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Baby Bang experiment could open door to new dimension

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    even if it did create blackholes, they are so small that they would osscilate back and forth through the earth without touching anything. it would take at least 12,000 years for one to come incontact with more matter and mature. so maybe in 12,000 years the earth will just implode and people on mars will be like: "what the ****?" "earth is gone but its gravitys still there.... ohhhhhhhhhhhh it must have been that particle accelerator we built that discovered the particle that gives all other particles mass.... well i think it was worth the trade-off"


      I'd just like to point out that the experiment they're going to attempt happens naturally in our upper atmosphere each time high energy gamma rays collide with it.

      In other words, micro black holes are being formed all the time in our atmosphere, and we're still here.

      Nothing new to see here, except this time it'll be observed under controlled conditions so we can get some real data on these collisions.
      All the doom and gloom FUD is a product of the media to sell papers, and it works, if the "what if they destroy the Earth?!?" posts are any indication.
      Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

      1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.

