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Asurans ,can we not call them "Replicator",they are different

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    Asurans ,can we not call them "Replicator",they are different

    I know Asurans probably related to the "Replicator" ,but they are different in many ways, it is inaccurate and not fair to call them "Replicator" because what their distance relative did. They deserve to earn their own bad reputation .
    We don't call the Tok'ra , Goa'uld or snakehead ,but Jack call the the Tok'ra something else.

    In a War situation, if we Stereotypes an entire divest group of people , we risk alienated more people and lost opportunity to make friend and allies.

    Replicator main motivation/instrinct was to eat and replicate.It was build in to them by Reese.

    The Asuran do replicate in some way , but nowhere as extreme as the Replicator.The Asuran 's main basic instrinct was to destory the Wraith.Their agression were put in them by Ancient.

    The Asuran nanites inside Dr Weir's body slowly break down after they kill the injected Wraith cell.
    Advance Replicator like Fifth and RepliCarter 's goal wereto conquer the Galaxy,The Asuran gaol was to take revenage against their creator ,and some wanted to Ascension.

    The human form Replicator ,First to Sixth and RepliCarter use Neutronium to build their nanites body.Like Reese they can only replicate using metal material

    The Asuran can replicate using organic material ,like when some of the Nanites were inside Dr Weir's body.

    I don't want them calling them Replicators either. first, it make them too much like SG-1. Second, they don't replicate all the time. Their original purpose was to destroy the Wraith, by eating them up from the inside. Third, they don't replicate like the SG-1 replicators. They can't replicate off of technology, they replicate off of human tissue, which they do rarely.
    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
    encounter on the strange journey.


    2 Cor. 10:3-5
    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


      I don't see the Asurians as replicators.

      Both species (for lack of a better word) are entirely different so I don't see a point in calling them replicators when they've got completely different ideologies, civilisations, different ways of doing things and more importantly, the Asurians aren't made up of blocks but nanites so even technologically they are different.

      Although you can't tell the difference when it comes to Goa'uld and Tok'ra except for how they act and their own unique culture, both are refered to differently so I see it as the same as the Asurians and Replicators. Both may be machines, just like the Goa'uld and Tok'ra may be Symbiotes, but they are still different and that means they shouldn't get the name of something else.



        Ueah, they don't even build their ships the same or a similar way Reaplicators do.
        The Alliance is born!!!!


          That was getting on my nerves, that they kept calling the Asurans replicator's, when they are basically Ancient's, they have the knowledge. Replicator's no matter how advanced they got, were far from the leve of technology as the Asuran's.


            a good thing they're not replicators too - when McKay said they were replicators (just after they probed the SA team's heads) and when that asuran city took off I thought "holy s*** the replicators have assimilated ancient tech - the only tech more advanced than their own - tauri are definitely screwed" lol...only then it was revealed they were not replicators but something only remotely similar


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                Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                a good thing they're not replicators too - when McKay said they were replicators (just after they probed the SA team's heads) and when that asuran city took off I thought "holy s*** the replicators have assimilated ancient tech - the only tech more advanced than their own - tauri are definitely screwed" lol...only then it was revealed they were not replicators but something only remotely similar
                I agree, if they were replicators then that was it, no way we could have won. The asurans don't seem as bad as the replicators considering some of them want to ascend and are willing to help us.

                As for calling them replicators...well i think you guys are looking too much into it. we don't know much about the asurans and they are very similar to replicators. so its only natural for the ppl in stargate to call them replicators. we called the tokra goa'ulds at first ya for sure we will call them asurans eventually, give it some time.


                  i agree they may be the same but still very different and should defidently be called Asurans (fairly good name too)


                    I agree, they are far more advanced than replicators. But they do have their own weaknesses... such as not building their ships out of Rep... err... Asuran blocks.


                      what would have been a suitable name for them then ???


                        Originally posted by Capricorn_One
                        what would have been a suitable name for them then ???


                          they're replicators. why? cuz it's been canon-ized.


                            Originally posted by GreyFox
                            they're replicators. why? cuz it's been canon-ized.
                            No it hasn't. Rodney called them replicators (and then others started doing it too). It's not like he hasn't been wrong before.


                              I personally do not care that much. The Asurans are virtually identical to the human form replicators. And wasn't Reese built by one of the Ancients that came here from Atlantis?

