failsafe in place if an enemy captured one of there warships.

            Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


              i have theory, what if it bounced off of the shield because shepard use the PJ's inbuilt weapons, the features that aim and control the drones, to make them divert at the last second, kinda hackin in to the drones remotely. we know shepard used the chair to control PJ's remotely, why cant a PJ remotely control other ships drones...
              They have the shield ust in case and he managed to divert at the last minute...?
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                Originally posted by immhotep
                i have theory, what if it bounced off of the shield because shepard use the PJ's inbuilt weapons, the features that aim and control the drones, to make them divert at the last second, kinda hackin in to the drones remotely. we know shepard used the chair to control PJ's remotely, why cant a PJ remotely control other ships drones...
                They have the shield ust in case and he managed to divert at the last minute...?
                and you find this less farfetched than the shield simply blocking the drones ?


                  Originally posted by Lightbane
                  Have to agree with you there unless of course they find Atlantis' armory and figure out how to make the drones...
                  or they could give the asgards a drone & have them reverse-engineer it


                    I still dont understand why they used the shield instead of cloak...its just stupid lol
                    I find the whole thing farfetched, the drones shouldnt hit the shields! also how the hell did you get the there somewhere you can get the RPII which i havent found yet lol!
                    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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                      Shocked! didnt realise it had aired already! retrieving now !
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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                        Originally posted by beale947 View Post
                        The way I see it is, why would the ancients build a weapon like a drone and not have a failsafe in place if an enemy captured one of there warships.
                        So all the enemy's gotta go is capture a bunch of Puddle Jumpers and attacking the city? Or what if the enemy took over Atlantis? Or what if the enemy replicate the failsafe?

                        Also, the drone didn't bounce off like nothing. The shields were damaged (according to Teyla)! A direct hit from 2-3 drones would take a puddle jumper out!

                        Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                        i have theory, what if it bounced off of the shield because shepard use the PJ's inbuilt weapons, the features that aim and control the drones, to make them divert at the last second, kinda hackin in to the drones remotely. we know shepard used the chair to control PJ's remotely, why cant a PJ remotely control other ships drones...
                        They have the shield ust in case and he managed to divert at the last minute...?
                        And he managed to do this but failed by divert them at all other instances, forcing himself to dive into the water? Riiiiight.


                          Originally posted by immhotep
                          Shocked! didnt realise it had aired already! retrieving now !


                            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                            yup goauld shields can be defeated by both ancient drones and ori beams (even the upgraded goauld shields used by Anubis)

                            btw I believe we made a bet, some time ago
                            i was wondering when you would spot this thread lol, but we haven't actually seen drones go through ori shields yet

                            anyways until we know how drones work we don't know what will happen when the drones encounter the ori but at this point it seems that the ori shields will block them...

                            do you want me to green you now, or when we finally see drones vs ori shields?
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                              i was wondering when you would spot this thread lol, but we haven't actually seen drones go through ori shields yet

                              anyways until we know how drones work we don't know what will happen when the drones encounter the ori but at this point it seems that the ori shields will block them...

                              do you want me to green you now, or when we finally see drones vs ori shields?
                              c'mon man - don't ya think it's safe to say that ori shields = ancient shields ?
                              they both look the same too (both white...have resisted every weapon thrown at them so far...common "ancestry" ancients/ori...color theory...etc.)

                              c'mon - honestly

                              PS. tbh I'd still like to see a crapload of drones against an ori ship just to see how the shields fare against the drones (more like how many drones are blocked before shields fail) but the problem is we'll have to wait at least till january if not much later to see this - if ever


                                Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                                1) We have never seen Drones have any kind of shield interaction. And my thesis is that they don't cut right through shields as if they weren't there, which is proven by "The Return (part II)". There's shield interaction as opposed to before when they just cut right throug Ha'taks.
                                I understand you're looking at this as some sort of vindication for a past stance but I think you're jumping to quickly to your conclusion here.

                                The fact that shield interaction occured does not mean that the shield would stop the drone. If anything the amount of shield interaction that occured, and the fact the drone survived unharmed, might even suggest the opposite. That it would blow right through the shield.

                                2) The Ori Beam Satellite does not cut through shields either. Of course the shields activate when hit, even if they can't hold the beam! The same thing happened in "Camelot" when Ha'taks went out with a single shot, yet, their shields show activated whenever they were hit.
                                The shield bubble is still up and glowing while the beam nails the ship and flies out the other side so I'd say it's cutting through the shields.

                                Two days ago (Monday) equals last week?
                                What? I was saying that after this episode it seems more possible that a shield might be able to stop a drone but it's by no means proven beyond all doubt like you're acting.

                                This situation doesn't give us what we need to be able to tell if the drone really would have destroyed the jumper had it come in at at angle that would have caused it to hit the hull.

                                The drones were their last chance. It's not like they're going to stop and ask "What if..." (the city was about to take off). The Asurans didn't raise the shields because they had no idea what the heck they were planning.

                                Those Asurans don't seem that smart either. They approached a beeping package which kept beeping faster and faster and just stood there.
                                So no one mentioned the possability of "they could just push the shield button when they detect a drone launch and screw our entire plan" because there was some sort of silent collective agreement for everyone to assume the Asurans were too stupid to think of that simple reflexive counter measure.

