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StarGate Command?

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    StarGate Command?

    Maybe this will takeover from SG1?

    The original SG1 team is gone anyway.... You now have Cam and Vala. Not to mention that (DO NOT OPEN unless you wanna get spoiled)
    Daniel has become a Prior.

    So really, SG1 was never SG1 after it's members changed.

    It would make sense if the fight agaisnt the Ori really got desperate at S10's end. Which could lead to a major movie, which would lead into a new StarGate show... (which hopefully will have new writers, and maybe new team members).

    Or am I just really hoping for too much here.

    Can a Mod please move this? I thought I was in General Discussion....


      Originally posted by Peoples_General
      (which hopefully will have new writers, and maybe new team members).
      The writers they need to keep are Martin Gero and Carl Binder! New team members definately; with the old team members making guest appearances.

      Best Stargate quote:
      Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
      Green is your friend.


        Originally posted by freyr's mother
        The writers they need to keep are Martin Gero and Carl Binder! New team members definately; with the old team members making guest appearances.
        Or have them invisible... LOL!


          Nice idea - I like it.

          The old SG-1 has pretty much run its course now anyways so let 'em go for it.
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            StarGate Command should be internationalized. I mean come on, we're fighting the Ori who are basically evil Ancients. They have massive superiority over everyone else in the StarGate universe save the Asurans. Even then, I believe a Prior can fling away or even use his staff powers to demolecularize or shut down your typical Asuran.

            In that light.... we need to mobilize the whole planet if we are to win against the Ori and become "The Fifth Race". The industrial, technological, and military capabilities of not just the USA, but you'll need Russia, China, and the European Union in this fight too.

            Fleets of Earth ships, more off-world bases, and more SG teams.


              Well...the internationalization is happening in SG-1, the only problem is that we're not seeing it....the Russians and the Japanese and some other people i can't remember ARE building Daedalus class spaceships and of course other kinds of spaceships.

              So maybe the could use all those different spaceships/ technologies to help in the fight against the Ori
              Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: I'm still trying to understand how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony.
              Dr. Rodney McKay: Oh, believe me, that's not the first thing we tried.
              Maj. John Sheppard: [Smug] I shot him.
              [Dr. Weir gives him "the look"]
              Maj. John Sheppard: In the leg!
              Dr. Rodney McKay: I'm invulnerable!
              Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
              Dr. Rodney McKay: [Smug] In-vul-nerable!


                Originally posted by DeathDealer19
                Well...the internationalization is happening in SG-1, the only problem is that we're not seeing it....the Russians and the Japanese and some other people i can't remember ARE building Daedalus class spaceships and of course other kinds of spaceships.

                So maybe the could use all those different spaceships/ technologies to help in the fight against the Ori
                The russians and the chinese are not building ships. The US government was forced to give the Russians the next 304 in line, which didnt do so well in combat.

                I dunno if the Russians have the plans for 304s, but they do have the 303's and 302s plans. But if the Russia in the SG world is like today's russia, they are nowhere near being capable of building BCs.

                Plus, the Asgard only give their hyperdrives to the USAF.


                  Have you ever read any of the books on most of them they say that USAF gave several countries (which i don't remeber right now) a lot of the Asgard technology so they could make something original based on that....besides don't you think the IOA bureaucrats wouldn't ask for their countries to be a lot more involved on the Stargate Program besides having an advisor from their lands??
                  Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: I'm still trying to understand how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony.
                  Dr. Rodney McKay: Oh, believe me, that's not the first thing we tried.
                  Maj. John Sheppard: [Smug] I shot him.
                  [Dr. Weir gives him "the look"]
                  Maj. John Sheppard: In the leg!
                  Dr. Rodney McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                  Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                  Dr. Rodney McKay: [Smug] In-vul-nerable!


                    How about the Stargate Program becoming public knowledge. It would be great to get the whole world involved, as well as much of the public sector.
                    Sometimes the truth........

                    ..........Is stranger than fiction.
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                    Losing people sucks but......"It is foolish and pointless to mourn the men who have died. Rather we should rejoice that such men lived."
                    - General George S. Patton


                      no private secter. no windows in 304s. BSOD while in hyperspace. they should use OSX


                        The only problem with making the gate program public knowlege is it will become SOOO much more political.
                        Anti-war protests will pop up EVERYwhere, People will demand we make peace with the Ori, there will be people on Earth converting to Origin, maybe a few Priors would pop up...a big mess
                        O'Neill: Zed?
                        Jackson: He's Canadian
                        O'Neill: I'm sorry


                          hahaha! Thats the problem.

                          I believe that StarGate program can be internationalized, as long as it is not Public Knowledge. Meaning all the Earth governments can be in this global top secret project to protect Earth.

                          We need to churn out BC-304s and F-302s and maybe even design new bigger and badder Earth ships.

                          This is the Ori, THE ORI, whom we're fighting against. Sure the US can make a few starships, but it's not being made quickly enough. We need more people, more StarGate teams and more off-world bases. One country can't do this all on it's own. The USA needs help.

                          China, Russia, European Union, Japan, and etc. need to step up in this ball game, if Earth is to survive against the Ori onslaught.

                          Not to mention other problems like the Lucian Alliance, or the possibility that the Asurans and the Wraith making their way here.

                          With the Ori ships wiping out fleets of Ha'Taks, thats less defense for the Milky Way against any Wraith incursions.

                          I wouldn't even bother thinking of taking on the Asurans. If those guys have upgraded versions of Aurora Class and other Ancient ships... the only things that can compete agaisnt them are the Ori ships. But considering how both groups HATE the Ancients.... they might decide, God forbid, to team up and Tag Team the Milky Way.


                            Originally posted by Peoples_General
                            Maybe this will takeover from SG1?

                            The original SG1 team is gone anyway.... You now have Cam and Vala. Not to mention that (DO NOT OPEN unless you wanna get spoiled)
                            Daniel has become a Prior.

                            So really, SG1 was never SG1 after it's members changed.

                            It would make sense if the fight agaisnt the Ori really got desperate at S10's end. Which could lead to a major movie, which would lead into a new StarGate show... (which hopefully will have new writers, and maybe new team members).

                            Or am I just really hoping for too much here.
                            how the hell daniel become a prior


                              Originally posted by Peoples_General
                              But considering how both groups HATE the Ancients.... they might decide, God forbid, to team up and Tag Team the Milky Way.
                              To be honest I kind of doubt it. The Asurans might see the Ori as a kind of Ancients and therefore their enemies and the Ori would see the Asurans possibly as an abomination that needs to be destroyed.

                              'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                              'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

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